vb System.TimeSpan类(方法)实例源码

下面列出了vb System.TimeSpan 类(方法)源码代码实例,从而了解它的用法。

作者:VB.NET开发    项目:Syste   
' Define two dates.
Dim date1 As Date = #1/1/2010 8:00:15AM#
Dim date2 As Date = #8/18/2010 1:30:30PM#
' Calculate the interval between the two dates.
Dim interval As TimeSpan = date2 - date1
Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1} = {2}", date2, date1, interval.ToString())
' Display individual properties of the resulting TimeSpan object.
Console.WriteLine("   {0,-35} {1,20}", "Value of Days Component:", interval.Days)
Console.WriteLine("   {0,-35} {1,20}", "Total Number of Days:", interval.TotalDays)
Console.WriteLine("   {0,-35} {1,20}", "Value of Hours Component:", interval.Hours)
Console.WriteLine("   {0,-35} {1,20}", "Total Number of Hours:", interval.TotalHours)
Console.WriteLine("   {0,-35} {1,20}", "Value of Minutes Component:", interval.Minutes)
Console.WriteLine("   {0,-35} {1,20}", "Total Number of Minutes:", interval.TotalMinutes)
Console.WriteLine("   {0,-35} {1,20:N0}", "Value of Seconds Component:", interval.Seconds)
Console.WriteLine("   {0,-35} {1,20:N0}", "Total Number of Seconds:", interval.TotalSeconds)
Console.WriteLine("   {0,-35} {1,20:N0}", "Value of Milliseconds Component:", interval.Milliseconds)
Console.WriteLine("   {0,-35} {1,20:N0}", "Total Number of Milliseconds:", interval.TotalMilliseconds)
Console.WriteLine("   {0,-35} {1,20:N0}", "Ticks:", interval.Ticks)

作者:VB.NET开发    项目:Syste   
Dim departure As DateTime = #06/12/2010 6:32PM#
Dim arrival As DateTime = #06/13/2010 10:47PM#
Dim travelTime As TimeSpan = arrival - departure  
Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1} = {2}", arrival, departure, travelTime)

作者:VB.NET开发    项目:Syste   
Module Example
   Dim rnd As New Random()
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim timeSpent As TimeSpan = TimeSpan.Zero

      timeSpent += GetTimeBeforeLunch()
      timeSpent += GetTimeAfterLunch()

      Console.WriteLine("Total time: {0}", timeSpent)
   End Sub
   Private Function GetTimeBeforeLunch() As TimeSpan
      Return New TimeSpan(rnd.Next(3, 6), 0, 0)
   End Function
   Private Function GetTimeAfterLunch() As TimeSpan
      Return New TimeSpan(rnd.Next(3, 6), 0, 0)
   End Function
End Module

作者:VB.NET开发    项目:Syste   
Dim values() As String = { "12", "31.", "5.8:32:16", "12:12:15.95", ".12"}
For Each value As String In values
      Dim ts As TimeSpan = TimeSpan.Parse(value)
      Console.WriteLine("'{0}' --> {1}", value, ts)
   Catch e As FormatException
      Console.WriteLine("Unable to parse '{0}'", value)
   Catch e As OverflowException
      Console.WriteLine("'{0}' is outside the range of a TimeSpan.", value)
   End Try   

作者:VB.NET开发    项目:Syste   
Dim interval As New TimeSpan(12, 30, 45)
Dim output As String
   output = String.Format("{0:r}", interval)
Catch e As FormatException
   output = "Invalid Format"
End Try
' Output from .NET Framework 3.5 and earlier versions:
'       12:30:45
' Output from .NET Framework 4:
'       Invalid Format

作者:VB.NET开发    项目:Syste   
Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim appSetup As New AppDomainSetup()
      appSetup.SetCompatibilitySwitches( { "NetFx40_TimeSpanLegacyFormatMode" } )
      Dim legacyDomain As AppDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("legacyDomain", 
                                                             Nothing, appSetup)
   End Sub
End Module

作者:VB.NET开发    项目:Syste   
Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim interval As TimeSpan = Date.Now - Date.Now.Date
      Dim msg As String = String.Format("Elapsed Time Today: {0:d} hours.",
   End Sub
End Module

作者:VB程序    项目:Syste   
' 导入命名空间
Imports System

Public Class MainClass

    Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
        Dim ts1, ts2 As TimeSpan
        ts1 = New TimeSpan(1, 2, 3)
        ts2 = New TimeSpan(ts1.Ticks * 12)
    End Sub

End Class




