
Fitty通过JavaScript让文字完美适合其容器。 理想的灵活和响应的网站

JavaScript CSS相关




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Fitty, JavaScript text resizing

Makes text fit perfectly to its container. Ideal for flexible and responsive websites.


Download the fitty.min.js file from the /dist folder.

Include the script on your page.

Call fitty like shown below and pass an element reference or a querySelector.

<div id="my-element">Hello World</div>

<script src="fitty.min.js"></script>

How it works

Fitty calculates the size difference between the parent and child container, then it resizes the child to fit the parent.


The following options are available to pass to the fitty method.

minSize The minimum font size in pixels. Default is 16.

maxSize The maximum font size in pixels. Default is 512. What can I say, I like powers of two.

multiLine Wrap lines when using minimum font size. Default is true.

observeMutations Rescale when element contents is altered. Is set to false when MutationObserver is not supported. Pass true to use the default MutationObserverInit configuration, pass a custom MutationObserverInit config to optimize monitoring based on your project.

Default configuration

  subtree: true,
  childList: true,
  characterData: true

You can pass custom arguments like this (currently shows default values)

fitty('#my-element', {
  minSize: 16,
  maxSize: 512,
  multiLine: true,
  observeMutations: 'MutationObserver' in window


fitty.observeWindow Observe the window for resize and orientationchange events. Default is true.

fitty.observeWindowDelay Redraw delay for when above events are triggered. Default is 100.

Instance API

The fitty method returns a single or multiple Fitty instances depending on how it's called. If you pass a querySelector it will return an array of Fitty instances, if you pass a single element reference you'll receive back a single Fitty instance.

element Reference to the related element.

fit() Force a redraw of the current fitty element.

unsubscribe() Remove the fitty element from the redraw loop and restore it to its original state.

var myFitty = fitty('#my-element');

// get element reference
var myFittyElement = myFitty.element;

// force refit;

// unsubscribe from fitty, restore to original state

Fitty API

fitty.fitAll() Refits all fitty instances to their parent containers.


For optimal performance add a CSS selector to your stylesheet that sets the elements that will be resized to have white-space:nowrap and display:inline-block. If not, Fitty will detect this and will have to restyle the elements itself resulting in a slight performance penalty.

Suppose all elements that you apply fitty to have the class fit, add this CSS selector:

.fit {
  display: inline-block;
  white-space: nowrap;

Should you only want to do this when JavaScript is available, add the following to the <head> of your web page.


And change the CSS selector to:

.js .fit {
  display: inline-block;
  white-space: nowrap;

Custom Fonts

Fitty does not concern itself with custom fonts. But it will be important to redraw Fitty text after a custom font has loaded (as measurements are probably incorrect at that point).

If you need to use fitty on browsers that don't have CSS Font Loading support (Edge and Internet Explorer)you can use the fantastic FontFaceObserver by Bram Stein to detect when your fonts have loaded.

See an example custom font implementation below.

(function() {

  // no promise support (<=IE11)
  if (!('Promise' in window)) {

  // called when all fonts loaded
  function redrawFitty() {

  // Native solution, uses CSS Font Loader 
  function native() {

    // load our custom Oswald font
    var fontOswald = new FontFace('Oswald', 'url(assets/oswald.woff2)', {

    // if all fonts loaded redraw fitty

  // Fallback, use FontFaceObserver for older browsers
  function fallback() {

    var style = document.createElement('style');
    style.textContent = '@font-face { font-family: Oswald; src: url(assets/oswald.woff2) format("woff2");}'

    var s = document.createElement('script');
    s.src = '';
    s.onload = function() {
      new FontFaceObserver('Oswald').load().then(redrawFitty);    

  // CSS Font Load Supported?
  if ('fonts' in document) {
  else {



Will not work if the element is not part of the DOM.


  • Modern browsers
  • IE 10+


Versioning follows Semver.


