Icons for Visual Studio Code - VS Code 图标集
Icons for Visual Studio Code - VS Code 图标集
JavaScript 图标字体
Visual Studio Code - Icons
This repository is to store all of the icons used in Visual Studio Code. You will find both dark and light versions of the icons.
We also have these icons available in a public Figma file that is linked to our master library. We will try to keep the icons updated as much as we can.
If you are new to Figma and would like to learn how to use it, check out their getting started guide or their YouTube channel for tutorials.
How to use
If you need to re-use an existing icon, simply select the icon you want to export and click on Export
in the right panel:
You can also copy the SVG code if you'd prefer by right-clicking on the icon and going to Copy As
> Copy As SVG
If you are creating your custom icons and want to use the same colors as our icons, simply select a color from the color library in the right panel (we have a dark/light pairing for each one):
If you'd like to copy this page and make modifications, you can go ahead and make a copy to your drafts. Note that duplicating the file will break the link to the master components and you'll have to manually update the file when there are updates. To duplicate, click on the arrow next to the title name above and select Duplicate to your Drafts
Creating Issues
If you have any suggestions or requests for new icons, please file that in the main vscode repo. If you have any problems with the icons inside of this repo, then go ahead and create an issue here.
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