Gridsome - ⚡️使用Vue.js和GraphQL构建超快的网站

使用开发人员喜爱的最新网络技术工具构建网站 - Vue.js,GraphQL和Webpack。 获得热重新加载和Node.js的所有功能。 Gridsome让建筑网站再次变得有趣。

JavaScript Vue.js相关





A JAMstack framework for building blazing fast websites with Vue.js

This project is under active development. Any feedback or contributions would be appreciated.

Enjoy modern dev stack

Build websites using latest web tech tools that developers love - Vue.js, GraphQL and Webpack. Get hot-reloading and all the power of Node.js. Gridsome makes building websites fun again.

Bring your own data

Gridsome lets you use any CMS or data source for content. Pull data from WordPress, Contentful or any other headless CMS or APIs and access it with GraphQL in your components and pages.

Mobile-first architecture

Only critical HTML, CSS and JavaScript are loaded at first, and then the next pages are prefetched in the background so users can click around extremely fast without page reloads and even offline

Extremely fast loading

Gridsome automatically optimises your frontend to load and perform blazing fast. You get code-splitting, asset optimisation, lazy-loading, and almost perfect Lighthouse scores out-of-the-box.

Scale globally at no cost

Gridsome sites can be entirely hosted on a CDN and can handle thousands to millions of hits without breaking - and no expensive server costs.

The frontend for the headless

Design and build websites that are decoupled from the CMS. This means you can easily change the CMS later or test a complete redesign without breaking your site.

Get started

$ npm install -g @gridsome/cli
$ gridsome create awesome-site
$ cd awesome-site
$ gridsome develop

Your browser will now open your site at http://localhost:8080. Happy coding!
