

C/C++ 机器学习





Psychic is a C implementation of some of the most common Artificial Neural Network models which based on PsyC. It provides a linkable dynamic library and a command line tool. It has been written mainly for autodidactic purpose, so it's not guaranteed to be safe in production contexts, but you can play with it if you want.

Surely it's not the state-of-the-art neural network implementation, because its code has been structured with the aim of being easly readable and understandable rather than being peformant and efficient. Anyway, it's quite fast and it also supports AVX2 extensions when built on CPUs that have support it. It doesn't currenlty support CUDA, but it support OpenCL.

PsyC currently has support for the following neural network models:

  • Fully Condensed Neural Networks
  • Convolutional Neural Networks
  • Recurrent Neural Networks
  • LSTM Networks

Supported Platforms

PsyC should build with no problems on Linux and OS X/macOS platforms. I've never tested it on other POSIX platforms. Support for non-POSIX platforms is not in my plans.

Build and Install

Building PsyC should be quite simple, just jump inside the PsyC source directory and type:


The build process should automatically detect if your CPU supports AVX2, and consequently enable AVX2 extensions. Anyway if you want to turn AVX2 support off, or if it's not automatically detected during build phase, you can always enable/disable it by adding the AVX variable after the make command, ie:

make AVX=off  #disables AVX2 extensions

make AVX=on   #explicitly enables AVX2 extensions

PsyC provides some convenience utility functions that make easy to feed image files directly into the network (useful with convolutional networks). These functions require ImageMagick to be installed on your system. Again, the build process should automatically detect if ImageMagick and its development libraries are installed on your system, so that it can automatically disable image utility functions in case you haven't it.

But if you encounter some problem with ImageMagick compatibility you can manually disable support for it by adding the variable MAGICK=off after make:

make MAGICK=off

In order to install the library, headers and command line tool on your system, just use the canonical

make install

By default, the installation prefix will be /usr/local/, but if you want to change it, just add the PREFIX variable:

make install PREFIX=/usr/opt/local

Running some example

You can use the command line tool psycl in order to try PsyC.

Building and training a Fully Connected Network with MNIST data

psycl --layer fully_connected 784 --layer fully_connected 30 --layer fully_connected 10 --train --mnist --test --mnist

The trained network will be saved in the /tmp/ directory, but you choose a different output file with via the --save option, ie:

psycl --layer fully_connected 784 --layer fully_connected 30 --layer fully_connected 10 --train --mnist --test --mnist --save /home/myhome/

Loading a pretrained convolutional network

psycl --load /usr/local/share/psyc/resources/ --test --mnist

Trying to classify an image using a network pretrained on MNIST dataset

psycl --load /usr/local/share/psyc/resources/ --classify-image /usr/local/share/psyc/resources/digit.2.png --grayscale

Using the library

Here is an example of a simple Fully Connected Network

#include <psyc/psyc.h>

#define EPOCHS 30
#define LEARNING_RATE 0.5
#define BATCH_SIZE 10

double * training_data;
double * evaluation_data;
int datalen;
int evaluation_datalen;


PSNeuralNetwork * network = PSCreateNetwork("Simple Neural Network");

PSAddLayer(network, FullyConnected, INPUT_SIZE, NULL);
PSAddLayer(network, FullyConnected, 30, NULL);
PSAddLayer(network, FullyConnected, 10, NULL);

PSTrain(network, training_data, datalen, EPOCHS, LEARNING_RATE, 
        BATCH_SIZE, NULL, evaluation_data, evaluation_datalen);



And now an example of a Convolutional Neural Network:

#define REGION_SIZE 5
#define POOL_SIZE 2
#define RELU_ENABLED 0

PSNeuralNetwork * network = PSCreateNetwork("Convolutional Neural Network");

PSLayerParameters * cparams;
PSLayerParameters * pparams;
cparams = PSCreateConvolutionalParameters(FEATURES_COUNT, REGIONS_SIZE,
pparams = PSCreateConvolutionalParameters(FEATURES_COUNT, POOL_SIZE,

PSAddLayer(network, FullyConnected, 784, NULL);
PSAddConvolutionalLayer(network, cparams);
PSAddPoolingLayer(network, pparams);
PSAddLayer(network, FullyConnected, 30, NULL);
PSAddLayer(network, SoftMax, 10, NULL);



Training Data Format

Here you'll find the specifications for training data.

Non-Recurrent Networks

Training data layout for non-recurrent networks is quite simple. It's just an array of doubles that contains the sequence of all the inputs and expected outputs (targets). Let's assume that we have a very simple network where the input layer is made of 4 units, and the output layer is made of 2 units. Let's also assume that the input data is 0.2, 0.0, 0.9, 0.3 and the expected output is 0, 1.

We'll have the following training data:

double data[] = {0.2, 0.0, 0.9, 0.3, 0.0, 1.0};

If we have other pairs of inputs and expected outputs, they should be all concatenated, so if we have another pair of inputs 0.0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.5 and expected outputs 1.0, 0.0, we'll have:

double data[] = {
    0.2, 0.0, 0.9, 0.3, 0.0, 1.0, 
    0.0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.0

And so on...

When you start training the network, you'll pass the training data to the PSTrain function along with the total count of the array elements (12 in the example above):

PSTrain(network, data, 12, EPOCHS, 3, 10, NULL, NULL, 0);

Recurrent Networks

Since recurrent networks works on sequences, the length of each element is variable. In this case, the traing data array requires that you tell the network the total number of input/output pairs and, for each of them, the number of items in every sequence. Let's assume that we'll train the network over 2 sequences. The first sequence inputs are 2,4,6 while the expected outputs are 4,6,8. The second sequence inputs will be 3,6,9,12 and the expected outputs 6,9,12,15. As you can see, the two sequences have different lengths. So the layout of training data is:

Total Sequence Count,sequences....

And for every sequence:

Sequence length, inputs..., expected outputs...

So, in the example above we have two sequences: the first one has three inputs while the second one has four inputs. The training data array will be:

double data[] = {
    3.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0,
    4.0, 3.0, 6.0, 9.0, 12.0, 6.0, 9.0, 12.0, 15.0

The total array length is 17, so we'll train the network with:

PSTrain(network, data, 17, EPOCHS, 3, 10, NULL, NULL, 0);