Txtmark- Markdown 解析器

Java Markdown开发包


Txtmark 是 Java 实现的 Markdown 解析器,用来生成 HTML 文档。


String result = txtmark.Processor.process("This is ***TXTMARK***");


Test Actuarius PegDown Knockoff Txtmark
1st Run (ms) 2nd Run (ms) 1st Run (ms) 2nd Run (ms) 1st Run (ms) 2nd Run (ms) 1st Run (ms) 2nd Run (ms)
Plain Paragraphs 1127 577 1273 1037 740 400 157 64
Every Word Emphasized 1562 1001 1523 1513 13982 13221 54 46
Every Word Strong 1125 997 1115 1114 9543 9647 44 41
Every Word Inline Code 382 277 1058 1052 9116 9074 51 39
Every Word a Fast Link 2257 1600 537 531 3980 3410 109 55
Every Word Consisting of Special XML Chars 4045 4270 2985 3044 312 377 778 775
Every Word wrapped in manual HTML tags 3334 2919 901 896 3863 3736 73 62
Every Line with a manual line break 510 588 1445 1440 1527 1130 56 56
Every word with a full link 452 246 1045 996 1884 1819 86 55
Every word with a full image 268 150 1140 1132 1985 1908 38 36
Every word with a reference link 9847 9082 18956 18719 121136 115416 1525 1380
Every block a quote 445 206 1312 1301 478 457 50 45
Every block a codeblock 70 87 373 376 161 175 60 22
Every block a list 920 912 1720 1725 622 651 55 55
All tests together 3281 2885 5184 5196 10130 10460 206 196
