Vapor PostgreSQL的Swift接口

Vapor PostgreSQL的Swift接口

Swift 数据库处理




PostgreSQL for Swift

A Swift wrapper for PostgreSQL.

  • Thread-Safe
  • Prepared Statements
  • Tested

This wrapper uses the latest PostgreSQL fetch API to enable performant prepared statements and output bindings.

The Swift wrappers around the PostgreSQL's C structs and pointers automatically manage closing connections and deallocating memeory. Additionally, the PostgreSQL library API is used to perform thread safe, performant queries to the database.


Connecting to the Database

import PostgreSQL

let postgreSQL =  PostgreSQL.Database(
    dbname: "test",
    user: "root",
    password: ""


let version = try postgreSQL.execute("SELECT version()")

Prepared Statement

The second parameter to execute() is an array of PostgreSQL.Values.

let results = try postgreSQL.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE age >= $1", [.int(21)])
public enum Value {
    case string(String)
    case int(Int)
    case bool(Int)
    case double(Double)
    case null


Each call to execute() creates a new connection to the PostgreSQL database. This ensures thread safety since a single connection cannot be used on more than one thread.

If you would like to re-use a connection between calls to execute, create a reusable connection and pass it as the third parameter to execute().

let connection = try postgreSQL.makeConnection()
let result = try postgreSQL.execute("SELECT LAST_INSERTED_ID() as id", [], connection)

No need to worry about closing the connection.



Install PostgreSQL

brew install postgresql
brew link postgresql
brew services start postgresql

// to stop 
brew services stop postgresql


Install PostgreSQL

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
psql -h dbhost -U username dbname

swift build should work normally.


This wrapper was created to power Fluent, an ORM for Swift.

? Authors

Made by Prince Ugwuh a member of Qutheory community.
