Marble 一种基于Apache Calcite的高性能内存Hive sql引擎

Marble 一种基于Apache Calcite的高性能内存Hive sql引擎

Java 数据库相关工具




Marble is a high performance in-memory hive sql engine based on Apache Calcite.
It can help you to migrate hive sql scripts to a real-time computing system.
It also provides a convenient Table API to help you to build custom SQL engines.

Build and run tests


  • Java 1.8 as a build JDK
  • Maven marble

cd marble
mvn clean install -DskipTests

if you need modify the patches of Calcite, build calcite-patch project first

git clone
cd calcite-patch
mvn clean install -DskipTests

In the long term,we hope to merge the patches to Calcite finally.

2.import marble project into IDE, but please don't import calcite-patch as a submodule of marble project the test TableEnvTest and HiveTableEnvTest


Maven dependency


API Overview


TableEnv tableEnv = HiveTableEnv.getTableEnv();

DataTable t1 = tableEnv.fromJavaPojoList(pojoList);
DataTable t2 = tableEnv.fromJdbcResultSet(resultSet);
DataTable t3=tableEnv.fromRowListWithSqlTypeMap(rowList,sqlTypeMap);

tableEnv.registerTable("test","t2", t2);
DataTable queryResult = tableEnv.sqlQuery("select * from test.t1 join test.t2 on");
List<Map<String, Object>> rowList=queryResult.toMapList();

It's recommended to enable plan cache for the same sql query:


TableEnv is the main table api to execute sql queries on a dataSet.
It can be used to:

  • convert a java pojo List or jdbc ResultSet to a DataTable
  • register a DataTable in TableEnv's catalog
  • add subSchemas and customized functions in TableEnv's catalog
  • execute a sql query to get the result DataTable

The TableEnv supports Calcite's sql dialect by default,see it's sql reference.
The goal of HiveTableEnv is to support hive sql as far as possible,developers can aslo use a TableConfig to create a new TableEnv to support other sql dialects(MysqlTableEnv,PostgreTableEnv ..etc).

Supported hive sql features

  • specific keywords and operators
  • all of UDF,UDAF
  • part of UDTF
  • implicit type casting
  • load customized UDF,UDAF by package name


There're some benchmark tests in the benchmark module,it compares flink,spark and marble on some simple sql queries.


It shows how marble customized calcite in the sql processing flow: how_marble_customized_calcite
You can find more details from calcite-patch's commit history.Now Marble uses calcite 1.18.0.

The main type mapping between calcite and hive is:

CalciteSqlType JavaStorageType HiveObjectInspector
BIGINT Long LongObjectInspector
INTEGER Int IntObjectInspector
DOUBLE Double DoubleObjectInspectors
DECIMAL BigDecimal HiveDecimalObjectInspector
VARCHAR String StringObjectInspector
DATE Int DateObjectInspector
TIMESTAMP Long TimestampObjectInspector
ARRAY List StandardListObjectInspector
...... ...... ......


  • improve compatibility with hive sql.(high priority)
  • submit patches to Calcite,make it easy to upgrade calcite-core, some related issues:CALCITE-2282,CALCITE-2973,CALCITE-2992.(high priority)
  • implements UDTF in a generic way.(high priority)
  • constant folded for hive udf.(low priority)
  • use a customized sql Planner to replace the default PlannerImpl.(low priority)
  • TPC-DS queries with a customized scale.(low priority)
  • vectorized udf execution.(experimental)
  • distributed broadcast join.(experimental)
  • cost based optimizer.(experimental)

More issues see issues.


Welcome contributions. Please use the Calcite-idea-code-style.xml under the marble directory to reformat code, and ensure that the validation of maven checker-style plugin is success after source code building.


This library is distributed under terms of Apache 2 License
