用Node/Express/Redis/jQuery编写的LN(lamer news)风格的社交新闻网站

用Node/Express/Redis/jQuery编写的LN(lamer news)风格的社交新闻网站

Node.js 内容管理系统




jsernews Build Status

jsernews is a Node.js port of the lamernews - an HN style social news site.

Getting Started

jsernews is a Node/Express/Redis/jQuery application. You need to install Redis and Node.js 7.x+ with the following node packages:

  • express
  • ioredis
  • reds
  • html5-gen
  • smtp-protocol
  • underscore
  • and so on...
# Get the latest snapshot
$ git clone https://github.com/7anshuai/jsernews.git

# Change directory
$ cd jsernews

# Install NPM dependencies
$ npm install

# Then simply start it
$ npm start

Please note that Node.js 7.6 was the first version of Node to support asynchronous functions without requiring a flag. You need to use the --harmony flag if your Node.js version is between 7.0 to 7.5 (inclusive).

Data Layout

At the moment it is compatible with the redis structure used by Lamer News 0.11.0.


You will need docker and docker-compose installed to build the application.

After installing docker, start the application with the following commands:

# To build the project for the first time or when you add dependencies
$ docker-compose build web

# To start the application (or to restart after making changes to the source code)
$ docker-compose up web

To view the app, find your docker ip address + port 3000 ( this will typically be ).


$ npm test

Website using this code
