
colorsys-go:是一个go包用于将一个颜色系统转换为另一个颜色系统。 转换是在RGB,YIQ,HLS和HSV之间。

Go 工具类





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What is colorsys-go

colorsys-go is a go package(or lib) for everyone to transform one color system to another. The transformation is among RGB, YIQ, HLS and HSV.

The repertory MosaicImage has use the package correctly.


go get


import ""

How to use it

Parameter Range

All inputs and outputs are three floats in the range [0.0...1.0] (with the exception of I and Q, which covers a slightly larger range also with the exception of R, G and B, which range from 0 to 255 also with the exception of H, which range from 0 to 360).

range of each parameter
R, G, B :    0 ~ 255
I, Q :      -1 ~ 1.X
H :          0 ~ 360
Y, S, V, L : 0 ~ 1


  1. RGB to YIQ
y, i, q := colorsys.Rgb2Yiq(r, g, b)
  1. YIQ to RGB
r, g, b := colorsys.Yiq2Rgb(y, i, q)
  1. RGB to HLS
h, l, s := colorsys.Rgb2Hls(r, g, b)
  1. HLS to RGB
r, g, b := colorsys.Hls2Rgb(h, l, s)
  1. RGB to HSV
h, s, v := colorsys.Rgb2Hsv(r, g, b)
  1. HSV to RGB
r, g, b := colorsys.Hsv2Rgb(h, s, v)
  1. Yiq to Hls
h, l, s := colorsys.Yiq2Hls(y, i, q)
  1. YIQ to HSV
h, s, v := colorsys.Yiq2Hsv(y, i, q)
  1. HLS to YIQ
y, i, q := colorsys.Hls2Yiq(h, l, s)
  1. HLS to HSV
h, s, v := colorsys.Hls2Hsv(h, l, s)
  1. HSV to YIQ
y, i, q := colorsys.Hsv2Yiq(h, s, v)
  1. HSV to HLS
h, l, s := colorsys.Hsv2Hls(h, s, v)


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