AstroML - 天文学和天体物理学的机器学习,统计和数据挖掘
AstroML是一个用于机器学习和数据挖掘的Python模块,它基于numpy,scipy,scikit-learn和matplotlib构建。 它包含一个不断增长的统计和机器学习程序库,用于分析python中的天文数据,几个开放天文数据集的加载器,以及分析和可视化天文数据集的大量示例。
Python 机器学习
AstroML: Machine Learning for Astronomy
AstroML is a Python module for machine learning and data mining built on numpy, scipy, scikit-learn, and matplotlib, and distributed under the BSD license. It contains a growing library of statistical and machine learning routines for analyzing astronomical data in python, loaders for several open astronomical datasets, and a large suite of examples of analyzing and visualizing astronomical datasets.
This project was started in 2012 by Jake VanderPlas to accompany the book Statistics, Data Mining, and Machine Learning in Astronomy by Zeljko Ivezic, Andrew Connolly, Jacob VanderPlas, and Alex Gray.
Important Links
- HTML documentation:
- Core source-code repository:
- Figure source-code repository:
- Issue Tracker:
- Mailing List:!forum/astroml-general
This package uses distutils, which is the default way of installing python modules. Before installation, make sure your system meets the prerequisites listed in Dependencies, listed below.
To install the core astroML
package in your home directory, use:
pip install astroML
A conda package for astroML is also available either on the conda-forge or on the astropy conda channels:
conda install -c astropy astroML
The core package is pure python, so installation should be straightforward on most systems. To install from source, use:
python install
You can specify an arbitrary directory for installation using:
python install --prefix='/some/path'
To install system-wide on Linux/Unix systems:
python build sudo python install
There are two levels of dependencies in astroML. Core dependencies are required for the core astroML
package. Optional dependencies are required to run some (but not all) of the example scripts. Individual example scripts will list their optional dependencies at the top of the file.
Core Dependencies
The core astroML
package requires the following (some of the functionality might work with older versions):
- Python version 3.5+
- Numpy >= 1.8
- Scipy >= 0.11
- Scikit-learn >= 0.18
- Matplotlib >= 2.1.1
- AstroPy >= 1.2
Optional Dependencies
Several of the example scripts require specialized or upgraded packages. These requirements are listed at the top of the particular scripts
- HEALPy provides an interface to the HEALPix pixelization scheme, as well as fast spherical harmonic transforms.
This package is designed to be a repository for well-written astronomy code, and submissions of new routines are encouraged. After installing the version-control system Git, you can check out the latest sources from GitHub using:
git clone git://
or if you have write privileges:
git clone
We strongly encourage contributions of useful astronomy-related code: for astroML to be a relevant tool for the python/astronomy community, it will need to grow with the field of research. There are a few guidelines for contribution:
Any contribution should be done through the github pull request system (for more information, see the help page Code submitted to astroML
should conform to a BSD-style license, and follow the PEP8 style guide.
Documentation and Examples
All submitted code should be documented following the Numpy Documentation Guide. This is a unified documentation style used by many packages in the scipy universe.
In addition, it is highly recommended to create example scripts that show the usefulness of the method on an astronomical dataset (preferably making use of the loaders in astroML.datasets
). These example scripts are in the examples
subdirectory of the main source repository.
Package Author
- Jake Vanderplas
- Brigitta Sipocz
Code Contribution
- Morgan Fouesneau
- Julian Taylor