Validating Template-Driven Forms


Using the template-driven approach, form validation is a matter of following HTML5 practices:

  1. <!-- a required field -->
  2. <input type="text" required>
  3. <!-- an optional field of a specific length -->
  4. <input type="text" pattern=".{3,8}">
  5. <!-- a non-optional field of specific length -->
  6. <input type="text" pattern=".{3,8}" required>
  7. <!-- alphanumeric field of specific length -->
  8. <input type="text" pattern="[A-Za-z0-9]{0,5}">

Note that the pattern attribute is a less-powerful version of JavaScript's RegEx syntax.

There are other HTML5 attributes which can be learned and applied to various types of input; however in most cases they act as upper and lower limits, preventing extra information from being added or removed.

  1. <!-- a field which will accept no more than 5 characters -->
  2. <input type="text" maxlength="5">

You can use one or both of these methods when writing a template-driven form. Focus on the user experience: in some cases, it makes sense to prevent accidental entry, and in others it makes sense to allow unrestricted entry but provide something like a counter to show limitations.
