

Java 其它杂项


基于本地缓存或者Redis的重复提交解决方案 Duplicate submission solution based on local cache or Redis

技术项 Technical item

springboot,redis ,guava

开始 Start

简单的配置一下redission Simple configuration of redission

 public class RedissonConfig {
     private String host;
     private String port;
 //    @Value("${spring.redis.password}")
 //    private String password;
     public RedissonClient getRedisson(){
         Config config = new Config();
         config.useSingleServer().setAddress("redis://" + host + ":" + port);
 //        config.useMasterSlaveServers().setMasterAddress("").setPassword("").addSlaveAddress(new String[]{"",""});
         return Redisson.create(config);

配置重复提交的相关组件 Configure related components for repeated submissions

You can define the CacheKeyGenerator key generator yourself. 你可以自己定义CacheKeyGenerator key生成器 你只要new LocalLock();就可以快速从redis的缓存换成本地的缓存

  public class ReSubmitConfig {
     public CacheKeyGenerator cacheKeyGenerator(){
         return new LockKeyGenerator();
     public FuckLock fuckLock(){
         return new RedisLockHelper();
          //return new LocalLock();

你可以这样开始 You can start like this

@ReSubmitLock(prefix = "/lock",waitTime = 100,expire = 100)
     public String query(@RequestParam String token) {
         return "success - " + token;