now-env - 在你的本地环境中使用Zeit Now env config和secret

now-env - 在你的本地环境中使用Zeit Now env config和secret

Node.js 其它杂项





Module to load environment variables defined in a now.json file or the now key in the package.json and set them in process.env.


Download it from npm

yarn add now-env
npm i now-env

Then require it and call the method config.


You can now check in process.env for you environment variables.

This module check if you are running in production mode and if so don't do anything. That check only work if you run your script with NODE_ENV=production node index.js.

Because automatically run your app with the now.json environment variables then this module it's not going to do anything in production :)

Using secrets

Most probably you will want to use secret keys in your now.json file. This module allow you to use them too without worries in development.

Just create a now-secrets.json file with you development secrets, that file can (and most probably) be ignored with Git, then just use now-env as usual and it will auto-detect the file and use it to replace your secrets values.

If the file doesn't exists or if your secret key is not defined then it's going to use the key name as value for your environment variable.