

Go 安全相关



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GoXor is an encryption method written in the Go programming language, and is based on a xor cipher in conjunction with a one-time pad.

Download and Install

  1. Install and configure Go for you operating system. See Here
  2. Once Go is installed and configured, run this command to install the goxor tool
go get github.com/penguingovernor/goxor


To ensure that installation went smoothly run the go test tool

go test -v github.com/penguingovernor/goxor/xor


After installing, you can use goxor help to get documentation:

goxor help

Running goxor

goxor has two sub-commands: encrypt and decrypt.


# Encrypts input hello.txt using a one time pad as the key, 'goxor' as the signature, outputs out.xor and out.xor.key
goxor encrypt -i hello.txt
# Decrypts input out.xor using out.xor.key as the key, this will output to stdout
goxor decrypt -i out.xor -k out.xor.key

The goxor encrypt command can encrypt files. It supports the following flags:

  • --input= or -i: The file to be encrypted. If the file cannot be found then the input is treated as a string. If omitted goxor encrypt will read from stdin

  • --output= or -o: The desired file name to output the encrypted data to. Omitting this flag mode causes goxor encrypt to output to out.xor. If the string 'stdout' is passed to goxor encrypt --output then the encrypted data is written to stdout

  • --key_out or -K: The desired file name to output the key to. Omitting this flag causes goxor encrypt to output to out.xor.key. If the string 'stdout' is passed to goxor encrypt --key_out then the key is written to stdout

  • --signature or -s: The file or string to use as the encryption signature. If omitted the string goxor is used as the signature. If stdin is passed then the input from stdin is used as the signature.

  • --key or -k: The file or string to use as the encryption key. If omitted a one time pad is used as the key. If stdin is passed then the input from stdin is used as the key.

The goxor decrypt command can decrypt files. It supports the following flags:

  • --input= or -i: The file to be decrypted.

  • --output= or -o: The desired file name to output the decrypted data to. Omitting this flag mode causes goxor decrypt to output to stdout.

  • --key or -k: The file to use as the decryption key.
