php lithium-storage-Session类(方法)实例源码

下面列出了php lithium-storage-Session 类(方法)源码代码实例,从而了解它的用法。

作者:nateabel    项目:li3_oaut   
public function post()
     $token = Session::read('oauth.access');
     $result = Consumer::post('/1/statuses/update.json', array('status' => 'Testing my status'), compact('token'));
     echo $result;

作者:anisto    项目:Platypu   
public function check($credentials, array $options = array())
     // This enables PHPBB login:
     global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $user, $auth, $template, $cache, $db, $config;
     define('IN_PHPBB', true);
     $phpbb_root_path = \app\util\Config::get('forum_path');
     $phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1);
     include $phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx;
     // creates $user and $auth objects here.
     $logged_in = $user->data['is_registered'];
     $username = strtolower($user->data['username_clean']);
     if ($logged_in === false) {
         // Not Logged In
         return false;
     $model = $this->_model;
     $query = $this->_query;
     $conditions = $this->_scope + array('prv_uid' => $username);
     $id = $model::$query(compact('conditions'));
     if (!$id) {
         \lithium\storage\Session::write('non_linked_phpbb_login', true);
     return $id;

作者:guoyu0    项目:admin-biarq-co   
public function _init()
     if (!Session::read('user')) {

作者:EHE    项目:chegamo   
public function index()
     Header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
     Header('Pragma: no-cache');
     $this->_render['layout'] = 'dialog';
     $apontador['token'] = Session::read('apontadorToken');
     $apontador['name'] = Session::read('apontadorName');
     $apontador['email'] = Session::read('apontadorEmail');
     $apontador['logged'] = !empty($apontador['token']);
     $foursquare['token'] = Session::read('foursquareToken');
     $foursquare['name'] = Session::read('foursquareName');
     $foursquare['email'] = Session::read('foursquareEmail');
     $foursquare['logged'] = !empty($foursquare['token']);
     $twitter['token'] = Session::read('twitterToken');
     $twitter['name'] = Session::read('twitterName');
     $twitter['logged'] = !empty($twitter['token']);
     $facebook['token'] = Session::read('facebookToken');
     $facebook['name'] = Session::read('facebookName');
     $facebook['email'] = Session::read('facebookEmail');
     $facebook['logged'] = !empty($facebook['token']);
     $orkut['token'] = Session::read('orkutToken');
     $orkut['name'] = Session::read('orkutName');
     $orkut['email'] = Session::read('orkutEmail');
     $orkut['logged'] = !empty($orkut['token']);
     $title = "Configurações de conta";
     return \array_merge(compact('title', 'apontador', 'foursquare', 'twitter', 'facebook', 'orkut'));

作者:nilamdo    项目:ms   
public function Rates($FirstCurrency = "BTC", $SecondCurrency = "USD")
     $title = $FirstCurrency . "/" . $SecondCurrency;
     $back = strtolower($FirstCurrency . "_" . $SecondCurrency);
     $Refresh = "No";
     $user = Session::read('member');
     $id = $user['_id'];
     $details = Details::find('first', array('conditions' => array('user_id' => $id)));
     if ($details['page.refresh'] == true || $details['page.refresh'] == 1) {
         $data = array('page.refresh' => false);
         Details::find('all', array('conditions' => array('user_id' => $id)))->save($data);
         $Refresh = "Yes";
     $URL = "/" . $locale . 'ex/x/' . $back;
     $trades = Trades::find('first', array('conditions' => array('trade' => $title)));
     if ($trades['refresh'] == true || $trades['refresh'] == 1) {
         $data = array('refresh' => false);
         Trades::find('all', array('conditions' => array('trade' => $title)))->save($data);
         $Refresh = "Yes";
     $mongodb = Connections::get('default')->connection;
     $Rates = Orders::connection()->connection->command(array('aggregate' => 'orders', 'pipeline' => array(array('$project' => array('_id' => 0, 'Action' => '$Action', 'PerPrice' => '$PerPrice', 'Completed' => '$Completed', 'FirstCurrency' => '$FirstCurrency', 'SecondCurrency' => '$SecondCurrency', 'TransactDateTime' => '$Transact.DateTime')), array('$match' => array('Completed' => 'Y', 'FirstCurrency' => $FirstCurrency, 'SecondCurrency' => $SecondCurrency)), array('$group' => array('_id' => array('year' => array('$year' => '$TransactDateTime'), 'month' => array('$month' => '$TransactDateTime'), 'day' => array('$dayOfMonth' => '$TransactDateTime')), 'min' => array('$min' => '$PerPrice'), 'max' => array('$max' => '$PerPrice'))), array('$sort' => array('_id.year' => -1, '_id.month' => -1, '' => -1)), array('$limit' => 1))));
     //		print_r($Rates['result']);
     foreach ($Rates['result'] as $r) {
         $Low = $r['min'];
         $High = $r['max'];
     $Last = Orders::find('all', array('conditions' => array('Completed' => 'Y', 'FirstCurrency' => $FirstCurrency, 'SecondCurrency' => $SecondCurrency), 'limit' => 1, 'order' => array('Transact.DateTime' => 'DESC')));
     foreach ($Last as $l) {
         $LastPrice = $l['PerPrice'];
     $TotalOrders = Orders::connection()->connection->command(array('aggregate' => 'orders', 'pipeline' => array(array('$project' => array('_id' => 0, 'Action' => '$Action', 'Amount' => '$Amount', 'Completed' => '$Completed', 'FirstCurrency' => '$FirstCurrency', 'SecondCurrency' => '$SecondCurrency', 'TransactDateTime' => '$Transact.DateTime', 'TotalAmount' => array('$multiply' => array('$Amount', '$PerPrice')))), array('$match' => array('Completed' => 'Y', 'Action' => 'Buy', 'FirstCurrency' => $FirstCurrency, 'SecondCurrency' => $SecondCurrency)), array('$group' => array('_id' => array('year' => array('$year' => '$TransactDateTime'), 'month' => array('$month' => '$TransactDateTime')), 'Amount' => array('$sum' => '$Amount'), 'TotalAmount' => array('$sum' => '$TotalAmount'))), array('$sort' => array('_id.year' => -1, '_id.month' => -1)), array('$limit' => 1))));
     //		print_r($SecondCurrency);
     return $this->render(array('json' => array('Refresh' => $Refresh, 'URL' => $URL, 'Low' => number_format($Low, 5), 'High' => number_format($High, 5), 'Last' => number_format($LastPrice, 5), 'VolumeFirst' => number_format($TotalOrders['result'][0]['Amount'], 5), 'VolumeSecond' => number_format($TotalOrders['result'][0]['TotalAmount'], 3), 'VolumeFirstUnit' => $FirstCurrency, 'VolumeSecondUnit' => $SecondCurrency)));

作者:qujia    项目:rw   
  * 初始化CSRF并检查token是否存在, 不存在则生成token 
 public static function init()
     $value = \lithium\storage\Session::read(self::$_session_key);
     if (empty($value)) {

作者:JacopKan    项目:li3_pecl_oaut   
public function login()
     $token = Session::read("{$this->_config['namespace']}.request");
     if (empty($token)) {
         return $this->redirect('Client::authorize', array('exit' => true));
     return $this->redirect(Consumer::authenticate($token), array('exit' => true));

作者:josey    项目:li3_analytic   
function test_getFromSession()
     Session::write(Trackers::$name, array(array('_trackPageview'), array('_setDomainName', '')), array('name' => 'default'));
     Trackers::add('test', array('account' => 'test', 'adapter' => 'GoogleAnalytics', 'commands' => array(array('_setDomainName', ''))));
     $expected = array(array('_setAccount', 'test'), array('_trackPageview'), array('_setDomainName', ''));
     $tracking = Trackers::get('test');
     $this->assertEqual($expected, $tracking->commands());

作者:kevin-jone    项目:li3_oaut   
public function login()
     $token = Session::read('oauth.request');
     if (empty($token)) {

作者:nateabel    项目:li3_oaut   
public function login()
     $token = Consumer::token('request', array('params' => array('oauth_callback' => '')));
     Session::write('oauth.request', $token);
     if (empty($token)) {

作者:kdambekaln    项目:framework-bench   
public function testWriteReadDelete()
     $key = 'test';
     $value = 'value';
     Session::write($key, $value, array('name' => 'test'));
     $result = Session::read($key, array('name' => 'test'));
     $this->assertEqual($value, $result);
     $this->assertTrue(Session::delete($key, array('name' => 'test')));
     $result = Session::read($key, array('name' => 'test'));

作者:kdambekaln    项目:framework-bench   
public function testBasicAuthCheck()
     $user = array('user' => 'bob');
     $result = Auth::check('test', $user, array('success' => true));
     $this->assertEqual($user, $result);
     $result = Session::read('test');
     $this->assertEqual($user, $result);
     $result = Auth::check('test');
     $this->assertEqual($user, $result);

作者:jorzhikgi    项目   
public function index()
     $user = Session::read('default');
     $id = $user['_id'];
     $details = Details::find('first', array('conditions' => array('user_id' => (string) $id)));
     $userInfo = Users::find('first', array('conditions' => array('_id' => (string) $id)));
     $order = Orders::find('first', array('conditions' => array('user_id' => (string) $id, 'Completed' => 'N')));
     $title = "API";
     $keywords = "API, documentation, ibwt";
     $description = "API documentation for";
     return compact('title', 'keywords', 'description', 'details', 'userInfo', 'order');

作者:nilamdo    项目:OxOPD   
public function document()
     $user = Session::read('member');
     $id = md5($user['email']);
     $document = Details::find('first', array('conditions' => array('user_id' => (string) $user['_id'])));
     //		if(count($document)==0){return $this->redirect('/');}
     $uploadOk = 1;
     if ($this->request->data) {
         $extension = pathinfo($this->request->data['file']['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
         $allowed = array('pdf');
         if (!in_array(strtolower($extension), $allowed)) {
             $msg = "Sorry, only PDF files are allowed.";
             $uploadOk = 0;
         if ($uploadOk = 1) {
             $option = 'doc';
             $data = array('details_' . $option . '_id' => (string) $document['_id'], 'docname' => $this->request->data['docname'], 'date' => $this->request->data['date'], 'DateTime' => new \MongoDate(), 'keywords' => $this->request->data['keywords'], 'description' => $this->request->data['description'], $option => $this->request->data['file'], $option . '.verified' => 'No', $option . '.IP' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
             $field = 'details_' . $option . '_id';
             $Documents = Documents::create($data);
             $saved = $Documents->save();
             $fileData = array('file' => $this->request->data['file'], 'documents_' . $option . '_id' => (string) $Documents->_id);
             $file = File::create();
             if ($file->save($fileData)) {
                 $msg = "Upload OK";
             $image_address = File::find('first', array('conditions' => array('documents_doc_id' => (string) $Documents->_id)));
             if ($image_address['filename'] != "") {
                 $imagename_address = $image_address['_id'] . '_' . $image_address['filename'];
                 $path = LITHIUM_APP_PATH . '/webroot/download/' . $imagename_address;
                 file_put_contents($path, $image_address->file->getBytes());
             //		print_r($path);
             $pages = $this->getPDFPages($path);
             // Output: 13
             //				print_r($pages);exit;
             $docdata = array();
             foreach ($pages as $page) {
                 $params = explode(":", $page);
                 $left = $params[0];
                 $right = $params[1];
                 $docdata = array_merge($docdata, array($left => trim($right)));
             $data = array("document" => $docdata);
             $conditions = array("_id" => (string) $Documents->_id);
             Documents::update($data, $conditions);
             // Use the function
     return $this->redirect('ex::save');

作者:EHE    项目:chegamo   
public function load()
     $lat = $this->point->getLat();
     $lng = $this->point->getLng();
     if (empty($lat) || empty($lng)) {
         $city = new City();
         $city->setName("São Paulo");

作者:nicolasram    项目:Book-Communit   
public function delete()
     // Check Author authentication Session
     if (!Auth::check('default')) {
         return $this->redirect('Authors::login');
     $book = Books::find($this->request->id);
     if ($book && $book->delete()) {
         Session::write('message', 'Book deleted');
     } else {
         Session::write('message', 'Book can not be deleted');

作者:gav    项目:li3_flash_messag   
public function testClear()
     $result = Session::read('message.default', array('name' => 'default'));
     FlashMessage::write('Foo 2', 'test1');
     $result = Session::read('message.test1', array('name' => 'default'));
     FlashMessage::write('Foo 3', 'test2');
     FlashMessage::write('Foo 4', 'test3');
     $result = Session::read('message', array('name' => 'default'));

作者:guoyu0    项目:admin-biarq-co   
public function editar($id)
     $alliances = alliances::find('first', array('conditions' => array('_id' => $id)));
     if ($this->request->data) {
         $alliances->name = $this->request->data['name'];
         $alliances->power = $this->request->data['power'];
         $alliances->overlord = $this->request->data['overlord'];
         if ($alliances->save()) {
             Session::write('message', array('status' => 'green', 'msg' => 'projecto ' . $alliances->titulo . ' editado com sucesso'));
         } else {
             Session::write('message', array('status' => 'red', 'msg' => 'Falha ao editar ' . $alliances->titulo));
     $alliancestrue = TRUE;
     return compact('alliances', 'alliancestrue');

作者:tmaiarot    项目:li3_faceboo   
  * Displays a basic Facebook Connect login button.
  * Works with the PHP SDK to get the login URL.
  * This does not use the JavaScript SDK for xfbml.
  * @param $options Array
  * @return String
 public function facebook_login(array $options = array())
     $defaults = array('div' => 'fb_login', 'button_image' => '/li3_facebook/img/fb-login-button.png', 'button_alt' => 'Login with Facebook', 'additional_copy' => null, 'fb_login_url_session_key' => 'fb_login_url');
     $options += $defaults;
     $output = '';
     $fb_login_url = Session::read($options['fb_login_url_session_key']);
     if (!empty($fb_login_url)) {
         if ($options['div'] !== false) {
             $output .= '<div id="' . $options['div'] . '">' . $options['additional_copy'];
         $output .= '<a href="' . $fb_login_url . '"><img src="' . $options['button_image'] . '" alt="' . $options['button_alt'] . '" /></a>';
         if ($options['div'] !== false) {
             $output .= '</div>';
     return $output;

作者:nilamdo    项目:XGCWallet.or   
public function getKYCWallet()
     $kyc = $this->request->query['kyc'];
     $opts = array('http' => array('method' => "GET", 'user_agent' => "MozillaXYZ/1.0"));
     $context = stream_context_create($opts);
     $json = file_get_contents('' . $kyc, false, $context);
     $details = json_decode($json);
     if ($details->percent > 60) {
         $user = Session::read('default');
         $data = array('kyc_id' => $kyc);
         $conditions = array("walletid" => $user['walletid']);
         Details::update($data, $conditions);
         return $this->render(array('json' => array('success' => 1, 'email' => $details->email, 'name' => $details->details->Name->first . " " . $details->details->Name->last, 'phone' => $details->details->Mobile, 'score' => $details->score, 'percent' => $details->percent)));
     } else {
         return $this->render(array('json' => array('success' => 0)));




