转换一个MagicaVoxel .vox文件成分层精灵并将它导出成一个.png文件

转换一个MagicaVoxel .vox文件成分层精灵并将它导出成一个.png文件

C/C++ 图片处理





This program was inspired by this post on /r/gamedev.
The technique described here not only looks nice, but allows you to do voxel graphics in purely 2D engines (as long as you can do matrix transformations).
The big downside is that it is an absolute PITA to create assets for, because you need to draw your voxel object layer-by-layer by hand.

To make this a lot easier I decided to write this program.
It takes a MagicaVoxel .vox file, and creates a .png sprite sheet from it. To show you what I mean by that, here are some screenshots:

Source model: From this Resulting sprite sheet: To this

Examples of it in action:

(credit goes to /u/Im-German-Lets-Party)

(credit goes to /u/Paragania)

Building and running

Vox2png doesn't have any dependencies except the C Standard Library (and math.h). Just compile vox2png.c with your C compiler, like this:

gcc vox2png.c -o vox2png -lm

Then you just run it like this:

./vox2png input.vox output.png

Or, if you want to use a special sprite packing mode use this:

./vox2png input.vox output.png horizontal/vertical/square

There is also a mode that gives each sprite cell its own png file:

./vox2png input.vox output multifile

Which produces numbered files for each Z layer, like this: output0.png, output1.png .. outputN.png

If you're using GameMaker you might want your files to be suffixed by _stripXX, where XX is the amount of sprites in the sheet. This makes it possible to import the files directly into GameMaker. You can do this by typing this:

./vox2png input.vox output gamemaker

Which will produce a file in the form of output_stripXX.png, again, where XX is the amount of sprites/Z-layers.

If you want to see a certain feature, just ask me and I'll add it. Or, if you know C, it shouldn't be hard to do it yourself.
