Lime Remote - 将手机变成演示文稿PPT的遥控器

Lime Remote - 将手机变成演示文稿PPT的遥控器

JavaScript 其它杂项




Lime Remote

Gyroscopic mouse input for desktop using your smartphone. A handy tool during presentations and in times where you can't reach your computer.

Lime Remote is inspired by Logitech's Spotlight Presentation Remote.


Windows 64-bit

See build instructions below for usage on other platforms.


Install the Node modules with npm install followed by npm run rebuild.

Start the desktop client with npm run machine. The app will attempt to connect to the host specified in config.json.

Build an executable of the desktop client with npm run build.

Although an instance of the main web server is already running on Heroku, you can host your own instance with npm run server. Note that using gyroscope sensors in the browser requires that SSL is enabled, so running the app on localhost requires a bit of tinkering.

iOS gyroscope issues

"iPhone iOS 12.2 will disable gyroscope access by default." Gyroscopic input can be enabled through Settings > Safari > Privacy & Security > Enable motion & orientation access.
