localsdata:通过grep搜索本地slack 数据

localsdata:通过grep搜索本地slack 数据

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Sometimes I know I have a curl command in a certain slack room in a certain slack team.

But trying to use the slack ui to find it is not ideal.

I want the equivilent of grep -R curl . so I can easily see a list of the 27 or so curls in that room and then visually I can find the one I need in a few seconds.

Or maybe I want to pipe that information to another process.

Enter lsd:

  1. you type ./lsd with no command line parameter to get a list of your slack teams:
$ ./lsd
  1. you type ./lsd with a team name to get a list of rooms:
$ ./lsd anotherteam

C093KBABZ test
C19P7P6CB test-emails
G2AS2JEG2 project1
G0A3YDZFD newyork
G09NX8C22 nbc
G2AS5UZN3 zoo
D19P5FBD7 markfreely
D19NWL7TZ clarkbenson
D29QLPRE9 timinaccounting
  1. you type ./lsd team room
 $ ./lsd anotherteam G2AS5UZN3

to download every message, every attachment, every file, and every little peice of information about that room in that slack team from the begining of time to now and save it locally somewhere on your hard drive.

  1. Now you have all the data locally and you can:
4a. Do that `grep -R curl .` command and search just that one room's data.
4b. Open the files in Finder and visually scan each jpg to find just the one you know is there someplace.
4c. Come up with other creative greps to narrow your search and find the info you need.
4d. Avoid having the main slack UI program be in a weird state of scrolled to a message far away in time.
4e. Avoid having to learn the main slack UI program's search syntax when grep piped to greps is way faster/better.


  1. email author for instructions