
实习生(培训活动)- 招生办 (Ref. 2022/377/01)

截止日期: 2022-12-31 非管理类职位



1. 剪辑招生办培训活动视频;

2. 协助策划招生办培训相关活动;

3. 组织、执行相关活动;

4. 制作宣传海报;

5. 其他日常事务。


1. 在校大学生;

2. 细致认真,沟通能力强,具备一定的时间管理能力和项目管理能力;

3. 熟悉PR等相关视频剪辑软件及office(Word、PPT为主)办公软件操作;

4. 有高度的工作热情和强烈的责任感;

5. 具有一定的审美能力、脑洞大、思维活跃者优先;

6. 能够保证至少实习3个月。





请在邮件标题注明:“实习生申请 - 姓名 - 联系方式”。




CUHK seeks to enhance the well-being of citizens of Hong Kong, China as a whole, and the wider world community through teaching, research and public service.

The establishment of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen [CUHK(SZ)] is an initiative to take this further by extending the CUHK core educational philosophy and values beyond Hong Kong, in order to contribute to higher education across the nation and to groom future generations of university graduates who are international in outlook, learned in the disciplines they follow, upright character, and committed to serving the needs of society. It is an endeavour that will have a profound impact on the training of top talents and on the educational reform in China, and to contribute to the long-term prosperity of Shenzhen, Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region.
CUHK(SZ) was set up with staunch support from the Shenzhen Municipal Government, and with the participation of Shenzhen University as collaborative partner, as required by the State Regulations for Sino-foreign Co-operation in Running Schools.
CUHK Degrees will be conferred on CUHK(SZ) students who have fulfilled the requirements of the respective academic programmes. In addition, Graduation Certificates will also be awarded to students who have completed their studies and met the graduation requirements stipulated by the State Ministry of Education.