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(logical)From the options available, please choose which diagram would next in the series. Then click on your selection below.


(logical)From the options available, please choose which diagram would next in the series. Then click on your selection below


(logical)From the options available, please choose which diagram would next in the series. Then click on your selection below. 


(logical)From the options available, please choose which diagram would next in the series. Then click on your selection below.


(logical)From the options available, please choose which diagram would next in the series. Then click on your selection below.


(logical)From the options available, please choose which diagram would next in the series. Then click on your selection below.


(logical)From the options available, please choose which diagram would next in the series. Then click on your selection below. 


(logical)From the options available, please choose which diagram would next in the series. Then click on your selection below. 


After looking into the bakery’s financials, you decide to further investigate the cake segment of the business. The owner tells you that during October and November one of his bakers spends 50% of his time baking cakes, but that he employs two temporary extra junior bakers in December to help produce the necessary number of cakes during the Christmas season. In December, 2.5 full time bakers therefore focus on baking cakes. The owner provides you with Table 2, which summarises the number of items produced by the bakery between October and December. He also gives you Exhibit 1, which illustrates the number of cakes the bakery can produce depending on the number of bakers it employs. Finally, he tells you that a full time baker works 160 hours per month. 

What is the approximate difference in the bakers’ productivity, measured in minutes to bake a cake, in December versus the average of the previous two months?


Despite the evolution and added convenience of alternative channels, the branch network continues to be the heart of most retail banks. Many customers still harbor strong preferences for the personal interaction that only branches provide. Even remote users want to know that they can take their complex transactions to a local branch. With retail banks facing a range of pressures and pursuing growth through deposits, it is more important than ever for them to get the most out of their branch investments. McKinsey has been doing an ongoing analysis of branch networks across the United States to see where these networks are falling short and how Fargo Bank, a major client, can make improvements. Exhibit 1 shows that human interaction remains important in a multichannel world. Data is from surveys taken at Fargo and other North American retail banks. Personal interaction and service rank highly in the consumer decision process about where to bank. While alternative banking channels deliver added convenience, it is branch offices that customers turn to when they seek assistance with non-routine financial needs and where prospects go to learn about and open accounts. Fargo Bank has acknowledged this by continuing to invest heavily in growing their branch networks. The Head of Retail Division adds: “Today’s economic environment places significant pressure on operating costs across most industries, and for retail banking, a substantial portion (60 to 70 percent) of these costs are centered in branch networks. Recent and expected regulatory changes will put additional pressure on profitability. So while the branch is still a core asset and a vital link to customers, we will need to take a hard look at our branch networks to ensure that our continued investment results in strong returns”. 799012jjd.png 

Which of the following statements can be concluded based on the Exhibit 1?


Mehealthy ltd. is a pharmaceutical company specialised in skin care and plastic surgery products based in the US. Their core product is a topical treatment for non-‐melanoma skin cancer. In addition, the firm also develops and sells botulinum toxins to plastic surgeons for patients who want to reduce wrinkles. The company covers the entire line of production and distribution: it operates an R&ampD laboratory, manufactures the drugs and toxins in its own plants and distributes the products through its own sales force. The company’s salespeople are product specialists with a background in pharmacy or medicine who meet practitioners at conferences and seminars or directly at their clinic to inform them about the new products developed by Mehealthy. They manage the client relationship from initial contact to final sales, and follow up with new offers on a regular basis. The company’s management have noticed that their sales growth is significantly lower than that of their competitors, and believe that this is due to their sales force underperforming. They have noticed that competitors have a smaller but more specialised sales force, and have received feedback from physicians that their sales representatives are not always available. The management have asked you to evaluate potential solutions to increase their revenue growth. They give you the following data about the evolution of their sales force and their revenues over the last five years:


Which of the following values best approximates the average revenue per salesperson over the last four years in the botulinum toxins segment?


While discussing the decrease in productivity for cakes in December, the owner of the bakery shows interest in producing more cakes in December and working with other grocery stores and bakeries to sell the excess cake production. He thinks that only hiring one extra baker in December would not be sufficient, and that producing more cakes or other products is the best option to address the problem. As a result, he would like to know if the benefits of increasing cake production outweigh the risks of selling his cakes through 3 rd party outlets that also sell good quality bread and sandwiches. Which of the following questions best summarises the owner’s concerns? Does it make sense to only hire one extra baker in December, or should the owner rethink his hiring strategy?


McKinsey team has discerned different shopping habits of the 12-20 year old segment compared to other age groups, and thus, recommended Bros to alter its distribution network so as to better attack the concerned segment. The team also notes that financial resources and cost-effectiveness are important in considering distribution and sales force options. A number of possibilities have been scanned through and are presented in Table 1
If sales increases in other age groups are not taken into account, using which network would help raise the profit margin the most?


The team launched a survey among key customers to benchmark the service levels at RotorCorp with their expectations and speed of delivery of spare parts ranked as the first requirement by all customers. The COO, in charge of operations and warehouse is extremely pleased with the results as he thinks it will be an opportunity to highlight the importance of service delivery, in his view a prerequisite for any improvement in service.Exhibit 4 shows the process currently in place between receiving an order from a client for a part available in the warehouse to delivering it. 799016puc.png 
What is the current range of spare parts that can be delivered in a given day?


Ultimately, the value of any investment is the present value of the future cash flows - Net Present Value (NPV) - that the investment is expected to generate. Therefore, it is necessary to forecast the economic cash flows and discount them appropriately to allow for the fact that they will not be received until sometime in the future. The NPV calculation always assumes the project is a success. However, there is a chance that no oil or gas is present (which is called “geological risk”). This must therefore be reflected in the valuation. This is achieved by assigning probabilities to the values of successful and unsuccessful outcomes. The sum of these risked values is the Expected Monetary Value (EMV). Which of the following statements can be concluded from the data given in Table 1?


The team decides to design a survey to evaluate the demand for healthier alternatives. A sample of 50,000 customers were surveyed and divided into customers who have consumed Sweetlove products in the last year (existing customers) and customers who have never tried Sweetlove products (new customers). Customers were asked to try two different products and rate them on a scale from 1 to 5 (5 being the highest) on the following criteria: • Texture • Taste • Appearance • Packaging and format

Which of the following conclusions is INCORRECT based on the information presented in Exhibit 2?


Your team is given the following data about CORMAR. Revenue: USD 100m. Total costs : USD 95m. Fixed costs: USD 32m Exhibit 1 shows how different big data levers affect the profit margins of the retailer. Marketing levers can affect 10 to 32 percent of profit margin merchandising levers can affect 10 to 40 percent and supply chain levers can have a 5 to 35 percent impact. In contrast, price transparency levers will tend to cut prices and squeeze margins.

The CEO is interested on the impact of marketing levers. Based on the data shown in Exhibit 1, assuming that costs remain constant and all other things equal, what will CORMAR revenue be if by pulling only marketing levers they manage to achieve the maximum increase in operating profit margin, defined as the difference between revenues and variable costs as a share of revenues?


SJ Hospital is a pediatric hospital dedicated to patients under 18 years old and based in Manchester, United Kingdom. It is a government-‐funded institution located in the western part of the city, where a lot of young parents have established themselves to start families over the past few years. Parents in the area are typically young professionals with a university education and comfortable financial means. SJ estimates that it is servings about 300,000 households with children in the local community. The hospital runs three pediatric services: 1. Emergency services. Emergency services are open 24 hours a day, everyday of the year. Children with acute conditions that require urgent treatment from doctors can attend this service without appointment. Most patients go to emergency services by themselves but some of them are referred to this service by their family doctor. 2. Inpatients’ services. Patients who have attended emergency services and have been diagnosed with a condition that requires advanced medical procedures (e.g. an operation) or prolonged monitoring are admitted to the pediatric ward, where they are allocated a room with a bed and become inpatients. 3. Outpatients’ services. Children with conditions that do not require urgent treatment but demand specialist advice or monitoring are referred to the hospital’s outpatient services by their family doctor. Outpatients typically go to the hospital only for their appointment and then return home. The hospital does not charge families for its services. Instead, it keeps a detailed log of all the interactions it has with patients, such as the number of emergency attendances and outpatient appointments as well as the quantity of inpatients’ procedures it performed during the year. This log is submitted to a government body called the National Health Service (NHS) that audits it and pays SJ for the services it provided to the local community. These funds are then used by SJ to cover their costs. The hospital has been awarded an excellence certificate by the NHS in 2011. The award of this certificate is based on two main sets of criteria: 1. Patients’ safety. This is measured by the average time patients have to wait to see a doctor in emergency services, the quality of the medical procedures in place at the institution and other metrics. 2. Financial efficiency. This is measured by traditional financial metrics including fixed costs, variable costs, total costs per patients, etc. The management informs you that a number of senior pediatric doctors have retired in July 2013. The CEO of the hospital tells you that he thinks this might have decreased the quality of care offered, but the head doctor disagrees because younger doctors are better trained. Moreover, there were a few instances where families were disappointed by the care provided to their children and decided to publicize the issue in local newspapers. This directly affected SJ reputation and had a negative impact on its finances, as some families then decided to avoid it. Due to these recent developments, the NHS has contacted the hospital’s management to inform them that it will re-‐evaluate the hospital’s excellence certificate in six months’ time. The NHS has made it clear that patient safety will be the critical factor to determine whether the hospital keeps its certificate. Your team has been hired to help the hospital maintain its excellence certificate. Which of the following statements is the most accurate regarding the hospital’s efforts to conserve its excellence certificate?


A publisher is now providing university professors with the option of ordering custom textbooks for their courses. The professors can edit out those chapters of a book they are not interested in and add material of their own choosing. The widespread use of the option mentioned above is LEAST likely to contribute to fulfilling which of the following educational objectives?


Mechanicorp's newest product costs so little to make that it appears doubtful the company will be able to sell it without increasing the markup the company usually allows for profit: potential clients would simply not believe that something so inexpensive would really work. Yet Mechanicorp's reputation is built on fair prices incorporating only modest profit margins. The statements above, if true, most strongly support which of the following?


Companies in the country of Kollontay can sell semiconductors in the country of Valdivia at a price that is below the cost to Valdivian companies of producing them. To help those Valdivian companies, the Valdivian legislature plans to set a minimum selling price in Valdivian for semiconductors manufactured in Kollontay that is ten percent greater than the average production costs for companies in Valdivian. Which of the following, if true, most seriously threatens the success of the plan?


An experimental microwave clothes dryer heats neither air nor cloth. Rather, it heats water on clothes, thereby saving electricity and protecting delicate fibers by operating at a lower temperature. Microwaves are waves that usually heat metal objects, but developers of a microwave dryer are perfecting a process that will prevent thin metal objects such as hairpins from heating up and burning clothes. Which of the following, if true, most strongly indicates that the process, when perfected, will be insufficient to make the dryer readily marketable?


Airplane manufacturer: I object to your characterization of our X_387 jets as dangerous. No X_387 in commercial use has ever crashed or even had a serious malfunction. Airline regulator: The problem with the X_387 is not that it, itself, malfunctions, but that it creates a turbulence in its wake that can create hazardous conditions for aircraft in its vicinity. The airline regulator responds to the manufacturer by doing which of the following?


Damaged nerves in the spinal cord do not regenerate themselves naturally, nor even under the spur of nerve_growth stimulants. The reason, recently discovered, is the presence of nerve_growth inhibitors in the spinal cord. Antibodies that deactivate those inhibitors have now been developed. Clearly, then, nerve repair will be a standard medical procedure in the foreseeable future. Which of the following, if true, casts the most serious doubt on the accuracy of the prediction above?