SARUnArchiveANY 一个用于iOS解压缩.zip,.rar,.7z文件非常实用的库

一个用于iOS解压缩.zip,.rar,.7z文件非常实用的库。 基于块的UnrarKit + SSZipArchive + LzmaSDKObjC(7z)集成。

Swift 其它杂项





A very useful library for Unarchiving the .zip, .rar, .7z files for iOS.

Simply An Integration of the following libraries :

* UnrarKit
* SSZipArchive
* LzmaSDKObjC (7z)


	* Integration of the most popular archiving libraries, no need for integrating each library separately.
	* Completely Block-based syntax. No Delegation pattern, hence avoiding a lot of clunky codes.
	* UnArchive Password protected files.

* Example project illustrates on how to display your app in "Open in" action sheet list, when tapped on any of the archive file of the supported format (zip, rar, 7z) in any apps installed on the device/simulator.
* Example illustrates on how to make the app support for iTunes File Sharing.


	* Have tested this only with smaller files. Might not suit well for files with larger 
	  sizes ( May be files > 500MB's ).

Installation :
Add the following to your CocoaPods Podfile

pod 'SARUnArchiveANY'

or clone as a git submodule,

or any way you'd prefer to play with ;)

Usage :

SARUnArchiveANY *unarchive = [[SARUnArchiveANY alloc]initWithPath:filePath];
unarchive.destinationPath = destPath;//(Optional). If it is not given, then the file is unarchived in the same location of its archive file.
unarchive.completionBlock = ^(NSArray *filePaths){
  NSLog(@"For Archive : %@",filePath);
	for (NSString *filename in filePaths) {
		NSLog(@"File: %@", filename);
unarchive.failureBlock = ^(){
[unarchive decompress];

👨🏻‍💻 Author

  • Saravanan alt text

Buy me a coffee/beer
