Feed SDK- 下载和过滤 Feed 文件

Python 下载工具


Feed SDK 是 eBay 开源的 Python 开发包,用于下载和过滤通过公共 Feed API 提供的大型项目 Feed 文件。



可以使用命令行调用 SDK 的所有功能。

要查看可用选项和过滤器,请使用 ‘–help’

usage: FeedSDK [-h] [-dt DT] -c1 C1 [-scope {ALL_ACTIVE,NEWLY_LISTED}]
               [-mkt MKT] [-token TOKEN] [-env {SANDBOX,PRODUCTION}]
               [-lf LF [LF ...]] [-sellerf SELLERF [SELLERF ...]]
               [-locf LOCF [LOCF ...]] [-pricelf PRICELF] [-priceuf PRICEUF]
               [-epidf EPIDF [EPIDF ...]] [-iepidf IEPIDF [IEPIDF ...]]
               [-gtinf GTINF [GTINF ...]] [-itemf ITEMF [ITEMF ...]]
               [-dl DOWNLOADLOCATION] [--filteronly] [-format FORMAT] [-qf QF]


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -dt DT                the date when feed file was generated
  -c1 C1                the l1 category id of the feed file
                        the feed scope. Available scopes are ALL_ACTIVE or
  -mkt MKT              the marketplace id for which feed is being requested.
                        For example - EBAY_US
  -token TOKEN          the oauth token for the consumer. Omit the word
                        environment type. Supported Environments are SANDBOX
                        and PRODUCTION
  -lf LF [LF ...]       list of leaf categories which are used to filter the
  -sellerf SELLERF [SELLERF ...]
                        list of seller names which are used to filter the feed
  -locf LOCF [LOCF ...]
                        list of item locations which are used to filter the
  -pricelf PRICELF      lower limit of the price range for items in the feed
  -priceuf PRICEUF      upper limit of the price range for items in the feed
  -epidf EPIDF [EPIDF ...]
                        list of epids which are used to filter the feed
  -iepidf IEPIDF [IEPIDF ...]
                        list of inferred epids which are used to filter the
  -gtinf GTINF [GTINF ...]
                        list of gtins which are used to filter the feed
  -itemf ITEMF [ITEMF ...]
                        list of item IDs which are used to filter the feed
                        override for changing the directory where files are
  --filteronly          filter the feed file that already exists in the
                        default path or the path specified by -dl,
                        --downloadlocation option. If --filteronly option is
                        not specified, the feed file will be downloaded again
  -format FORMAT        feed and filter file format. Default is gzip
  -qf QF                any other query to filter the feed file. See Python
                        dataframe query format

例如,使用命令行选项使用令牌下载和过滤 Feed 文件

python feed_cli.py -c1 3252 -scope ALL_ACTIVE -mkt EBAY_DE -env PRODUCTION -qf "AvailabilityThreshold=10" -locf IT GB -dl DIR -token xxx

过滤 Feed 文件,不需要令牌

python feed_cli.py --filteronly -c1 260 -pricelf 5 -priceuf 20 -dl FILE_PATH