
Min是一款开源的极简浏览器,拥有智能、快速的特点。一些特性: 通过使用DuckDuckGo在搜索栏中显示搜索结果 拦截网页内置广告和跟踪 模糊搜索 支持书签的全文搜索 阅读列表 标签页改进(标签页在右边打开并会在不活动时淡出)。

.NET 其它杂项





Min is a fast, minimal browser that protects your privacy. It includes an interface designed to minimize distractions, and features such as:

  • Information from DuckDuckGo in the search bar.
  • Full-text search for visited pages
  • Ad and tracker blocking
  • Automatic reader view
  • Tasks (tab groups)
  • Password manager integration
  • Dark theme

More information, and prebuilt binaries are available here.


The search bar, showing information from DuckDuckGo

The Tasks Overlay

Reader View


You can find prebuilt binaries for Min here. Alternatively, skip to the section below for instructions on how to build Min directly from source.

Installation on Linux

  • To install the .deb file, use sudo dpkg -i /path/to/download
  • To install the RPM build, use sudo rpm -i /path/to/download --ignoreos


If you want to develop Min:

  • Install Node.
  • Run npm install to install dependencies.
  • Build the translation files and a copy of the JS by running npm run build.
    • You can also watch for changes and automatically rebuild by running npm run watch.
  • Start Min by running node_modules/.bin/electron ..1
  • After you make changes, you can press ctrl+r (or cmd+r on Mac) twice to restart the browser.

1: Make sure no Min instance is already running before starting the development version of Min.

Building binaries

In order to build Min from source, follow the installation instructions above, then use one of the following commands to create binaries:

  • npm run buildWindows
  • npm run buildMac
  • npm run buildDebian
  • npm run buildRaspi (for Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi OS)
  • npm run buildRedhat

Depending on the platform you are building for, you may need to install additional dependencies:

  • If you are using macOS and building a package for Linux, install Homebrew, then run brew install fakeroot dpkg first.
  • If you are using macOS or Linux and building a package for Windows, you will need to install Mono and Wine.

Contributing to Min

Thanks for taking the time to contribute to Min! If you have any questions or run into any problems, please open an issue.

Contributing Code

  • Start by following the development instructions listed above.
  • The wiki has an overview of Min's architecture.
  • Min uses the Standard code style; most editors have plugins available to auto-format your code.
  • If you see something that's missing, or run into any problems, please open an issue!

Contributing Translations

Adding a new language

  • Find the language code that goes with your language from this list.
  • In the localization/languages directory, create a new file, and name it "[your language code].json".
  • Open your new file, and copy the contents of the localization/languages/en-US.json file into your new file.
  • Change the "identifier" field in the new file to the language code from step 1.
  • Inside the file, replace each English string in the right-hand column with the equivalent translation.
  • (Optional) See your translations live by following the development instructions above. Min will display in the same language as your operating system, so make sure your computer is set to the same language that you're translating.
  • That's it! Make a pull request with your changes.

Updating an existing language

  • Find the language file for your language in the localization/languages directory.
  • Look through the file for any items that have a value of "null", or that have a comment saying "missing translation".
  • For each of these items, look for the item with the same name in the en-US.json file.
  • Translate the value from the English file, replace "null" with your translation, and remove the "missing translation" comment.
  • Make a pull request with the updated file.