
The COVID-19 pandemic is taking a colossal toll in human suffering and lives. signifcan amount of new scientific research and data sharing is underway due to the pandemic which is still rapidly spreading. There is now a growing amount of coronavirus related datasets as well as published papers that must be leveraged along with artificial intelligence(AI) to fight this pandemic by driving news approaches to drug discovery, vaccine development , and public awareness.AI can be used to mine this avalanche of new data and papers to extract new insights by cross-referencing papers and searching for patterns that AI algorithms could help discover new possible treatments or help in vaccine development, Drug discovery is not a trivial task and AI technologies like deep learning can help accelerate this process by helping predict which existing drugs , or brand-new druglike molecules could treat COVID-19AI techniques can also help disseminate vital information across the globe and reduce the spread of falseinformation about COVID-19.The positive power and potentialof AI must be harnessed in the fight to slow the spread ofCOVID-19in order to save lives and limit the economic havocdue to this horrific disease.

发布于 2021-08-19 14:56:14
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