Styles Debugger一个帮助工具用于在CSS-in-JS应用中可视化调试样式

Styles Debugger一个帮助工具用于在CSS-in-JS应用中可视化调试样式

JavaScript 其它杂项




🙋‍♂️ Made by @thekitze

Other projects:

  • 🏫 React Academy - Interactive React and GraphQL workshops
  • 💌 Twizzy - A standalone app for Twitter DM
  • 💻 Sizzy - A tool for testing responsive design on multiple devices at once
  • 🤖 JSUI - A powerful UI toolkit for managing JavaScript apps

Styles Debugger

A helper for visually debugging css-in-js styles.

  • Works both with template literals and objects.
  • It also works with inline styles but it won't show any text.

Made by Kitze


yarn add styles-debugger


Basic usage

With template literals

import { debug } from 'styles-debugger';
import styled from 'styled-components';

const Header = styled.div`

With objects

import { debug } from 'styles-debugger';
import emotion from 'react-emotion';

const Header = emotion('div')({

Show text along the border

const Wrapper = styled.div`

Show text + customize options

const Footer = styled.div`
  ${debug('Footer', { color: 'blue', debugWith: 'background' })};

Available params for debug

debug(text: String, params: Object)

Each debug function call can override the default params object for the debugger with a custom object. So for example if for some element you would like to use specific options for debugging you can just pass them as the params parameter. See the available options.

Initialize custom instance

Instead of using the default debug function you can create your own debugger. Initialize it in some file and customize it the way you want.

import { CreateStylesDebugger } from 'styles-debugger';

const debug = CreateStylesDebugger({
  color: 'blue',
  borderSize: 3,
  position: 2,
  styles: {
    text: {
      color: 'red'
  debugWith: 'background'

export default debug;

Configuration options

  • enabled: if this is set to false debug mode will be turned off for all the components (default is true)
  • position: pick the corner position for the text: options are 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 (default is 1)
  • color: which should be a default color for the border of the element (by default it's a random color)
  • debugWith: what should be used for debugging the elements: border or background (default is border)
  • borderSize: if using border for debugging, specify the size of the border (default is 1)
  • showText: enable or disable showing text with pseudo elements for each component (default is true)
  • pseudoElement: which pseudo element to be used: after or before
  • styles: an object that can be passed to completely override the styles for element (the element that is debugged), and text (the pseudo element with the text).