Picasso 是一个Laravel图片管理和优化包

Picasso 是一个Laravel图片管理和优化包。 定义图像尺寸和选项,在有或没有水印的情况下将上传的图像存储在多个维度中,并在需要时在您的网站上检索优化的图像。

PHP 图片处理





Picasso is a Laravel Image Management and Optimization Package. Define image dimensions and options, store uploaded image in multiple dimensions with or without a watermark and retrieve optimized images on your website when needed.

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To reduce site size and improve site loading time, this packages enables you to:

  • resize image to multiple dimensions; [width x height with upscale] ('news_thumbnail', 'news_gallery', 'news_cover', ...)
  • retrieve optimized image for specific position get('news_cover')
  • apply watermark on images that need it (task in progress)
  • quickly change the image dimension and update all, subset or a single image with optimized size
  • implement this package in any phase of your application
  • to use this package on your whole site or just a part of it
  • set image quality (default 60)

How it works

In the config file you define the dimension width, height and unique name for that dimension. In your controller call $picasso->optimize('images/image.jpg', ['home_slideshow_large', 'home_slideshow_thumbnail']'). This method takes the original image, optimizes it according to the entered dimensions and quality, saves it to storage and saves the record to a database table.

Later, when you call Picasso::get('images/image.jpg', 'home_slideshow_large') you will get the optimized image if it exists or the original as fallback.


You can keep your original user uploaded images untouched (2MB or more). This package will create new optimized images and keep reference of the original and optimized in the database.

Your page will load faster because it will have less MB to download because the images will be smaller. I have managed to reduce image size from 2.4MB to 700Kb, just by implementing this package as an addon later in the development phase.


From the command line:

composer require laravelista/picasso

Publish the config file picasso.php to your /config directory:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Laravelista\Picasso\ServiceProvider" --tag=config

Migrate the database with:

php artisan migrate

Installation complete!


Before continuing be sure to open the /config/picasso.php file and update the dimensions and quality to your needs.


There are a few ways to implement this package in your application. I will try to cover them all.

Store method

After you have stored the user uploaded image in your storage UploadedFile $image->store('images') and you have retrieved the path to the image. Give that path (that you would usually store in the database) to picasso:

use Laravelista\Picasso\Picasso;

public function store(Request $request, Picasso $picasso)
    // ...

    // store original image in storage
    $article->image = $request->image->store('images');

    // optimize original image to desired dimensions
    $picasso->optimize($article->image, ['news_small', 'news_cover']);

    // ...

Update method

When the user is going to replace the existing image with a new one,we have to first purge all records from storage and database of the old image and then optimize the new image:

use Laravelista\Picasso\Picasso;

public function update(Request $request, Article $article, Picasso $picasso)
    // ...

    if ($request->hasFile('image')) {

        // delete original image from storage

        // delete all optimized images for old image

        // save new original image to storage and retrieve the path
        $article->image = $request->image->store('images');

        // optimize new original image
        $picasso->optimize($article->image, ['news_small', 'news_cover']);

    // ...

Destroy method

When deleting a record which has optimizes images, be sure to delete optimized image also to reduce unused files:

use Laravelista\Picasso\Picasso;

public function destroy(Article $article, Picasso $picasso)
    // ...

    // delete original image

    // delete optimized images

    // delete record from database

    // ...

Optimizing already uploaded and saved images

My suggestion is to create a console route for this. I will show you how I do this in my applications. In routes/console.php and this route:

use Laravelista\Picasso\Picasso;

Artisan::command('picasso:article-optimize', function (Picasso $picasso) {

    $images = Article::all()->pluck('image')->toArray();

    $picasso->optimize($images, ['news_small', 'news_cover']);

    $this->comment("Article images optimized!");

Now from the command line you can call php artisan picasso:article-optimize whenever you want and it will grab the original images for table article, created optimized images, create/update optimized images in storage and update the reference in the database.

Retrieving optimized images

From your view files do:

<image src="{{ asset(Picasso::get($article->image, 'news_small')) }}" />

This line will retrieve the optimized image URL or if the optimized images does not exist it will fallback to the original image with a message in the log file saying that an unoptimized image has been used.


For now, there are only three main method in Picasso:

optimize(string|array $image, string|array $dimension, string $disk = null)

This method creates optimized images in desired dimensions for given images or image.

It accepts an array of image paths or a single image path. It accepts an array of valid dimensions (as defined in the configuration) or a single dimension The last parameter is the disk on which to perform this operation.

purge(string $image, string $disk = null)

Thi method deletes all otpimizes images from storage and database for given image path.

The last parameter is the disk on which to perform this operation.

get(string $image, string $dimension, string $disk = null)

This method retrieves the optimizes image for given original image path and desired dimension.

The last parameter is the disk on which to perform this operation.
