

Python 编辑器插件





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Quickly open Python modules in your text editor.

$ ped django
$ ped django.core.urlresolvers
$ ped django.views.generic.TemplateView

# Partial name matching
$ ped django.http.resp
Editing django.http.response...

# Specify which editor to use
$ PED_EDITOR=vim ped django.shortcuts

ped will find your modules in the currently-active virtual environment.

Get it now

From PyPI:

$ pip install ped

Or, run it with pipx:

$ pipx run ped --help

Changing the default editor

ped will try to use your favorite text editor. If you want to override the editor ped uses, set the PED_EDITOR environment variable.

# .zshrc or .bashrc
# Use Sublime Text with ped
export PED_EDITOR=subl

Opening directories

By default, ped will open files when a package name is passed. If you would rather open the package's directory, set the PED_OPEN_DIRECTORIES environment variable.

# .zshrc or .bashrc
# Open package directories instead of


The ped package contains tab-completion scripts for bash and zsh. Place these files in your system's completion directories. The ped.install_completion module can be run as a script to output the files to a given location. It determines the correct completion file from the $SHELL environment variable.

Bash completion

To install bash completion, run:

# The path given here will depend on your OS
$ python -m ped.install_completion > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d

Zsh completion

To install zsh completion, run:

# The path given here will depend on your OS
$ python -m ped.install_completion > /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions

Editor integrations


This was inspired by IPython's %edit magic.


2.1.0 (2019-03-18)

  • Set PED_OPEN_DIRECTORIES=1 to open package directories instead of opening files. Thanks Alex Nordin.

2.0.1 (2018-01-27)

Bug fixes:

  • Properly handle imports that don't correspond to a file.

2.0.0 (2019-01-22)

  • Drop support for Python 2.7 and 3.5. Only Python>=3.6 is supported.
  • ped can be run its own virtual environment separate from the user's virtual environment. Therefore, ped can be installed with pipsi or pipx.
  • install_completion script writes to stdout and detemrmines script from $SHELL.

1.6.0 (2019-01-14)

  • Test against Python 3.7.

Note: This is the last version to support Python 2.


  • Minor code cleanups.
  • Test against Python 2.7, 3.5, and 3.6. Support for older versions is dropped.



  • Add --info argument for outputting name, file path, and line number of modules/functions/classes.
  • Fix: Support line numbers in gvim.


  • If a class or function is passed, the editor will open up the file at the correct line number (for supported editors).


  • Fix for Py2 compatibility.


  • Add partial name matching.


  • Add support for editing functions and classes.


  • Fix for editing subpackages, e.g. ped pkg.subpkg.