一个cli工具,可自动添加问题的参考,pull requests,用户提及和forks添加到markdown文件

一个cli工具,可自动添加问题的参考,pull requests,用户提及和forks添加到markdown文件

Node.js HTTP工具




Linkify markdown

version Build Status

A cli tool which automatically adds references to issues, pull requests, user mentions and forks to your project markdown file.




To use the cli-tool, install using the following command -

npm install linkify-markdown -g

To use this as a package on web -

npm install linkify-markdown

Why ?

Easy to add references automatically to:

  • issues - #1 or GH-1

  • pull requests - #4

  • commits - dfaec38da4cd170dd1acce4e4c260f735fe2cfdc

  • commit comment - dfaec38da4cd170dd1acce4e4c260f735fe2cfdc#commitcomment-16345693

  • issues across forks - repo/#1

  • issues across projects - project-org/project/#2

  • @mentions - @nitin42


To use this tool, you will need to add a repository relative to which references will be added. To add a repository, you can add these fields to your package.json file:

  "repository": {
    "url": "your_project_url"

or you can also provide the repository url through command line options API.

linkify readme.md --repo <repository_url>

Note - This will overwrite the package.json url field.

Adding references/links to a single markdown file

To add links or references to a single markdown file, use command

linkify sample.md

where sample.md might look like this:

# Heading



Issue 1 - #1

Issue 2 - #2

Commit - 609fc19d2fc1d70e43dcaff3311ad4a79f651c9e

Running the above command will convert this to -

# Heading



Issue 1 - [#1](https://github.com/<username>/<repo-name>/issues/1)

Issue 2 - [#2](https://github.com/<username>/<repo-name>/issues/2)

Commit - [`dfaec38`](https://github.com/<username>/<repo-name>/commit/dfaec38da4cd170dd1acce4e4c260f735fe2cfdc)

Notice one thing that we haven't passed the option --repo to provide the repository url so running this command assumes that you have added the repository field in your package.json file.

Adding references/links to multiple files

To use this tool for multiple files, use this command

linkify samples/A.md samples/B.md samples/C.md samples/D.md

Running the above command will convert only those files which are either in markdown format or if they are not empty. If they are empty or not in markdown format, the tool will skip processing those files.

The output will look like this:

The same is applicable to running the command for a single file i.e if it the file is empty, it will skip processing it.

Adding references/links to a directory of markdown files

You can also add links to all the files in a directory. Use this command -

linkify -d samples/

This will add links to all the files (except those which are empty or not in markdown format)

Usage on web

You will need to install the package locally in your project repo instead of globally installing it in order to use it on web.

npm install linkify-markdown

Here is an example to use this on web to process a markdown string of code.

const { linkify } = require('linkify-markdown')

const sample = `
# Sample





Commit - dfaec38da4cd170dd1acce4e4c260f735fe2cfdc

const options = {
  strong: true,
  repository: 'https://github.com/nitin42/cli-test-repo'

linkify(sample, options)

This will return the output as a string -

# Sample





Commit - [`dfaec38`](https://github.com/nitin42/cli-test-repo/commit/dfaec38da4cd170dd1acce4e4c260f735fe2cfdc)

Learn more about the Web api


This is a reference section.

  • You will get an error if you don't provide a file or directory -


  • You will receive warning for the empty files or directory



For a single or multiple files

Command - linkify <file 1> <file 2> ... <file n> options

For directory of files

Command - linkify -d <directory_name> options


  • -s or --strong - Uses strong nodes for @mentions.

  • -h or --help - Use this option for help

For usage on web

linkify(markdown_string, [options])

Returns the processed markdown code as a string.


An object with options strong and repository.

  • strong (Boolean) - Uses strong nodes for @mentions. Default value is false.

  • repository (String) - Repository url. If not given, uses repository field from package.json file.



If you liked this project, then it or either share it on Twitter or I'd also love to see your contributions or ideas to improve the tool. Thanks!

Also, thanks remarkjs for providing such productive tools and ideas.