深度学习Python库. 卷积网络,递归神经网络。运行Theano或TensorFlow之上

深度学习Python库. 卷积网络,递归神经网络。运行Theano或TensorFlow之上

Python 机器学习




Keras: Deep Learning for humans

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Keras is a deep learning API written in Python, running on top of the machine learning platform TensorFlow.

Read the documentation at Keras.io.

Multi-backend Keras and tf.keras

Multi-backend Keras has been discontinued. At this time, we recommend that Keras users who use multi-backend Keras with the TensorFlow backend switch to tf.keras in TensorFlow 2.0.

Keras 2.2.5 was the last release of Keras implementing the 2.2.* API. It was the last release to only support TensorFlow 1 (as well as Theano and CNTK).

The current release is Keras 2.4.0, which simply redirects to tf.keras.
