Flappy Gopher是用Go实现了著名Flappy Bird游戏

Flappy Gopher是用Go实现了著名Flappy Bird游戏

Go 游戏开发




Flappy Gopher

Flappy Gopher is a clone of the famous Flappy Bird game developed in Go with bindings for SDL2.


You can learn more about the game and how it was implemented watching the three episodes dedicated to it.


You need to install first SDL2 and the SDL2 bindings for Go. To do so follow the instructions here. It is quite easy to install on basically any platform.

You will also need to install pkg-config.

After that you should be able to simply run:

go get github.com/campoy/flappy-gopher

And run the binary generated in $GOPATH/bin.

Images, fonts, and licenses

All the images used in this game are CC0 and obtained from Clipart. You can find atlernative birds in there, so you can mod the game!

The fonts are copied from https://github.com/deano2390/OpenFlappyBird.

This project is licensed under Apache v2 license. Read more in the LICENSE file.


This is not an official Google product (experimental or otherwise), it is just code that happens to be owned by Google.
