Peer-to-peer for shell scripts:用于shell脚本和OS管道的P2P网络

Peer-to-peer for shell scripts:用于shell脚本和OS管道的P2P网络

Node.js 命令行实用程序




Peer-to-peer networking for shell scripts & OS pipes.

npm install chr15m/dreamtime

Screencast of dreamtime connecting to two servers and local


./node_modules/.bin/dreamtime unique-room-identifier

Example: aggregate the output from ping from different servers:

ping -n | stdbuf -oL cut -b15- | dreamtime ping-party

Screencast of dreamtime aggregating script output

For more options & help run dreamtime with no arguments.

Node module

You can require dreamtime as a node module:

// connect to a room with a callback for received messages
room = require('dreamtime')("my-room-id", console.log);

// our unique fingerprint

// wait 5 seconds & send a message to the room
// and then disconnect
setTimeout(function() {
  room.send("my first test message");
}, 5000);

You can also re-use an existing webtorrent client:

var dreamtime = require("dreamtime");
room = dreamtime("my-room-id", {"torrent_client": wt}, console.log);


Dreamtime is built on top of WebTorrent and uses the Bittorrent extension protocol for messaging.

Discovery is achieved by seeding a torrent with the following info field.

Contents are bencoded and SHA1'ed to make the infoHash as is standard.

{"length": 1,
 "piece length": 16384,
 "pieces": 0x5b a9 3c 9d b0 cf f9 3f 52 b5 21 d7 42 0e 43 f6 ed a2 78 4f }

The content of the torrent is a single character \0 and so the pieces field contains sha1("\0").

Security note

Channels are completely public. Anybody can join or eavesdrop. Don't share secrets over them.
