使用Vue JS + Express + PostgreSQL开发的API网关示例

使用Vue JS + Express + PostgreSQL开发的API网关示例

Node.js HTTP工具




API Gateway + Vue JS + Express + PostgreSQL

This repository showcases an API gateway fronting an app that uses Vue JS, Express and PostgreSQL. Each piece of architecture is running isolated on their own container.

How it looks like in local

Local Stack Diagram

How it will look like in AWS

Stack Diagram


The following items should be installed on your machine:

✔️ Docker (Containerization)
✔️ Docker Compose (Service Orchestration Locally)
✔️ NodeJS (API and GUI Development)
✔️ .NET Core (API Gateway Development)

Technology Stack

✔️ .NET Core
✔️ Node JS
✔️ VueJS
✔️ Express JS
✔️ Ocelot
✔️ PostgreSQL

Running Application

Run the following on the project root directory:

docker-compose up

Access GUI Locally

To access GUI, navigate to http://localhost:52793

To hit an API, navigate to http://localhost:52793/v1/api/users/list


I'm writing about API gateways in my blog @ https://www.pogsdotnet.com

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