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What is Blogd?

Blogd is a custom Redis version for building Flat-File Blog which focus about performance, fast development to help busy developers to build a blog. Blogd was first developed for Golr Engineering Blog.



  • Simple HTTP server inside Redis.
  • Support Markdown language to write posts with minimum effort required.
  • Auto creating pagination pages.
  • Can handle thousand of requests per seconds with Redis event-loop.

Source code layout

  • contents: contains html templates.
  • public: contains static files (css,js,images).
  • redis-3.2.5: contains the Redis custom version, written in C.

How Blogd works

  • Blogd will read files in "contents" dir when it started and compile it.
  • All compiled content will be saved into Redis by key => value (file_name => compiled_content) and keep it in memory.
  • When the client requests a resource (Ex: /2016-11-08-failure-is-not-an-option). The value (compiled content) of "2016-11-08-failure-is-not-an-option" key will be returned back to the client.

Install dependencies

$ sudo apt-get install libpcre3-dev # For Debian/Ubuntu
$ sudo yum install pcre-devel # For RHEL/CentOS

Building Blogd

It is as simple as:

$ cd redis-3.2.5
$ make

Fixing build problems with dependencies or cached build options

$ cd redis-3.2.5
$ make distclean

Running Blogd

To run Redis with the default configuration just type:

$ cd redis-3.2.5
$ ./src/redis-server redis.conf

Blogd configurations

Some new configurations added in "redis-3.2.5/redis.conf" file

content-dir "../contents" # The path of content dir
public-dir "../public" # The path of public dir
per-page 10 # Limit posts per page
reload-content-query "secret-reload" # HTTP query param for reloading content (ex: http://blogd.local/?secret-reload=1)
markdown-compile 0 # Using or not mardown language in templates

Contents directory

  • errors: contains templates for error pages.
  • posts: contains posts templates (naming convention: Y-m-d-post-title).
  • layout.tpl: master template for all pages.
  • page.tpl: template for home page and pagination pages (when your blog has many posts more than 'per-page' config).
  • content_top.tpl, header.tpl, footer.tpl: template for specify area in layout.tpl.
  • post.tpl: template of a posts displayed on home page and pagination pages. (will replace for {{ posts }} in "page.tpl").


  • Currently Blogd only support for Linux (specially on Ubuntu & Centos)
  • It should be run behind Nginx in production for security.
  • Blogd rewrite the way Redis handles connections so we cannot use Redis utilities: redis-benchmark, redis-cli...