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We have a new implementation of the connector in a project called Virtual Kubelet. Please add support there! Thanks! Reach out to ria.bhatia@microsoft.com for any questions

Azure Container Instances Connector for Kubernetes (experimental)

The Azure Container Instances Connector for Kubernetes allows Kubernetes clusters to deploy Azure Container Instances.

This enables on-demand and nearly instantaneous container compute, orchestrated by Kubernetes, without having VM infrastructure to manage and while still leveraging the portable Kubernetes API. This will allow you to utilize both VMs and container instances simultaneously in the same Kubernetes cluster, giving you the best of both worlds.

Please note this software is experimental and should not be used for anything resembling a production workload.

How does it Work

The ACI Connector roughly mimics the Kubelet interface by:

  • Registering into the Kubernetes data plane as a Node with unlimited capacity
  • Dispatching scheduled Pods to Azure Container Instances instead of a VM-based container engine

Once the connector is registered as a node named aci-connector, you can use nodeName: aci-connector in your Pod spec to run the Pod via Azure Container Instances. Pods without this node name will continue to be scheduled normally. See below for instructions on how to use use the ACI Connector with the Kubernetes scheduler via taints and tolerations.

ACI Connector for Kubernetes GIF


  1. A working az command-line client - Install azure cli
  2. A Kubernetes cluster with a working kubectl - Set up a Kubernetes cluster on Azure

Current Features

In addition to the provided examples directory, the following Kubernetes features are currently supported when defined within a Kubernetes Pod manifest. This list is subject to change as we improve the aci-connector.

  • Environment Variables
  • Commands
  • ImagePullSecrets
  • Azure file share as volume
  • Windows ACI support through the microsoft/aci-connector-k8s:canary image


The following Kubernetes features are not currently supported as part of the aci-connector.

  • ConfigMaps
  • Secrets
  • ServiceAccounts
  • Volumes
  • kubectl logs
  • kubectl exec


  1. Run the generateManifest.py script
  2. Deploy the ACI Connector
  3. Return the nodes in your cluster
  4. Deploy an NGINX pod to ACI
  5. Access the NGINX pod via its public address


Create a Resource Group

The ACI Connector will create each container instance in a specified resource group. You can create a new resource group with or use your existing Azure Container Service cluster's resource group:

$ az group create -n aci-test -l westus
  "id": "/subscriptions/<subscriptionId>/resourceGroups/aci-test",
  "location": "westus",
  "managedBy": null,
  "name": "aci-test",
  "properties": {
    "provisioningState": "Succeeded"
  "tags": null

Run the script

From within the examples folder run the generateManifest.py script. The generateManifest.py script will create a service principal role at the subscription scope and populate the examples/aci-connector.yaml file.

$ python3 generateManifest.py --resource-group <resource group> --location <location> --subscription-id <subscription id>
Creating Service Principle

Confirm Microsoft.ContainerInstance provider is registered

$ az provider list -o table | grep ContainerInstance
Microsoft.ContainerInstance             NotRegistered

If it is not registered, register it by running the following command.

$ az provider register -n Microsoft.ContainerInstance
$ az provider list -o table | grep ContainerInstance
Microsoft.ContainerInstance             Registered

Install the ACI Connector

$ kubectl create -f examples/example-aci-connector.yaml 
deployment "aci-connector" created

$ kubectl get nodes -w
NAME                        STATUS                     AGE       VERSION
aci-connector               Ready                      3s        1.6.6
k8s-agentpool1-31868821-0   Ready                      5d        v1.7.0
k8s-agentpool1-31868821-1   Ready                      5d        v1.7.0
k8s-agentpool1-31868821-2   Ready                      5d        v1.7.0
k8s-master-31868821-0       Ready,SchedulingDisabled   5d        v1.7.0

Install the ACI Connector with Helm (optional)

Set the appropriate values for your connector:

$ helm inspect values ./charts/aci-connector > myvalues.yaml
$ # edit myvalues.yaml

You can then install the chart:

$ helm install --name my-release -f myvalues.yaml ./charts/aci-connector

Alternatively, values can be set from the command line instead of supplied via myvalues.yaml.

$ helm install --name my-release --set env.azureClientId=YOUR-AZURECLIENTID,env.azureClientKey=YOUR-AZURECLIENTKEY,env.azureTenantId=YOUR-AZURETENANTID,env.azureSubscriptionId=YOUR-AZURESUBSCRIPTIONID,env.aciResourceGroup=YOUR-ACIRESOURCEGROUP,env.aciRegion=YOUR-ACI-REGION ./charts/aci-connector

Install the NGINX example

$ kubectl create -f examples/nginx-pod.yaml 
pod "nginx" created

$ kubectl get po -w -o wide
NAME          READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE       IP             NODE
aci-connector-3396840456-v75q2  1/1       Running   0          44s    k8s-agentpool1-31868821-2
nginx         1/1       Running   0          31s   aci-connector

Note the pod is scheduled on the aci-connector node. It should now be accessible at the public IP listed.

Using the Kubernetes scheduler

The example in nginx-pod hard codes the node name, but you can also use the Kubernetes scheduler.

The virtual aci node, has a taint (azure.com/aci) with a default effect of NoSchedule. This means that by default Pods will not schedule onto the aci node unless they are explicitly placed there.

However, if you create a Pod that tolerates this taint, it can be scheduled to the aci node by the Kubernetes scheduler.

Here is an example of Pod with this toleration.

To use this Pod, you can simply:

$ kubectl create -f examples/nginx-pod-tolerations.yaml

Note that if you have other nodes in your cluster then this Pod may not necessarily schedule onto the Azure Container Instances.

To force a Pod onto Azure Container Instances, you can either explicitly specify the NodeName as in the first example, or you can delete all of the other nodes in your cluster using kubectl delete nodes <node-name>. A third option is to fill your cluster with other workloads, then the scheduler will be obligated to schedule work to the Azure Container Instance API.

Using Canary builds

"Canary" builds are versions of the connector that are built periodically from the latest master branch. They are not official releases, and may not be stable. However, they offer the opportunity to test the cutting edge features.

To use the latest canary release you can patch the aci-connector deployment to update the container tag using the following command:

$ kubectl set image deploy/aci-connector aci-connector=microsoft/aci-connector-k8s:canary

Windows Support

Use the canary build specified above and you will see two connectors deployed as nodes on your Kubernetes cluster. Node select to aci-connector-0 for Linux ACI deployments and to aci-connector-1 for Windows ACI deployments.

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME                        STATUS    AGE       VERSION
aci-connector-0             Ready     8m        v1.6.6
aci-connector-1             Ready     8m        v1.6.6
k8s-mycluster1-10386372-0   Ready     8d        v1.7.7

Development Instructions

Local Development

<edit source>
$ make clean
$ make build
$ node connector.js

Docker Development

make docker-build
docker tag <local-image> <remote-image>
docker push <remote-image>

Then edit examples/aci-connector.yaml to point to the remote-image.


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When you submit a pull request, a CLA-bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., label, comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repos using our CLA.

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