public function get()
$request = $this->getSlim()->request();
// Check authentication
// TODO: Validation.
$params = new Set($request->get());
$agent = $params->get('agent');
$agent = json_decode($agent, true);
$view = new AgentView(['agent' => $agent]);
$view = $view->renderGet();
Resource::jsonResponse(Resource::STATUS_OK, $view);
* Fetches activity profiles according to the given parameters.
* @param array $request The incoming HTTP request
* @return array An array of activityProfile objects.
public function activityGet($request)
$params = new Set($request->get());
$collection = $this->getDocumentManager()->getCollection('activities');
$cursor = $collection->find();
$cursor->where('id', $params->get('activityId'));
if ($cursor->count() === 0) {
throw new Exception('Activity does not exist.', Resource::STATUS_NOT_FOUND);
$this->cursor = $cursor;
$this->single = true;
return $this;
* Set cookie
* The second argument may be a single scalar value, in which case
* it will be merged with the default settings and considered the `value`
* of the merged result.
* The second argument may also be an array containing any or all of
* the keys shown in the default settings above. This array will be
* merged with the defaults shown above.
* @param string $key Cookie name
* @param mixed $value Cookie settings
public function set($key, $value)
if (is_array($value)) {
$cookieSettings = array_replace($this->defaults, $value);
} else {
$cookieSettings = array_replace($this->defaults, array('value' => $value));
parent::set($key, $cookieSettings);
* Configure inversion of control/dependency injection container.
* @param \Slim\Helper\Set $container IOC container
protected function configureIoc(\Slim\Helper\Set $container)
$container->singleton('i18nCache', function ($c) {
return new JsonCache($c->settings['i18n.path'], $c->log);
$container->singleton('i18nContext', function ($c) {
return new I18nContext($c->i18nCache, $c->settings['i18n.default'], $c->log);
$container->singleton('mailer', function ($c) {
return new Mailer(array('Host' => $c->settings['smtp.host']), $c->log);
$container->singleton('parsoid', function ($c) {
return new ParsoidClient($c->settings['parsoid.url'], $c->settings['parsoid.cache'], $c->log);
$container->singleton('quips', function ($c) {
$settings = array('url' => $c->settings['es.url'], 'log' => true);
if ($c->settings['es.user'] !== '') {
$creds = base64_encode($c->settings['es.user'] . ':' . $c->settings['es.password']);
$settings['headers'] = array('Authorization' => "Basic {$creds}");
$client = new \Elastica\Client($settings);
return new Quips($client, $c->log);
$container->singleton('oauthConfig', function ($c) {
$conf = new \MediaWiki\OAuthClient\ClientConfig($c->settings['oauth.endpoint']);
$conf->setConsumer(new \MediaWiki\OAuthClient\Consumer($c->settings['oauth.consumer_token'], $c->settings['oauth.secret_token']));
return $conf;
$container->singleton('oauthClient', function ($c) {
$client = new \MediaWiki\OAuthClient\Client($c->oauthConfig, $c->log);
return $client;
$container->singleton('userManager', function ($c) {
return new OAuthUserManager($c->oauthClient, $c->log);
$container->singleton('authManager', function ($c) {
return new AuthManager($c->userManager);
// TODO: figure out where to send logs
public function get()
$request = $this->getSlim()->request();
// Check authentication
$params = new Set($request->get());
if (!$params->has('sha2')) {
throw new \Exception('Missing sha2 parameter!', Resource::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST);
$sha2 = $params->get('sha2');
$encoding = $params->get('encoding');
// Fetch attachment metadata and data
$metadata = $this->attachmentService->fetchMetadataBySha2($sha2);
$data = $this->attachmentService->fetchFileBySha2($sha2);
if ($encoding !== 'binary') {
$data = base64_encode($data);
$this->getSlim()->response->headers->set('Content-Type', $metadata->getContentType());
Resource::response(Resource::STATUS_OK, $data);
* Logs the user in.
* @return \API\Document\User The user document
public function loginPost($request)
$params = new Set($request->post());
// CSRF protection
if (!$params->has('csrfToken') || !isset($_SESSION['csrfToken']) || $params->get('csrfToken') !== $_SESSION['csrfToken']) {
throw new \Exception('Invalid CSRF token.', Resource::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST);
// This could be in JSON schema as well :)
if (!$params->has('email') || !$params->has('password')) {
throw new \Exception('Username or password missing!', Resource::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST);
$collection = $this->getDocumentManager()->getCollection('users');
$cursor = $collection->find();
$cursor->where('email', $params->get('email'));
$cursor->where('passwordHash', sha1($params->get('password')));
$document = $cursor->current();
if (null === $document) {
$errorMessage = 'Invalid login attempt. Try again!';
$this->errors[] = $errorMessage;
throw new \Exception($errorMessage, Resource::STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED);
$this->single = true;
$this->users = [$document];
// Set the session
$_SESSION['userId'] = $document->getId();
$_SESSION['expiresAt'] = time() + 3600;
//1 hour
// Set the Remember me cookie
$rememberMeStorage = new RemembermeMongoStorage($this->getDocumentManager());
$rememberMe = new Rememberme\Authenticator($rememberMeStorage);
if ($params->has('rememberMe')) {
} else {
return $document;
* Configure inversion of control/dependency injection container.
* @param \Slim\Helper\Set $container IOC container
protected function configureIoc(\Slim\Helper\Set $container)
$container->singleton('i18nCache', function ($c) {
return new JsonCache($c->settings['i18n.path'], $c->log);
$container->singleton('i18nContext', function ($c) {
return new I18nContext($c->i18nCache, $c->settings['i18n.default'], $c->log);
$container->singleton('mailer', function ($c) {
return new Mailer(['Host' => $c->settings['smtp.host']], $c->log);
$container->singleton('parsoid', function ($c) {
return new ParsoidClient($c->settings['parsoid.url'], $c->settings['parsoid.cache'], $c->log);
$container->singleton('logs', function ($c) {
return new Logs(new \Elastica\Client(['url' => $c->settings['es.url']]), $c->log);
// TODO: figure out where to send logs
public function testConsumeSlimContainer()
$anoterContainer = new Set();
$anoterContainer->foo = [];
$anoterContainer->bar = new \stdClass();
$anoterContainer->baz = function ($c) {
return 'Hello';
$anoterContainer->singleton('foobar', function ($c) {
return 'Hello';
$anoterContainer->barfoo = [$this, 'fakeMethod'];
* Tries to delete an access token.
public function accessTokenDelete($request)
$params = new Set($request->get());
$this->deleteToken($params->get('key'), $params->get('secret'));
return $this;
// Database layer setup
$app->hook('slim.before', function () use($app) {
$app->container->singleton('mongo', function () use($app) {
$client = new Client($app->config('database')['host_uri']);
$client->map([$app->config('database')['db_name'] => '\\API\\Collection']);
return $client;
// CORS compatibility layer (Internet Explorer)
$app->hook('slim.before.router', function () use($app) {
if ($app->request->isPost() && $app->request->get('method')) {
$method = $app->request->get('method');
$app->environment()['REQUEST_METHOD'] = strtoupper($method);
mb_parse_str($app->request->getBody(), $postData);
$parameters = new Set($postData);
if ($parameters->has('content')) {
$content = $parameters->get('content');
$app->environment()['slim.input'] = $content;
} else {
// Content is the only valid body parameter...everything else are either headers or query parameters
$app->environment()['slim.input'] = '';
$app->environment()['slim.request.query_hash'] = $parameters->all();
// Parse version
$app->hook('slim.before.dispatch', function () use($app) {
// Version
* @param Set $container
public function init(Set $container)
public function init(Set $container)
$this->add(new FakeMiddleware($container->get('logger')));
public function renderGet()
$agent = new Set($this->agent);
$object = ['objectType' => 'Person'];
if ($agent->has('name')) {
$object['name'] = [$agent->get('name')];
if ($agent->has('mbox')) {
$object['mbox'] = [$agent->get('mbox')];
if ($agent->has('mbox_sha1sum')) {
$object['mbox_sha1sum'] = [$agent->get('mbox_sha1sum')];
if ($agent->has('openid')) {
$object['openid'] = [$agent->get('openid')];
if ($agent->has('account')) {
$object['account'] = [$agent->get('account')];
return $object;
* Tries to PUT a statement with a specified statementId.
* @return
public function statementPut($request)
// Check for multipart request
if ($request->isMultipart()) {
$jsonRequest = $request->parts()->get(0);
} else {
$jsonRequest = $request;
// Validation has been completed already - everyhing is assumed to be valid (from an external view!)
// TODO: Move header validation in json-schema as well
if ($jsonRequest->getMediaType() !== 'application/json') {
throw new \Exception('Media type specified in Content-Type header must be \'application/json\'!', Resource::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST);
// Validation has been completed already - everyhing is assumed to be valid
$body = $jsonRequest->getBody();
$body = json_decode($body, true);
// Some clients escape the JSON - handle them
if (is_string($body)) {
$body = json_decode($body, true);
// Save attachments - this could be in a queue perhaps...
if ($request->isMultipart()) {
$fsAdapter = \API\Util\Filesystem::generateAdapter($this->getSlim()->config('filesystem'));
$attachmentCollection = $this->getDocumentManager()->getCollection('attachments');
$partCount = $request->parts()->count();
for ($i = 1; $i < $partCount; $i++) {
$part = $request->parts()->get($i);
$attachmentBody = $part->getBody();
$detectedEncoding = mb_detect_encoding($attachmentBody);
$contentEncoding = $part->headers('Content-Transfer-Encoding');
if ($detectedEncoding === 'UTF-8' && ($contentEncoding === null || $contentEncoding === 'binary')) {
try {
$attachmentBody = iconv('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1//IGNORE', $attachmentBody);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
//Use raw file on failed conversion (do nothing!)
$hash = $part->headers('X-Experience-API-Hash');
$contentType = $part->headers('Content-Type');
$attachmentDocument = $attachmentCollection->createDocument();
$attachmentDocument->setTimestamp(new MongoDate());
$fsAdapter->put($hash, $attachmentBody);
$attachmentBase = $this->getSlim()->url->getBaseUrl() . $this->getSlim()->config('filesystem')['exposed_url'];
// Single
$params = new Set($request->get());
$activityCollection = $this->getDocumentManager()->getCollection('activities');
$collection = $this->getDocumentManager()->getCollection('statements');
$cursor = $collection->find();
// Single statement
$cursor->where('statement.id', $params->get('statementId'));
$result = $cursor->findOne();
// ID exists, check if different or conflict
if ($result) {
// Same - return 204 No content
if ($body === $result) {
$this->match = true;
} else {
// Mismatch - return 409 Conflict
throw new Exception('An existing statement already exists with the same ID and is different from the one provided.', Resource::STATUS_CONFLICT);
} else {
// Store new statement
$statementDocument = $collection->createDocument();
// Overwrite authority - unless it's a super token and manual authority is set
if (!($this->getAccessToken()->isSuperToken() && isset($statement['authority'])) || !isset($statement['authority'])) {
$statement['authority'] = $this->getAccessToken()->generateAuthority();
// Check statementId
if (isset($body['id'])) {
//Check for match
if ($body['id'] !== $params->get('statementId')) {
throw new \Exception('Statement ID query parameter doesn\'t match the given statement property', Resource::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST);
} else {
$body['id'] = $params->get('statementId');
// Set the statement
// Dates
$currentDate = new \DateTime();
if ($statementDocument->isReferencing()) {
// Copy values of referenced statement chain inside current statement for faster query-ing
// (space-time tradeoff)
$referencedStatement = $statementDocument->getReferencedStatement();
$existingReferences = [];
if (null !== $referencedStatement->getReferences()) {
* @param [type] $request [description]
* @return [type] [description]
public function accessTokenPost($request)
$params = new Set($request->post());
$requiredParams = ['grant_type', 'client_id', 'client_secret', 'redirect_uri', 'code'];
//TODO: Use json-schema validator
foreach ($requiredParams as $requiredParam) {
if (!$params->has($requiredParam)) {
throw new \Exception('Parameter ' . $requiredParam . ' is missing!', Resource::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST);
if ($params->get('grant_type') !== 'authorization_code') {
throw new \Exception('Invalid grant_type specified.', Resource::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST);
$collection = $this->getDocumentManager()->getCollection('oAuthTokens');
$cursor = $collection->find();
$cursor->where('code', $params->get('code'));
$tokenDocument = $cursor->current();
if (null === $tokenDocument) {
throw new \Exception('Invalid code specified!', Resource::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST);
$clientDocument = $tokenDocument->client;
if ($clientDocument->getClientId() !== $params->get('client_id') || $clientDocument->getSecret() !== $params->get('client_secret')) {
throw new \Exception('Invalid client_id/client_secret combination!', Resource::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST);
if ($params->get('redirect_uri') !== $clientDocument->getRedirectUri()) {
throw new \Exception('Redirect_uri mismatch!', Resource::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST);
//Remove one-time code
$this->accessTokens = [$tokenDocument];
$this->single = true;
return $tokenDocument;
* Fetches activity states according to the given parameters.
* @param array $request The incoming HTTP request
* @return self Nothing.
public function activityProfileDelete($request)
$params = new Set($request->get());
$collection = $this->getDocumentManager()->getCollection('activityProfiles');
$cursor = $collection->find();
$cursor->where('profileId', $params->get('profileId'));
$cursor->where('activityId', $params->get('activityId'));
$result = $cursor->findOne();
if (!$result) {
throw new \Exception('Profile does not exist!.', Resource::STATUS_NOT_FOUND);
// Check If-Match and If-None-Match here - these SHOULD* exist, but they do not have to
// See https://github.com/adlnet/xAPI-Spec/blob/1.0.3/xAPI.md#lrs-requirements-7
// if (!$request->headers('If-Match') && !$request->headers('If-None-Match') && $result) {
// throw new \Exception('There was a conflict. Check the current state of the resource and set the "If-Match" header with the current ETag to resolve the conflict.', Resource::STATUS_CONFLICT);
// }
// If-Match first
if ($request->headers('If-Match') && $result && $this->trimHeader($request->headers('If-Match')) !== $result->getHash()) {
throw new \Exception('If-Match header doesn\'t match the current ETag.', Resource::STATUS_PRECONDITION_FAILED);
// Then If-None-Match
if ($request->headers('If-None-Match')) {
if ($this->trimHeader($request->headers('If-None-Match')) === '*' && $result) {
throw new \Exception('If-None-Match header is *, but a resource already exists.', Resource::STATUS_PRECONDITION_FAILED);
} elseif ($result && $this->trimHeader($request->headers('If-None-Match')) === $result->getHash()) {
throw new \Exception('If-None-Match header matches the current ETag.', Resource::STATUS_PRECONDITION_FAILED);
// Add to log
$this->getSlim()->requestLog->addRelation('activityProfiles', $result)->save();
return $this;
* Constructor
* @param array $userSettings Associative array of application settings
public function __construct(array $userSettings = array())
// Setup IoC container
$this->container = new \Slim\Helper\Set();
$this->container['settings'] = array_merge(static::getDefaultSettings(), $userSettings);
// Default environment
$this->container->singleton('environment', function ($c) {
return \Slim\Environment::getInstance();
// Default request
$this->container->singleton('request', function ($c) {
return new \Slim\Http\Request($c['environment']);
// Default response
$this->container->singleton('response', function ($c) {
return new \Slim\Http\Response();
// Default router
$this->container->singleton('router', function ($c) {
return new \Slim\Router();
// Default view
$this->container->singleton('view', function ($c) {
$viewClass = $c['settings']['view'];
return $viewClass instanceof \Slim\View ? $viewClass : new $viewClass();
// Default log writer
$this->container->singleton('logWriter', function ($c) {
$logWriter = $c['settings']['log.writer'];
return is_object($logWriter) ? $logWriter : new \Slim\LogWriter($c['environment']['slim.errors']);
// Default log
$this->container->singleton('log', function ($c) {
$log = new \Slim\Log($c['logWriter']);
$env = $c['environment'];
$env['slim.log'] = $log;
return $log;
// Default mode
$this->container['mode'] = function ($c) {
$mode = $c['settings']['mode'];
if (isset($_ENV['SLIM_MODE'])) {
$mode = $_ENV['SLIM_MODE'];
} else {
$envMode = getenv('SLIM_MODE');
if ($envMode !== false) {
$mode = $envMode;
return $mode;
// Define default middleware stack
$this->middleware = array($this);
$this->add(new \Slim\Middleware\Flash());
$this->add(new \Slim\Middleware\MethodOverride());
// Make default if first instance
if (is_null(static::getInstance())) {
* Fetches activity states according to the given parameters.
* @param array $request The incoming HTTP request
* @return array An array of statement objects.
public function activityStateDelete($request)
$params = new Set($request->get());
$collection = $this->getDocumentManager()->getCollection('activityStates');
$expression = $collection->expression();
if ($params->has('stateId')) {
$expression->where('stateId', $params->get('stateId'));
$expression->where('activityId', $params->get('activityId'));
$agent = $params->get('agent');
$agent = json_decode($agent, true);
//Fetch the identifier - otherwise we'd have to order the JSON
if (isset($agent['mbox'])) {
$uniqueIdentifier = 'mbox';
} elseif (isset($agent['mbox_sha1sum'])) {
$uniqueIdentifier = 'mbox_sha1sum';
} elseif (isset($agent['openid'])) {
$uniqueIdentifier = 'openid';
} elseif (isset($agent['account'])) {
$uniqueIdentifier = 'account';
} else {
throw new Exception('Invalid request!', Resource::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST);
$expression->where('agent.' . $uniqueIdentifier, $agent[$uniqueIdentifier]);
if ($params->has('registration')) {
$expression->where('registration', $params->get('registration'));
return $this;
* @param string $key The data key
* @param mixed $default The value to return if data key does not exist
* @return mixed The data value, or the default value
public function get($key, $default = null)
if ($value = parent::get($key, $default)) {
return $value;
return $this->pimple[$key];
* @param string $key
* @param Tag $tag
* @throws InvalidTagException if the passed $value is not a Tag
public function set($key, $tag)
if ($tag instanceof Tag) {
throw InvalidTagException::build([], ['invalidTag' => $tag]);
parent::set($key, $tag);