downloadManager 下载管理器,只要传递下载的url来进行下载,支持ios 和macos

downloadManager 下载管理器,只要传递下载的url来进行下载,支持ios 和macos,支持最大的下载任务个数,支持断点续传

Swift 其它杂项






下载管理器,只要传递下载的url来进行下载,支持ios 和macos (Download Manager, as long as the URL passed to download download, support ios and macos)

下载管理器实现的功能:(Download Manager to achieve the function:)

  • 支持断点续传 (Support HTTP)
  • 支持最大的下载任务个数 (Support the largest number of download tasks)
  • 传递url进行下载 (Pass url to download)
  • 可以暂停全部 (You can pause all)
  • 可以暂停某一链接 (You can pause a link)
  • 可以取消全部 (You can cancel all)
  • 可以取消某一链接 (You can cancel a link)
  • 可以恢复下载一链接 (You can resume downloading a link)
  • 可以恢复全部下载 (You can resume all downloads)

安装 (install)

  • 需要将 DownloadManager拖入工程中 (You need to drag DownloadManager into the project)
  • cocoapod pod 'DownloadManager' ~>'0.0.3'
  • 注意macos 暂时不支持cocoapod (Note that macos does not currently support cocoapod)

使用 (use)

  • 开始下载(单一) (Start downloading (single))
// 指定最大任务数量 需要在下载歌曲前指定否则不起作用,默认最大任务是3
[MiguDownLoadManager shareManager].LDG_MaxTaskCount = 2;
// 其中小不点.mp3为自定义的名字,可以为nil(Which 小不点.mp3 is a custom name, can be nil)
[[MiguDownLoadManager shareManager] LDG_DownloadWithUrl:TEST_URL withCustomCacheName:@"小不点.mp3"];
  • 批量下载 (Batch download)
// 指定最大任务数量 需要在下载歌曲前指定否则不起作用,默认最大任务是3
[MiguDownLoadManager shareManager].LDG_MaxTaskCount = 2;
NSArray *customCacheName = @[@"上海滩.mp3",@"大长今.mp3",@"日子.mp3",@"想一想.mp3",@"哈哈.mp3"];
NSArray *list = @[
    for (NSInteger index = 0; index < list.count; index ++) {
        [[MiguDownLoadManager shareManager] LDG_DownloadWithUrl:list[index] withCustomCacheName:customCacheName[index]];
  • 暂停全部 (Pause all)
 [[MiguDownLoadManager shareManager] LDG_SuspendAllRequest];
  • 暂停某一链接 (Pause a link)
[[MiguDownLoadManager shareManager] LDG_SuspendWithUrl:@""];
  • 取消全部 (Cancel all)
 [[MiguDownLoadManager shareManager] LDG_CancelAllRequest];
  • 取消某一链接 (Cancel a link)
 [[MiguDownLoadManager shareManager] LDG_DownloadWithUrl:@""];
  • 恢复所有 (Restore all)
 [[MiguDownLoadManager shareManager] LDG_ResumeAllRequest];
  • 恢复一首链接 (Restore a link)
 [[MiguDownLoadManager shareManager] LDG_ResumeWithSong:@""];
  • 修改最大的下载的任务数量 (Modify the maximum number of downloaded tasks)
 // 指定最大任务数量 需要在下载歌曲前指定否则不起作用,默认最大任务是3
    [MiguDownLoadManager shareManager].LDG_MaxTaskCount = 2;
  • 修改默认的最大下载的任务数量 (Modify default the maximum number of downloaded tasks)
     search MAXTASK_COUNT ,update it
  • 获取下载进度(Get download progress)
   // 需要自己获取当前下载的item(Need to get the current download item)
  item.MiguDownloadProgressBlock = ^(CGFloat progress) {
        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
            weakSelf.progressView.progress = progress;
            weakSelf.progressLable.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d%%",(int)(progress *100)];
  • 获取下载的状态(Get the status of the download)
   // 需要自己获取当前下载的item(Need to get the current download item)


  • 有什么bug或者我不满足的需求,欢迎 Issues我(There are any bugs or I do not meet the demand, welcome to Issues I)
  • 请大神给我指正和建议,我将不盛荣幸。(Please God give me advice and suggestions, I will not be honored)