浏览 243
This package contains the classes for SignalR Java client.
In this article
CallbackMap | |
CancelInvocationMessage | |
CloseMessage | |
CompletionMessage | |
DefaultHttpClient | |
HandshakeProtocol | |
HandshakeRequestMessage | |
HandshakeResponseMessage | |
HttpClient | |
HttpHubConnectionBuilder | A builder for configuring HubConnection instances. |
HttpRequest | |
HttpResponse | |
HubConnection | A connection used to invoke hub methods on a SignalR Server. |
HubConnection.ConnectionState | |
HubConnectionBuilder | A builder for configuring HubConnection instances. |
HubException | An exception thrown when the server fails to invoke a Hub method. |
HubMessage | A base class for hub messages. |
InvocationBindingFailureMessage | |
InvocationHandler | |
InvocationMessage | |
InvocationRequest | |
JsonHubProtocol | |
LongPollingTransport | |
Negotiate | |
NegotiateResponse | |
OkHttpWebSocketWrapper | |
OkHttpWebSocketWrapper.SignalRWebSocketListener | |
PingMessage | |
StreamInvocationMessage | |
StreamItem | |
Subscription | Represents the registration of a handler for a client method. |
WebSocketTransport | |
WebSocketWrapper |
Action | A callback that takes no parameters. |
Action1<T1> | A callback that takes one parameter. |
Action2<T1,T2> | A callback that takes two parameters. |
Action3<T1,T2,T3> | A callback that takes three parameters. |
Action4<T1,T2,T3,T4> | A callback that takes four parameters. |
Action5<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> | A callback that takes five parameters. |
Action6<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> | A callback that takes six parameters. |
Action7<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7> | A callback that takes seven parameters. |
Action8<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8> | A callback that takes eight parameters. |
ActionBase | |
HubProtocol | A protocol abstraction for communicating with SignalR hubs. |
InvocationBinder | |
OnClosedCallback | A callback to create and register on a HubConnections OnClosed method. |
OnReceiveCallBack | |
Transport | |
TransportOnClosedCallback | |
WebSocketOnClosedCallback |
HubConnectionState | Indicates the state of the HubConnection. |
HubMessageType | |
TransferFormat | |
TransportEnum | Used to specify the transport the client will use. |