onion routed cloud - 分布式、匿名、安全的对象存储

onion routed cloud - 分布式、匿名、安全的对象存储

Linux 其它





Decentralized, Anonymous, Object Storage

Join the discussion in #orc on our Matrix server!

NPM Package | Docker Hub | AGPL-3.0 License

The Onion Routed Cloud. ORC is a decentralized, anonymous, object storage platform owned and operated by allies in defense of human rights and opposition to censorship.


Using NPM

npm install -g @orcproject/orc

Using Docker

docker pull orcproject/orc
mkdir ~/.config/orcd
docker run -p 9089:9089 -v ~/.config/orcd:/root/.config/orcd orcproject/orc


On first run, ORC will generate a fresh configuration and setup the data directory. Modify the created configuration at ~/.config/orcd/config as desired (see the {@tutorial config}) and send SIGINT to the process (Ctrl+C). Once you are satisfied with your configuration, run ORC again.

Once started, you can use use the guide for {@tutorial api} to interact with it! You can watch your logs with tail -f ~/.config/orcd/orcd.log.

ORC works on an explicit trust model. By default, ORC will only trust unknown nodes for discovering peers, retreiving public objects, and storing object metadata. If you want to store objects, you must establish trust with other nodes. This is done explicity by all parties who trust each other. Run ORC with your friends, other activists, or complementary organizations.

Each node is identified by the hash of their public key. You'll see this on every log line under the name property. For example, b605647afc146760fc15ef7cd59720f1ee7d82e1. To establish trust with a friend, each of you must provide your identity to each other out of band (we recommend using Ricochet). Once you've exchanged identity keys, add a trust policy to your configuration file.


For every node you wish to add to your storage grid, each must add a policy like the above which says "allow b605647afc146760fc15ef7cd59720f1ee7d82e1 to perform any (*) calls". See the {@tutorial config} for more information.

If you are a press organization or activist group and would like help getting setup with ORC, please reach out to us by email at counterpoint[at]openmailbox.org - we'd love to assist you!

Automatic Security Updates

When running the ORC server installation with Docker, you can configure your node to periodically check for updates and automatically download the latest image and restart your node to make sure you are always running the latest stable release. Since you already have Docker installed, pull the image for Watchtower and run it.

docker pull v2tec/watchtower
docker run -d --name watchtower -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock v2tec/watchtower

Now, Watchtower will check for the latest stable images for running containers and automatically update them.


To hack on the ORC project, clone this repository and use Docker Compose. See {@tutorial install} for more detailed instructions about installing prerequisites.

git clone https://gitlab.com/orcproject/orc
cd orc
npm install
docker-compose up --force-recreate --build

This will volume mount the the appropriate directories for development, and then boots up a complete sandboxed ORC network, including a complete sandboxed Tor network and once bootstrapped, binds port 10089 to the host for full end-to-end testing. The development container does not persist state between runs. Note that stable releases are tagged and the master branch may contain unstable or bleeding-edge code.

Happy hacking!



ORC - Distributed Anonymous Cloud  
Copyright (C) 2017  Counterpoint Hackerspace, Ltd.  
Copyright (C) 2017  Gordon Hall  

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.