PHP Semantic Versioning Checker - 一个控制台/库允许您检查一组源代码改前和改后的区别

PHP Semantic Versioning Checker - 一个控制台/库允许您检查一组源代码改前和改后的区别

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PHP Semantic Versioning Checker

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PHP Semantic Versioning Checker is a console/library which allows you to inspect a set of before and after source code.

After the inspection is completed, you are given a list of changes that have occurred between the two changesets. For each of these changes, the level of the change (MAJOR, MINOR, PATCH) will be given, as well as the location of the change (file and line number) and a reason as to why this level change is suggested.

Getting started

As this is still an alpha package, it is not suggested to include php-semver-checker directly in your composer.json. There are however a couple ways to use the tool:

  1. Preferred method Download the latest .phar build. Note that the .phar build is generally less bleeding edge than the following methods.
  2. php composer.phar create-project tomzx/php-semver-checker --stability=dev will clone to a new php-semver-checker folder in your current working directory
  3. git clone and php composer.phar install in the newly cloned directory.

Current ruleset & verification codes

See docs/ for an exhaustive list of currently supported (and to come) ruleset.

Verification codes are a mean to uniquely identify a semantic versioning trigger (a condition which upon detection, requires your code changes to be versioned).


php bin/php-semver-checker compare tests/fixtures/before tests/fixtures/after

Suggested semantic versioning change: MAJOR

Class (MAJOR)
| Level | Location                                                     | Target                                                     | Reason                                     | Code |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\before\ClassRemoved.php:5                     | fixtures\ClassRemoved                                      | Class was removed.                         | V005 |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\after\ClassMethodAdded.php:7                  | fixtures\ClassMethodAdded::publicMethod                    | [public] Method has been added.            | V015 |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\after\ClassMethodAdded.php:12                 | fixtures\ClassMethodAdded::protectedMethod                 | [protected] Method has been added.         | V016 |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\after\ClassMethodParameterChanged.php:7       | fixtures\ClassMethodParameterChanged::publicMethod         | [public] Method parameter changed.         | V010 |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\after\ClassMethodParameterChanged.php:12      | fixtures\ClassMethodParameterChanged::protectedMethod      | [protected] Method parameter changed.      | V011 |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\before\ClassMethodRemoved.php:7               | fixtures\ClassMethodRemoved::publicMethod                  | [public] Method has been removed.          | V006 |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\before\ClassMethodRemoved.php:12              | fixtures\ClassMethodRemoved::protectedMethod               | [protected] Method has been removed.       | V007 |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\after\ClassPropertyAdded.php:7                | fixtures\ClassPropertyAdded::$a                            | [public] Property has been added.          | V019 |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\after\ClassPropertyAdded.php:9                | fixtures\ClassPropertyAdded::$b                            | [protected] Property has been added.       | V020 |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\before\ClassPropertyRemoved.php:7             | fixtures\ClassPropertyRemoved::$a                          | [public] Property has been removed.        | V008 |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\before\ClassPropertyRemoved.php:9             | fixtures\ClassPropertyRemoved::$b                          | [protected] Property has been removed.     | V009 |
| MINOR | tests\fixtures\after\ClassAdded.php:5                        | fixtures\ClassAdded                                        | Class was added.                           | V014 |
| PATCH | tests\fixtures\after\ClassMethodAdded.php:17                 | fixtures\ClassMethodAdded::privateMethod                   | [private] Method has been added.           | V028 |
| PATCH | tests\fixtures\after\ClassMethodImplementationChanged.php:7  | fixtures\ClassMethodImplementationChanged::publicMethod    | [public] Method implementation changed.    | V023 |
| PATCH | tests\fixtures\after\ClassMethodImplementationChanged.php:12 | fixtures\ClassMethodImplementationChanged::protectedMethod | [protected] Method implementation changed. | V024 |
| PATCH | tests\fixtures\after\ClassMethodImplementationChanged.php:17 | fixtures\ClassMethodImplementationChanged::privateMethod   | [private] Method implementation changed.   | V025 |
| PATCH | tests\fixtures\after\ClassMethodParameterChanged.php:17      | fixtures\ClassMethodParameterChanged::privateMethod        | [private] Method parameter changed.        | V031 |
| PATCH | tests\fixtures\after\ClassMethodParameterNameChanged.php:7   | fixtures\ClassMethodParameterNameChanged::publicMethod     | [public] Method parameter name changed.    | V060 |
| PATCH | tests\fixtures\after\ClassMethodParameterNameChanged.php:12  | fixtures\ClassMethodParameterNameChanged::protectedMethod  | [protected] Method parameter name changed. | V061 |
| PATCH | tests\fixtures\after\ClassMethodParameterNameChanged.php:17  | fixtures\ClassMethodParameterNameChanged::privateMethod    | [private] Method parameter name changed.   | V062 |
| PATCH | tests\fixtures\before\ClassMethodRemoved.php:17              | fixtures\ClassMethodRemoved::privateMethod                 | [private] Method has been removed.         | V029 |
| PATCH | tests\fixtures\after\ClassPropertyAdded.php:11               | fixtures\ClassPropertyAdded::$c                            | [private] Property has been added.         | V026 |
| PATCH | tests\fixtures\before\ClassPropertyRemoved.php:11            | fixtures\ClassPropertyRemoved::$c                          | [private] Property has been removed.       | V027 |

Function (MAJOR)
| Level | Location                                                 | Target                                                                | Reason                           | Code |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\before\FunctionRemoved.php:5              | fixtures\functionRemoved::functionRemoved                             | Function has been removed.       | V001 |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\before\FunctionParameterChanged.php:5     | fixtures\functionParameterChanged::functionParameterChanged           | Function parameter changed.      | V002 |
| MINOR | tests\fixtures\after\FunctionAdded.php:5                 | fixtures\functionAdded::functionAdded                                 | Function has been added.         | V003 |
| PATCH | tests\fixtures\after\FunctionImplementationChanged.php:5 | fixtures\functionImplementationChanged::functionImplementationChanged | Function implementation changed. | V004 |
| PATCH | tests\fixtures\before\FunctionParameterNameChanged.php:5 | fixtures\functionParameterNameChanged::functionParameterNameChanged   | Function parameter name changed. | V067 |

Interface (MAJOR)
| Level | Location                                                      | Target                                                     | Reason                                  | Code |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\before\InterfaceRemoved.php:5                  | fixtures\InterfaceRemoved                                  | Interface was removed.                  | V033 |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\after\InterfaceMethodAdded.php:7               | fixtures\InterfaceMethodAdded::newMethod                   | [public] Method has been added.         | V034 |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\after\InterfaceMethodParameterChaged.php:7     | fixtures\InterfaceMethodParameterChanged::newMethod        | [public] Method parameter changed.      | V036 |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\before\InterfaceMethodRemoved.php:7            | fixtures\InterfaceMethodRemoved::newMethod                 | [public] Method has been removed.       | V035 |
| MINOR | tests\fixtures\after\InterfaceAdded.php:5                     | fixtures\InterfaceAdded                                    | Interface was added.                    | V032 |
| PATCH | tests\fixtures\after\InterfaceMethodParameterNameChaged.php:7 | fixtures\InterfaceMethodParameterNameChanged::publicMethod | [public] Method parameter name changed. | V063 |

Trait (MAJOR)
| Level | Location                                                     | Target                                                     | Reason                                     | Code |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\before\TraitRemoved.php:5                     | fixtures\TraitRemoved                                      | Trait was removed.                         | V037 |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\after\TraitMethodAdded.php:7                  | fixtures\TraitMethodAdded::publicMethod                    | [public] Method has been added.            | V047 |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\after\TraitMethodAdded.php:12                 | fixtures\TraitMethodAdded::protectedMethod                 | [protected] Method has been added.         | V048 |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\after\TraitMethodAdded.php:17                 | fixtures\TraitMethodAdded::privateMethod                   | [private] Method has been added.           | V057 |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\after\TraitMethodParameterChanged.php:7       | fixtures\TraitMethodParameterChanged::publicMethod         | [public] Method parameter changed.         | V042 |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\after\TraitMethodParameterChanged.php:12      | fixtures\TraitMethodParameterChanged::protectedMethod      | [protected] Method parameter changed.      | V043 |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\after\TraitMethodParameterChanged.php:17      | fixtures\TraitMethodParameterChanged::privateMethod        | [private] Method parameter changed.        | V059 |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\before\TraitMethodRemoved.php:7               | fixtures\TraitMethodRemoved::publicMethod                  | [public] Method has been removed.          | V038 |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\before\TraitMethodRemoved.php:12              | fixtures\TraitMethodRemoved::protectedMethod               | [protected] Method has been removed.       | V039 |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\before\TraitMethodRemoved.php:17              | fixtures\TraitMethodRemoved::privateMethod                 | [private] Method has been removed.         | V058 |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\after\TraitPropertyAdded.php:7                | fixtures\TraitPropertyAdded::$a                            | [public] Property has been added.          | V049 |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\after\TraitPropertyAdded.php:9                | fixtures\TraitPropertyAdded::$b                            | [protected] Property has been added.       | V050 |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\after\TraitPropertyAdded.php:11               | fixtures\TraitPropertyAdded::$c                            | [private] Property has been added.         | V055 |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\before\TraitPropertyRemoved.php:7             | fixtures\TraitPropertyRemoved::$a                          | [public] Property has been removed.        | V040 |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\before\TraitPropertyRemoved.php:9             | fixtures\TraitPropertyRemoved::$b                          | [protected] Property has been removed.     | V041 |
| MAJOR | tests\fixtures\before\TraitPropertyRemoved.php:11            | fixtures\TraitPropertyRemoved::$c                          | [private] Property has been removed.       | V056 |
| MINOR | tests\fixtures\after\TraitAdded.php:5                        | fixtures\TraitAdded                                        | Trait was added.                           | V046 |
| PATCH | tests\fixtures\after\TraitMethodImplementationChanged.php:7  | fixtures\TraitMethodImplementationChanged::publicMethod    | [public] Method implementation changed.    | V052 |
| PATCH | tests\fixtures\after\TraitMethodImplementationChanged.php:12 | fixtures\TraitMethodImplementationChanged::protectedMethod | [protected] Method implementation changed. | V053 |
| PATCH | tests\fixtures\after\TraitMethodImplementationChanged.php:17 | fixtures\TraitMethodImplementationChanged::privateMethod   | [private] Method implementation changed.   | V054 |
| PATCH | tests\fixtures\after\TraitMethodParameterNameChanged.php:7   | fixtures\TraitMethodParameterNameChanged::publicMethod     | [public] Method parameter name changed.    | V064 |
| PATCH | tests\fixtures\after\TraitMethodParameterNameChanged.php:12  | fixtures\TraitMethodParameterNameChanged::protectedMethod  | [protected] Method parameter name changed. | V065 |
| PATCH | tests\fixtures\after\TraitMethodParameterNameChanged.php:17  | fixtures\TraitMethodParameterNameChanged::privateMethod    | [private] Method parameter name changed.   | V066 |

[Scanned files] Before: 26, After: 27, Identical: 0
Time: 1.43 seconds, Memory: 5.123 MB


The code is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.