AWS IoT机器人 是一个基于GoPiGo开源机器人工具包及AWS IoT的机器人

AWS IoT机器人 是一个基于GoPiGo开源机器人工具包及AWS IoT的机器人。 它使用基于Node.js的AWS IoT来搭建物联网服务,可以让用户通过Android手机、基于Alexa Skill的声音控制或者其他MQTT客户端来控制机器人前进、伺服以及摄像头。

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IoTbot: Controlling and Integrating the GoPiGo Raspberry Pi robot with AWS IoT using Node.js, Android and Amazon Echo

The GoPiGo is a complete open source kit from Dexter Industries that allows to build your own robot car and it has a Raspberry Pi as its brain. It can become an Internet enabled device when connected to the AWS IoT service.

With this code the GoPiGo will turn into an AWS IoT device allowing an operator using the related Android app, using voice with the Alexa Skill or some other MQTT client to control the GoPiGo movements, servo and camera from anywhere as long as the GoPiGo is connected to the Internet via WiFi.

For each platform the code is available in the following folders with further instructions:

  • iotbot-device: code to run the robot as an AWS IoT device
  • iotbot-app: Android mobile app to remote control de robot
  • iotbot-alexa_skill: AWS Lambda function to remote control the robot via voice with an Amazon Echo