

Python 其它杂项





The guardian dog that prevents you from writing poor code when doing data analysis in Python.


Simply run:

pip install bulldog


Bulldog is a library for writing better code in your analysis that largely borrows from the state management libraries for application development (Redux, Flux, Vuex, Katana..).

Bulldog models are composed of five main building blocks:

  1. data, which is our model initial data
  2. data_modifiers, which are special function whose main task is to modify the model's data
  3. business_logic, which are function whose main task is to execute the business logic and invoke data_modifiers
  4. analyses, which subscribe to change on the model's data
  5. history, which is a backlog of all the operations that have occurred and the corresponding state of the model data

The philosophy behind bulldog is to separate data transformations, business logic and analyses, in order to make clarity, testing and debugging easier to achieve.

Working with bulldog

To create a bulldog model simply run:

from bulldog.model import Model
import pandas as pd

model = Model(data={
    'df': pd.DataFrame(pd.np.ones((100, 100))),
    'other_data': [1, 2, 3]

All the data is stored in our model.data and it's not directly modifiable. In fact, whenever we access model.data we are actually accessing a copy of the original model data.

In order to alter/modify our data we need to create some special functions called data_modifiers.

def data_step(data, factor):
    df = data['df']
    df *= factor
    return data  # this will modify the data

As we can see data modifiers are just simple, pure functions that take our model data as input and perform some kind of alteration on it and return the altered data. The signature of a business model is function(data, *args, **kwargs) and it needs to be decorated with the @model.data_modifier decorator (where model is your instance of Bulldog's Model).

If we want to execute a data_modifier, rather than calling it directly we need to ask the model to commit it:

model.commit('data_step', factor=9)  # 'data_step' is the name of our `data_modifier`

Note that any other way of calling the function will result in an error. E.g.:

data_step(data=model.data, factor=9)  # wrong; this will throw an error

Great! but what if we need to run some business logic to conditionally modify our dataset? Maybe we need to download some data and based on that perform some actions that will eventually lead us to modify our data. In this case we should use a business_logic function.

def action1(data, commit):
    data['df'] /= 8000  # this has no effect whatsoever on our data, remember? We are modifying a copy
    if max(data['df']) < 0.38:
        commit("data_step", 9)  # but this will actually modify our data

As we can see business_logic are function with the signature function(data, commit, *args, **kwargs) which take as input the data and have the possibility of committing data_modifier functions to our original model

You might have noted the additional @model.checkpoint decorator (which can also be applied to data_modifiers). It will basically tell our model to store the current state data after computing this function (and store it in model.history), allowing us to restore it or inspect it at a later stage, which is very convenient for debugging.

Similarly to data_modifiers, also business_logic cannot be execute directly, and have to be dispatched through the model in this way:


Now, you might wonder how to run analyses on the model's data. That's fairly simple!

def analysis(data, history):
    df = data['df']
    print('fast 1', list(history.keys())[-1].name, pd.np.mean(df.values))

Analyses are functions with signature function(data, history) that are run automatically every time a checkpoint step of our model is executed. Optionally analyses can be run in parallel (if you use the @model.parallelizable decorator, as above). This is particularly convenient in case we are computing a large number of metrics and want to leverage our CPU as much as possible. Note that only analyses can be parallelized in Bulldog.

Custom checkpoints management

Out of the box, Bulldog doesn't implement any custom diffing logic for the model data (since it's a generic dictionary which could contain anything), but you can provide your own functions to checkpoint & restore your data. For example you might want to write/read:

  1. from a database
  2. from a pickled file on disk
  3. from h5df
  4. diffs from custom diffing tools (or generic ones like csv-diff)

If you want to provide some custom save/load logic to handle checkpoint save & restore, pass these two functions to the Model initializer:

  1. on_checkpoint_save(data, version_key, history): this function is responsible for saving the data (or a diff of it which you can compute by comparing it with your model history, holding every other checkpoint data)
  2. on_checkpoint_restore(version_key, history): this function is responsible for restoring data from a previous checkpoint

For example if you want to read from disk pickled objects you might do:

def on_checkpoint_save(data, key, history):
    file_name = 'data_{}.pkl'.format(key.step)
    pickle.dump(data, open('data_{}.pkl'.format(key.step), 'wb'))
    return file_name  # only the file name will be saved in memory

def on_checkpoint_restore(key, history):
    file_name = history[key]
    return pickle.load(open(file_name, 'rb'))  # store this in model.data

model = Model(
        'df': pd.DataFrame(pd.np.ones((100, 100))),

Advanced usage

Bulldog has a few nice features for people that use interactive editors (like ipython or jupyter notebook).

  1. You can prevent the same business_logic from running multiple times by setting unique_bl_step=True in Model. This will prevent your state from being modified multiple times if you re-run cells in a notebook.
  2. You can restore the version model data at a previous checkpoint by running either rollback(n_steps) or revert_version(Version). This is useful both for reproducibility/debugging and for jupyter users who don't want to re-run a whole lengthy analysis after a wrong alteration of the model data.
  3. Testing: still to be developed. Ideally bulldog will allow you to test every single component in a much easier way and possibly also with mocked data.