Taylor - 测量Swift代码指标,并获取在Xcode,Jenkins和其他CI平台中报告

Taylor - 测量Swift代码指标,并获取在Xcode,Jenkins和其他CI平台中报告

Swift 代码质量





⚠️ Taylor is DEPRECATED. Use SwiftLint instead.

A tool aimed to increase Swift code quality, by checking for conformance to code metrics.

Build Status codecov.io Release version Swift Code Platform License

Taylor uses SourceKitten to a more accurate AST representation and generates the final report in either Xcode, JSON, PMD or plain text formats.


Homebrew (recommended)

You need to have Homebrew installed.

brew update
brew install taylor


Rebuild dependencies by running carthage bootstrap --platform Mac (Carthage required)
Clone the project and run make install (latest version of Xcode required).


Download the latest release and run:




To get warnings displayed in the IDE add a new Run Script Phase with:

if which taylor >/dev/null; then
  taylor -p ${PROJECT_DIR} -r xcode
  echo "Taylor not installed"

Command line

To use Taylor from command line run it as follows:

taylor [option1 [option1_argument]] [option2 option2_argument] […]

Available options
taylor Description
-h/--help Print help.
-v/--version Print Taylor version.
-p/--path path Path to the folder to be analysed (current folder by default).
-e/--exclude file Path to either directory or file to be excluded from analysis.
-ef/--excludeFile file Path to exclude file in .yml format.
-f/--file file File to be included in analysis (may be from an external source).
-t/--type type Type of files to be analysed.
-vl/--verbosityLevel level Verbosity level for output messages (info, warning and error).
-r/--reporter type:name Type of final report (json, xcode, pmd or plain text) and filename.
-rc/--ruleCustomization rule=value Customize rules by giving custom values. See help for more details.

taylor alone with no arguments analyses .swift files inside current folder.


If you want to exclude some files or folders from checking create a new .yml file and call Taylor with -ef /path/to/file argument.
Default filename is excludes.yml and its default location is the folder specified by --path flag.
The following excluding name formats can be specified:

- "/path/to/file"
- "file"
- "Folder"
- "Folder/*"
- ".*Tests.*"


These are the code quality rules currently existing:

Excessive Class Length

Number of lines in a class must not exceed given limit. Default limit = 400 lines.
Example: taylor -rc ExcessiveClassLength=100.

Excessive Method Length

Number of lines in a method must not exceed given limit. Default limit = 20 lines.
Example: taylor -rc ExcessiveMethodLength=10.

Too Many Methods

Number of methods in a class must not exceed given limit. Default limit = 10 methods.
Example: taylor -rc TooManyMethods=7.

Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic Complexity number of a method must not exceed maximal admitted value. Default = 5.
Example: taylor -rc CyclomaticComplexity=10.

Nested Block Depth

Block Depth of a method must not exceed maximal admitted value. Default = 3.
Example: taylor -rc NestedBlockDepth=7.

N-Path Complexity

N-Path Complexity of a method must not exceed maximal admitted value. Default = 100.
Example: taylor -rc NPathComplexity=50.

Excessive Parameter List

Number of parameters given to a method must not exceed maximal admitted value. Default = 3.
Example: taylor -rc ExcessiveParameterList=5.


Thanks to JP Simard for developing SourceKitten.


MIT Licensed.
