ASP.Net Core的 JSONAPI 框架

库的最终目标是通过提供诸如排序,过滤和分页等开箱即用的功能来尽可能消除样板。 您只需要专注于定义资源和实现自定义业务逻辑。 这个库是围绕依赖注入设计的,使得可扩展性非常容易。

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JSON API .Net Core

Build status Travis NuGet Join the chat at FIRST-TIMERS

A framework for building json:api compliant web APIs. The ultimate goal of this library is to eliminate as much boilerplate as possible by offering out-of-the-box features such as sorting, filtering and pagination. You just need to focus on defining the resources and implementing your custom business logic. This library has been designed around dependency injection making extensibility incredibly easy.

Getting Started

These are some steps you can take to help you understand what this project is and how you can use it:

Related Projects


See the examples directory for up-to-date sample applications. There is also a Todo List App that includes a JADNC API and an EmberJs client.

Installation And Usage

See our documentation for detailed usage.


public class Article : Identifiable
    public string Name { get; set; }


public class ArticlesController : JsonApiController<Article>
        public ArticlesController(
            IJsonApiOptions jsonApiOptions,
            IResourceService<Article> resourceService,
            ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
            : base(jsonApiOptions, resourceService, loggerFactory)
        { }


public class Startup
    public IServiceProvider ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) {
        // ...

    public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)  {
        // ...


Restore all NuGet packages with:

dotnet restore


Running tests locally requires access to a PostgreSQL database. If you have docker installed, this can be propped up via:

docker run --rm --name jsonapi-dotnet-core-testing  -e POSTGRES_DB=JsonApiDotNetCoreExample -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -p 5432:5432 postgres:12.0

And then to run the tests:

dotnet test


Sometimes the compiled files can be dirty / corrupt from other branches / failed builds.

dotnet clean

Compiler warnings

The Release build configuration is set to fail on warnings. That means when submitting a PR there shouldn't be any compiler warnings because the CI build it set to Release.


A lot of changes were introduced in v4.0.0, the following chart should help you with compatibility issues between .NET Core versions

.NET Core Version JADNC Version
2.* v3.*
3.* v4.*