nest-rabbit-tasks 是一个基于RabbitMQ for NestJS的TaskQueue

nest-rabbit-tasks 是一个基于RabbitMQ for NestJS的TaskQueue

Node.js 其它杂项





nest-rabbit-tasks is a TaskQueue based upon RabbitMQ for NestJS.


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By working hard on abstracting NestJS injection and RabbitMQ connection, we wanted to make it easy to do background tasks in NestJS.

nest-bull is a reference in this domain: it use bull and redis to provide the task queue. Moreover nest-bull and bull are the state of art about how TaskQueue complexity can be hidden and abstracted. With them, building a queue is actually fun.

However, complex system may need other technologies than redis: RabbitMQ provides more features, such as exchange (to allow task routing).

We needed it on a project, so here it is made available for you.


This is beta quality software. We just started it so it has probably a few bugs.

We are actively working on it so it may break without notice / API may change.

⚠️ Use with caution, be ready to pin a version and make some modification on the code ⚠️


Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Tycho Tatitscheff
Tycho Tatitscheff

💻 📖 🤔 🚇

💻 📖 🤔

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

Get Started

Declare the module:

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { NestRabbitTasksModule } from 'nest-rabbit-tasks';

// Import the worker.
import { EmailWorker } from './worker/email.worker';
// And import some services.
import { SMTPService } from './service/smtp.service';

  imports: [
    // Note that there is also a `registerAsync` method
    // that allows the parameters to depend on an injected configService.
    // You can have a look at the interface to see what options it takes.
      // That is not the name of RabbitMQ queue
      // but an unique reference that identify the queue and the worker
      // and allow us to link the conf here and the worker implementation there
      reference: 'worker-email-queue',
      // Queue or exchange (but exchange are not implemented yet ^^).
      entityType: 'queue',
      // AMQP connection/channel wide options.
      amqpOptions: { connectionUrl: 'amqp://localhost:5672' },
      // Module option that dictate the worker behavior
      globalOptions: {
        // By default RabbitMQ create queue if the queue doesn't exist
        // By setting `{ immutableInfrastructure: true }` will throw if the queue does not exist
        // Note that this is not yet implemented yet but will be pretty soon
        immutableInfrastructure: true,
        // How many messages the Worker should take.
        // Increasing it increase the throughput but decrease the consistency
        prefetchSize: 1,
      // Definition of the queue and queue specific options
      // such as `single-active-consumer`
      entity: { queueName: 'worker.queue.1', queueOptions: {} },
      // Worker used to handle the AMQP message
      worker: EmailWorker,
  // Here you should import the worker (EmailWorker)
  // and other service you need
  providers: [EmailWorker, SMTPService],
export class AppModule {}

// ---

// in main.js
import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/core';

async function bootstrap() {
  // Start the module like always
  const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);
  // And launch it.
  // Having an HTTP port is useful to configure an health-check route
  await app.listen(3000);

and create a worker:

import { RabbitWorker, RabbitTasksWorker, RabbitTasksWorker } from 'nest-rabbit-tasks';

// You can specify what the Event looks like.
// By default it is any.
interface Event {
  name: string;
  recipient: string[];
  cc?: string[];
  bcc?: string[];
  content: string;

@RabbitTasksWorker({ reference: 'worker-email-queue' })
export class EmailWorker extends RabbitWorker<Event> {
  // Please do dependency injection
  // and inject what need for the worker to work
  public constructor(private readonly smtpService: SMTPService) {}

  // This method is mandatory
  public async handleMessage(data: Event, message: RabbitTasksWorker<Event, void>) {
    if ( === 'send-mail') {
      await this.smtpService.sendEmail(data.recipient,, data.bcc, data.content);
      // Acknowledge the message to remove it from the queue
    } else {
      log.error('unknown event');
      if (message.getHeader('x-retries') < 3) {
        // Non acknowledge the message but with retry
        // to requeue it and process it later
      } else {
        // Non acknowledge the message without retry
        // to remove it from the queue

Advanced usage

Async configuration

Why: your configuration may be dynamic, depends on env variable or API calls.

  imports: [
      // The reference must be static and unique
      reference: 'toto',
      // Same for the entity type
      entityType: 'queue',
      // The handler is static too
      // (but that is not a mandatory constraint in the code, let me know if you have usages that)
      // (... requires it to be dynamic. I just found it made more sense like this in my use cases.)
      worker: TestWorker,
      // The rest of the options are dynamic
      // (We only provide `useFactory` for now but `useExisting` and `useClass` can be easily implemented)
      useFactory: async (configService: ConfigService) => {
        const queueName = await configService.getQueueName();
        return {
          entity: { queueName },
          amqpOptions: { connectionUrl: 'amqp://localhost:5672' },
          globalOptions: { immutableInfrastructure: true, prefetchSize: 1 },
      // For it to work you have to import a module, eg. a config module
      // that export a service, eg. a config service
      // and inject the configService, so `useFactory` can resolve it
      imports: [ConfigModule],
      inject: [ConfigService],
  providers: [TestWorker],
export class AppModule {}


  • implement the immutableInfrastructure mode

  • connect Rabbit logger to nest Logger and improve debug logs

  • properly check that config is correct and report error if not

  • implement async configuration (registerAsync)

  • prevent Haredo deps to leak

  • implement @OnEvent(rabbitEventName: string) to decorate a method of the Worker that will be call when rabbitEventName is emitted in the queue

  • work on quality (unit tests, E2E tests)

  • improve the doc (registerAsync)

  • implement an Exchange class (so users can publish to exchange using this)