python类quoteattr()的实例源码 文件源码 项目:darkc0de-old-stuff 作者: tuwid 项目源码 文件源码 阅读 36 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
def handle_starttag(self, tag, method, attrs):
        if tag not in self.permitted_tags:
            self.result += xssescape("<%s>" %  tag)
            bt = "<" + tag
            if tag in self.allowed_attributes:
                attrs = dict(attrs)
                self.allowed_attributes_here = \
                  [x for x in self.allowed_attributes[tag] if x in attrs \
                   and len(attrs[x]) > 0]
                for attribute in self.allowed_attributes_here:
                    if attribute in ['href', 'src', 'background']:
                        if self.url_is_acceptable(attrs[attribute]):
                            bt += ' %s="%s"' % (attribute, attrs[attribute])
                        bt += ' %s=%s' % \
                           (xssescape(attribute), quoteattr(attrs[attribute]))
            if bt == "<a" or bt == "<img":
            if tag in self.requires_no_close:
                bt += "/"
            bt += ">"                     
            self.result += bt
            self.open_tags.insert(0, tag) 文件源码 项目:health-mosconi 作者: GNUHealth-Mosconi 项目源码 文件源码 阅读 67 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
def get_view(self, wizard, state_name):
        template = wizard.template.template
        fields = {}
        view = {
            'model': 'account.move.template.create.keywords',
            'view_id': 0,
            'fields': fields,
        field_template = ('<label name=%(name)s/>'
            '<field name=%(name)s/>')
        view['arch'] = ('<?xml version="1.0"?>'
            '<form col="2" string=%s>%s</form>' % (
                ''.join(field_template % {'name': quoteattr(}
                    for keyword in template.keywords)
        for keyword in template.keywords:
            fields[] = keyword.get_field()
        return view 文件源码 项目:inter 作者: rsms 项目源码 文件源码 阅读 28 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
def _flattenWOFFMetadataString(element, sub=False):
    text = element.text.strip()
    for subElement in element:
        text += _flattenWOFFMetadataString(subElement, sub=True)
    if element.tail:
        text += element.tail.strip()
    if sub:
        attrib = ["%s=%s" % (key, quoteattr(value)) for key, value in element.attrib.items()]
        attrib = " ".join(attrib)
        if attrib:
            start = "<%s %s>" % (element.tag, attrib)
            start = "<%s>" % (element.tag)
        end = "</%s>" % (element.tag)
        text = start + text + end
    return text 文件源码 项目:spqrel_tools 作者: LCAS 项目源码 文件源码 阅读 22 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
def toprettyxml(self, lines, indent ):
        s = '<%s ' % self.tagName
        sortedNames = sorted( self.attributes.keys() )
        for name in sortedNames:
            value = self.attributes[name]
            if not isinstance(value, str):
                value = str(value)
            s += '%s=%s ' % (name, quoteattr(value))
        if not self.childNodes:
            s += '/>'; lines.append( ('  '*indent)+s )
            s += '>'; lines.append( ('  '*indent)+s )
            indent += 1
            for child in self.childNodes:
                child.toprettyxml( lines, indent )
            indent -= 1
            lines.append(('  '*indent) + '</%s>' % self.tagName ) 文件源码 项目:spqrel_tools 作者: LCAS 项目源码 文件源码 阅读 23 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
def _out_tag(self, name, attrs, isLeaf):
        # sorted attributes -- don't want attributes output in random order, which is what the XMLGenerator class does
        self.output.write(" " * self.indent)
        self.output.write("<%s" % name)
        sortedNames = sorted( attrs.keys() )  # sorted list of attribute names
        for name in sortedNames:
            value = attrs[ name ]
            # if not of type string,
            if not isinstance(value, str):
                # turn it into a string
                value = str(value)
            self.output.write(" %s=%s" % (name, quoteattr(value)))
        if isLeaf:
            self.indent += 4
        self.output.write(">\n") 文件源码 项目:zabbix-youtrack-action 作者: devopshq 项目源码 文件源码 阅读 21 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
def importWorkItems(self, issue_id, work_items):
        xml = ''
        for work_item in work_items:
            xml +=  '<workItem>'
            xml += '<date>%s</date>' %
            xml += '<duration>%s</duration>' % work_item.duration
            if hasattr(work_item, 'description') and work_item.description is not None:
                xml += '<description>%s</description>' % escape(work_item.description)
            if hasattr(work_item, 'worktype') and work_item.worktype is not None:
                xml += '<worktype><name>%s</name></worktype>' % work_item.worktype
            xml += '<author login=%s></author>' % quoteattr(work_item.authorLogin)
            xml += '</workItem>'
        if isinstance(xml, str):
            xml = xml.encode('utf-8')
        if xml:
            xml = '<workItems>' + xml + '</workItems>'
                '/import/issue/%s/workitems' % urlquote(issue_id), xml) 文件源码 项目:gnuhealth-live 作者: kret0s 项目源码 文件源码 阅读 22 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
def get_view(self, wizard, state_name):
        template = wizard.template.template
        fields = {}
        view = {
            'model': 'account.move.template.create.keywords',
            'view_id': 0,
            'fields': fields,
        field_template = ('<label name=%(name)s/>'
            '<field name=%(name)s/>')
        view['arch'] = ('<?xml version="1.0"?>'
            '<form col="2" string=%s>%s</form>' % (
                ''.join(field_template % {'name': quoteattr(}
                    for keyword in template.keywords)
        for keyword in template.keywords:
            fields[] = keyword.get_field()
        return view 文件源码 项目:tichu-tournament 作者: aragos 项目源码 文件源码 阅读 22 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
def getFamilyXmlReport(self):
        """Reports on all families found as XML.
        lines = []
        lines.append('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>')
        for dirName in self._dirs:
            lines.append("    <directory name=%s/>" % quoteattr(dirName))
        for familyName in self.getFamilyNames():
            if familyName:  #skip null case
                lines.append('    <family name=%s>' % quoteattr(familyName))
                for font in self.getFontsInFamily(familyName):
                    lines.append('        ' + font.getTag())
                lines.append('    </family>')
        return '\n'.join(lines) 文件源码 项目:tableau_tools 作者: bryantbhowell 项目源码 文件源码 阅读 24 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
def generate_aliases_column_section(self):
        column_aliases_array = []

        # Now to put in each column tag
        for column_alias in self.column_aliases:
            c = etree.Element(u"column")
            # Name is the Tableau Field Alias, always surrounded by brackets SQL Server style
            c.set(u"name", u"[{}]".format(column_alias))
            if self.column_aliases[column_alias][u"datatype"] is not None:
                c.set(u"datatype", self.column_aliases[column_alias][u"datatype"])
            if self.column_aliases[column_alias][u"caption"] is not None:
                c.set(u"caption", self.column_aliases[column_alias][u"caption"])
            if self.column_aliases[column_alias][u"role"] is not None:
                c.set(u"role", self.column_aliases[column_alias][u"role"])
            if self.column_aliases[column_alias][u"type"] is not None:
                c.set(u"type", self.column_aliases[column_alias][u"type"])
            if self.column_aliases[column_alias][u'calculation'] is not None:
                calc = etree.Element(u'calculation')
                calc.set(u'class', u'tableau')
                # quoteattr adds an extra real set of quotes around the string, which needs to be sliced out
                calc.set(u'formula', quoteattr(self.column_aliases[column_alias][u'calculation'])[1:-1])
        return column_aliases_array 文件源码 项目:youtrack 作者: devopshq 项目源码 文件源码 阅读 22 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
def import_work_items(self, issue_id, work_items):
        xml = ''
        for work_item in work_items:
            xml += '<workItem>'
            xml += '<date>%s</date>' %
            xml += '<duration>%s</duration>' % work_item.duration
            if hasattr(work_item, 'description') and work_item.description is not None:
                xml += '<description>%s</description>' % escape(work_item.description)
            if hasattr(work_item, 'worktype') and work_item.worktype is not None:
                xml += '<worktype><name>%s</name></worktype>' % work_item.worktype
            xml += '<author login=%s></author>' % quoteattr(work_item.authorLogin)
            xml += '</workItem>'
        if isinstance(xml, str):
            xml = xml.encode('utf-8')
        if xml:
            xml = '<workItems>' + xml + '</workItems>'
                          '/import/issue/%s/workitems' % urlquote(issue_id), xml) 文件源码 项目:javaproperties 作者: jwodder 项目源码 文件源码 阅读 21 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
def dump_xml(props, fp, comment=None, encoding='UTF-8', sort_keys=False):
    Write a series ``props`` of key-value pairs to a binary filehandle ``fp``
    in the format of an XML properties file.  The file will include both an XML
    declaration and a doctype declaration.

    :param props: A mapping or iterable of ``(key, value)`` pairs to write to
        ``fp``.  All keys and values in ``props`` must be text strings.  If
        ``sort_keys`` is `False`, the entries are output in iteration order.
    :param fp: a file-like object to write the values of ``props`` to
    :type fp: binary file-like object
    :param comment: if non-`None`, ``comment`` will be output as a
        ``<comment>`` element before the ``<entry>`` elements
    :type comment: text string or `None`
    :param string encoding: the name of the encoding to use for the XML
        document (also included in the XML declaration)
    :param bool sort_keys: if true, the elements of ``props`` are sorted
        lexicographically by key in the output
    :return: `None`
    fp = codecs.lookup(encoding).streamwriter(fp, errors='xmlcharrefreplace')
    print('<?xml version="1.0" encoding={0} standalone="no"?>'
          .format(quoteattr(encoding)), file=fp)
    for s in _stream_xml(props, comment, sort_keys):
        print(s, file=fp) 文件源码 项目:blender2ogre 作者: OGRECave 项目源码 文件源码 阅读 20 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
def _out_tag(self, name, attrs, isLeaf):
        # sorted attributes -- don't want attributes output in random order, which is what the XMLGenerator class does
        self.output.write(" " * self.indent)
        self.output.write("<%s" % name)
        sortedNames = sorted( attrs.keys() )  # sorted list of attribute names
        for name in sortedNames:
            value = attrs[ name ]
            # if not of type string,
            if not isinstance(value, str):
                # turn it into a string
                value = str(value)
            self.output.write(" %s=%s" % (name, quoteattr(value)))
        if isLeaf:
            self.indent += 4
        self.output.write(">\n") 文件源码 项目:blender2ogre 作者: OGRECave 项目源码 文件源码 阅读 23 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
def toprettyxml(self, lines, indent ):
        s = '<%s ' % self.tagName
        sortedNames = sorted( self.attributes.keys() )
        for name in sortedNames:
            value = self.attributes[name]
            if not isinstance(value, str):
                value = str(value)
            s += '%s=%s ' % (name, quoteattr(value))
        if not self.childNodes:
            s += '/>'; lines.append( ('  '*indent)+s )
            s += '>'; lines.append( ('  '*indent)+s )
            indent += 1
            for child in self.childNodes:
                child.toprettyxml( lines, indent )
            indent -= 1
            lines.append(('  '*indent) + '</%s>' % self.tagName ) 文件源码 项目:tvgrabpyAPI 作者: tvgrabbers 项目源码 文件源码 阅读 23 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
def add_starttag(self, tag, ident = 0, attribs = '', text = '', close = False):
        Add a starttag with optional attributestring, textstring and optionally close it.
        Give it the proper ident.
        if isinstance(attribs, dict):
            a = ''
            for k, v in attribs.items():
                a = '%s %s=%s' % (a, k, saxutils.quoteattr(v))

            attribs = a

        if attribs != '':
            attribs = ' %s' % attribs

        if close and text == '':
            return u'%s<%s%s/>\n' % (''.rjust(ident), self.xmlescape(tag), attribs)

        if close and text != '':
            return u'%s<%s%s>%s</%s>\n' % (''.rjust(ident), self.xmlescape(tag), attribs, self.xmlescape(text), self.xmlescape(tag))

            return u'%s<%s%s>%s\n' % (''.rjust(ident), self.xmlescape(tag), attribs, self.xmlescape(text)) 文件源码 项目:Meiji 作者: GiovanniBalestrieri 项目源码 文件源码 阅读 21 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
def predicate(self, predicate, object, depth=1):
        write = self.write
        indent = "  " * depth
        qname =

        if isinstance(object, Literal):
            attributes = ""

            if object.language:
                attributes += ' xml:lang="%s"' % object.language

            if object.datatype:
                attributes += ' rdf:datatype="%s"' % object.datatype

            write("%s<%s%s>%s</%s>\n" %
                  (indent, qname, attributes,
                   escape(object, ESCAPE_ENTITIES), qname))

            if isinstance(object, BNode):
                write('%s<%s rdf:nodeID="%s"/>\n' %
                      (indent, qname, object))
                write("%s<%s rdf:resource=%s/>\n" %
                      (indent, qname, quoteattr(self.relativize(object)))) 文件源码 项目:prophet 作者: MKLab-ITI 项目源码 文件源码 阅读 26 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
def predicate(self, predicate, object, depth=1):
        write = self.write
        indent = "  " * depth
        qname =

        if isinstance(object, Literal):
            attributes = ""

            if object.language:
                attributes += ' xml:lang="%s"' % object.language

            if object.datatype:
                attributes += ' rdf:datatype="%s"' % object.datatype

            write("%s<%s%s>%s</%s>\n" %
                  (indent, qname, attributes,
                   escape(object, ESCAPE_ENTITIES), qname))

            if isinstance(object, BNode):
                write('%s<%s rdf:nodeID="%s"/>\n' %
                      (indent, qname, object))
                write("%s<%s rdf:resource=%s/>\n" %
                      (indent, qname, quoteattr(self.relativize(object)))) 文件源码 项目:snovault 作者: ENCODE-DCC 项目源码 文件源码 阅读 24 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
def node(type_name, props):
    yield (
        '{type_name} [shape=plaintext label=<\n'
        '  <table border="1" cellborder="0" cellspacing="0" align="left">\n'
        '  <tr><td PORT="uuid" border="1" sides="B" bgcolor="lavender" href="/profiles/{type_name}.json">{type_name}</td></tr>'
    items = sorted(props.items())
    for name, prop in items:
        if name == 'uuid' or prop.get('notSubmittable'):
        label = escape(name)
        if 'items' in prop:
            label += ' []'
            prop = prop['items']
        if 'linkTo' in prop:
            label = '<b>' + label + '</b>'
        yield '  <tr><td PORT={name}>{label}</td></tr>'.format(name=quoteattr(name), label=label)
    yield '  </table>>];' 文件源码 项目:code 作者: ActiveState 项目源码 文件源码 阅读 32 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
def startDTD(self, name, public_id, system_id):
        self._out.write('<!DOCTYPE %s' % name)
        if public_id:
            self._out.write(' PUBLIC %s %s' % (
        elif system_id:
            self._out.write(' SYSTEM %s' % saxutils.quoteattr(system_id)) 文件源码 项目:hostapd-mana 作者: adde88 项目源码 文件源码 阅读 28 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
def _quoteattr(self, attr):
        """Escape an XML attribute. Value can be unicode."""
        attr = xml_safe(attr)
        return saxutils.quoteattr(attr) 文件源码 项目:simLAB 作者: kamwar 项目源码 文件源码 阅读 83 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
def _quoteattr(self, attr):
        """Escape an XML attribute. Value can be unicode."""
        attr = xml_safe(attr)
        if isinstance(attr, unicode) and not UNICODE_STRINGS:
            attr = attr.encode(self.encoding)
        return saxutils.quoteattr(attr) 文件源码 项目:kindlearadict 作者: runehol 项目源码 文件源码 阅读 21 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
def add_dict_entry_internal(self, formatted_head_word, forms, formatted_desc):
        self.n_expanded_entries += 1
        self.index_size += len(forms)

        if self.entries_in_curr_dict_html >= self.max_entries_per_dict_html:

        self.entries_in_curr_dict_html += 1

        <idx:entry scriptable="yes" spell="yes">
            <idx:orth value=%s>%s
        """ % (quoteattr(forms[0]), formatted_head_word))

        if len(forms[1:]) > 0:

            for infl in forms[1:]:
                self.curr_dict_f.write("""<idx:iform value=%s exact="yes"/>\n""" % quoteattr(infl))


        """ % formatted_desc) 文件源码 项目:Intranet-Penetration 作者: yuxiaokui 项目源码 文件源码 阅读 19 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
def write_dict(self, dictionary):
    """Write one record for the specified entity."""
    if self.xml_style == self.ELEMENT_CENTRIC:
      self.output_stream.write('%s<%s>\n' % (self.indent, self.entity_node))
      self.output_stream.write('%s</%s>\n' % (self.indent, self.entity_node))

      self.output_stream.write('%s<%s ' % (self.indent, self.entity_node))
      for (name, value) in dictionary.iteritems():
        self.output_stream.write('%s=%s ' % (name, saxutils.quoteattr(value)))
      self.output_stream.write('/>\n') 文件源码 项目:Intranet-Penetration 作者: yuxiaokui 项目源码 文件源码 阅读 21 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
def ToXml(self):
    return u'<category term="%s" label=%s />' % (Category.TERM,
                                                 saxutils.quoteattr(self)) 文件源码 项目:Intranet-Penetration 作者: yuxiaokui 项目源码 文件源码 阅读 19 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
def ToXml(self):
    return u'<link href=%s />' % saxutils.quoteattr(self) 文件源码 项目:Intranet-Penetration 作者: yuxiaokui 项目源码 文件源码 阅读 21 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
def ToXml(self):
    return u'<gd:email address=%s />' % saxutils.quoteattr(self) 文件源码 项目:Intranet-Penetration 作者: yuxiaokui 项目源码 文件源码 阅读 19 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
def ToXml(self):
    return (u'<gd:im protocol=%s address=%s />' %
             saxutils.quoteattr(self.address))) 文件源码 项目:Intranet-Penetration 作者: yuxiaokui 项目源码 文件源码 阅读 25 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
def _PropertiesToXml(self, properties):
    """ Returns a list of the XML representations of each of the given
    properties. Ignores properties that don't exist in this entity.

      properties: string or list of strings

      list of strings
    xml_properties = []

    for propname in properties:
      if not self.has_key(propname):

      propname_xml = saxutils.quoteattr(propname)

      values = self[propname]
      if isinstance(values, list) and not values:

      if not isinstance(values, list):
        values = [values]

      proptype = datastore_types.PropertyTypeName(values[0])
      proptype_xml = saxutils.quoteattr(proptype)
      escaped_values = self._XmlEscapeValues(propname)

      open_tag = u'<property name=%s type=%s>' % (propname_xml, proptype_xml)
      close_tag = u'</property>'
      xml_properties += [open_tag + val + close_tag for val in escaped_values]

    return xml_properties 文件源码 项目:MKFQ 作者: maojingios 项目源码 文件源码 阅读 23 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
def write_dict(self, dictionary):
    """Write one record for the specified entity."""
    if self.xml_style == self.ELEMENT_CENTRIC:
      self.output_stream.write('%s<%s>\n' % (self.indent, self.entity_node))
      self.output_stream.write('%s</%s>\n' % (self.indent, self.entity_node))

      self.output_stream.write('%s<%s ' % (self.indent, self.entity_node))
      for (name, value) in dictionary.iteritems():
        self.output_stream.write('%s=%s ' % (name, saxutils.quoteattr(value)))
      self.output_stream.write('/>\n') 文件源码 项目:MKFQ 作者: maojingios 项目源码 文件源码 阅读 20 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
def ToXml(self):
    return u'<category term="%s" label=%s />' % (Category.TERM,
                                                 saxutils.quoteattr(self)) 文件源码 项目:MKFQ 作者: maojingios 项目源码 文件源码 阅读 22 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
def ToXml(self):
    return u'<link href=%s />' % saxutils.quoteattr(self)




