* Validate project modification
* @access public
* @param array $values Form values
* @return array $valid, $errors [0] = Success or not, [1] = List of errors
public function validateModification(array $values)
if (!empty($values['identifier'])) {
$values['identifier'] = strtoupper($values['identifier']);
$rules = array(new Validators\Required('id', t('This value is required')));
$v = new Validator($values, array_merge($rules, $this->commonValidationRules()));
return array($v->execute(), $v->getErrors());
* Validate modification
* @access public
* @param array $values Form values
* @return array $valid, $errors [0] = Success or not, [1] = List of errors
public function validateModification(array $values)
$rules = array(new Validators\Required('id', t('Field required')));
$v = new Validator($values, array_merge($rules, $this->commonValidationRules()));
$result = $v->execute();
$errors = $v->getErrors();
if ($result && $this->tagModel->exists($values['project_id'], $values['name'], $values['id'])) {
$result = false;
$errors = array('name' => array(t('The name must be unique')));
return array($result, $errors);
* Validate password modification
* @access public
* @param array $values Form values
* @return array $valid, $errors [0] = Success or not, [1] = List of errors
public function validatePasswordModification(array $values)
$rules = array(new Validators\Required('id', t('The user id is required')), new Validators\Required('current_password', t('The current password is required')));
$v = new Validator($values, array_merge($rules, $this->commonPasswordValidationRules()));
if ($v->execute()) {
if ($this->authenticationManager->passwordAuthentication($this->userSession->getUsername(), $values['current_password'], false)) {
return array(true, array());
} else {
return array(false, array('current_password' => array(t('Wrong password'))));
return array(false, $v->getErrors());
public function validateLogin(array $values)
$v = new Validator($values, array(new Validators\Required('username', t('The username is required')), new Validators\MaxLength('username', t('The maximum length is %d characters', 50), 50), new Validators\Required('password', t('The password is required'))));
$result = $v->execute();
$errors = $v->getErrors();
if ($result) {
$user = $this->getByUsername($values['username']);
if ($user !== false && \password_verify($values['password'], $user['password'])) {
} else {
$result = false;
$errors['login'] = t('Bad username or password');
return array($result, $errors);
* Function that takes in a SimpleValidator object, grabs all the errors(if any),
* then throws the string of errors as a message.
* @param \SimpleValidator\Validator $vdr
* @return boolean
* @throws \Exception
public function grabErrors($vdr)
//If errors were found, collect them into a string.
if (!$vdr->execute()) {
$str = "";
//storing errors found.
$array2D = $vdr->getErrors();
//Grabbing errors from Validator object
//Going through all arrays to find errors found
foreach ($array2D as $array1D => $row) {
foreach ($row as $error) {
$str .= $error . "<br />";
//Throwing the message for the user to see.
throw new \Exception($str);
} else {
return true;
function validate_login(array $values)
$v = new Validator($values, array(new Validators\Required('username', t('The user name is required')), new Validators\MaxLength('username', t('The maximum length is 50 characters'), 50), new Validators\Required('password', t('The password is required'))));
$result = $v->execute();
$errors = $v->getErrors();
if ($result) {
$credentials = getCredentials();
if ($credentials && $credentials['username'] === $values['username'] && password_verify($values['password'], $credentials['password'])) {
$_SESSION['loggedin'] = true;
$_SESSION['config'] = Config\get_all();
// Setup the remember me feature
if (!empty($values['remember_me'])) {
$cookie = RememberMe\create(DatabaseModel\select(), $values['username'], Config\get_ip_address(), Config\get_user_agent());
RememberMe\write_cookie($cookie['token'], $cookie['sequence'], $cookie['expiration']);
} else {
$result = false;
$errors['login'] = t('Bad username or password');
return array($result, $errors);
public function testInvalidValidation()
$rules = array('test1' => array('rule1(:test2,3,:test3)' => function ($input, $test2, $value, $test3) {
if ($input == "test data 1" && $value == 3 && $test2 == "test data 1" && $test3 == "test data 1") {
return true;
return false;
$naming = array('test2' => 'Test 2');
$validation = \SimpleValidator\Validator::validate($this->test_data, $rules, $naming);
$validation->customErrors(array('rule1' => "Foo :params(0) bar :params(1) baz :params(2)"));
$errors = $validation->getErrors();
$this->assertEquals("Foo Test 2 bar 3 baz test3", $errors[0]);
* Validate user login form
* @access public
* @param array $values Form values
* @return array $valid, $errors [0] = Success or not, [1] = List of errors
public function validateForm(array $values)
$v = new Validator($values, array(new Validators\Required('username', t('The username is required')), new Validators\MaxLength('username', t('The maximum length is %d characters', 50), 50), new Validators\Required('password', t('The password is required'))));
$result = $v->execute();
$errors = $v->getErrors();
if ($result) {
if ($this->authenticate($values['username'], $values['password'])) {
// Setup the remember me feature
if (!empty($values['remember_me'])) {
$credentials = $this->backend('rememberMe')->create($this->userSession->getId(), Request::getIpAddress(), Request::getUserAgent());
$this->backend('rememberMe')->writeCookie($credentials['token'], $credentials['sequence'], $credentials['expiration']);
} else {
$result = false;
$errors['login'] = t('Bad username or password');
return array($result, $errors);
public function validate($data)
$obj = $this;
$rules = array(':book_type' => array('required', 'integer', 'type_exists' => function ($input) use($obj) {
return $obj->checkExist('type_id', ':type_id', 'types', $input);
}), ':book_city' => array('required', 'integer', 'city_exists' => function ($input) use($obj) {
return $obj->checkExist('city_id', ':city_id', 'cities', $input);
}), ':book_size' => array('required', 'integer', 'size_exists' => function ($input) use($obj) {
return $obj->checkExist('size_id', ':size_id', 'sizes', $input);
}), ':book_address' => array('required'), ':book_coordinate_lat' => array('required'));
$names = [':book_address' => 'Adresas'];
$validate = \SimpleValidator\Validator::validate($data, $rules, $names);
if ($validate->isSuccess() == true) {
$response = ['success' => 'true'];
return $response;
} else {
$validate->customErrors(['required' => '\':attribute\' Laukas yra privalomas', ':book_coordinate_lat.required' => 'Prašome patikslinti vietą', 'integer' => 'Reikšmė turi būti skaičius', 'type_exists' => 'Blogai pasirinktas tipas', 'city_exists' => 'Blogai pasirinktas miestas', 'size_exists' => 'Blogai pasirinktas dydis']);
$response = ['success' => 'false', 'errors' => $validate->getErrors()];
return $response;
* Validate creation
* @access public
* @param array $values Form values
* @return array $valid, $errors [0] = Success or not, [1] = List of errors
public function validateCreation(array $values)
$v = new Validator($values, array(new Validators\Required('user_id', t('Field required')), new Validators\Required('date', t('Field required')), new Validators\Numeric('all_day', t('This value must be numeric'))));
return array($v->execute(), $v->getErrors());
* Validate settings modification
* @access public
* @param array $values Form values
* @return array $valid, $errors [0] = Success or not, [1] = List of errors
public function validateModification(array $values)
$v = new Validator($values, array(new Validators\Required('language', t('The language is required')), new Validators\Required('timezone', t('The timezone is required'))));
return array($v->execute(), $v->getErrors());
* Validate user creation
* @access public
* @param array $values
* @return boolean
public function validateCreation(array $values)
$v = new Validator($values, array(new Validators\MaxLength('username', t('The maximum length is %d characters', 50), 50), new Validators\Unique('username', t('The username must be unique'), $this->db->getConnection(), User::TABLE, 'id'), new Validators\MinLength('password', t('The minimum length is %d characters', 6), 6), new Validators\Email('email', t('Email address invalid')), new Validators\Integer('is_admin', t('This value must be an integer')), new Validators\Integer('is_project_admin', t('This value must be an integer')), new Validators\Integer('is_ldap_user', t('This value must be an integer'))));
return $v->execute();
* Validate password modification
* @access public
* @param array $values Form values
* @return array $valid, $errors [0] = Success or not, [1] = List of errors
public function validatePasswordModification(array $values)
$v = new Validator($values, array(new Validators\Required('id', t('The user id is required')), new Validators\Required('current_password', t('The current password is required')), new Validators\Required('password', t('The password is required')), new Validators\MinLength('password', t('The minimum length is %d characters', 6), 6), new Validators\Required('confirmation', t('The confirmation is required')), new Validators\Equals('password', 'confirmation', t('Passwords don\'t match'))));
if ($v->execute()) {
// Check password
if ($this->authentication->authenticate($_SESSION['user']['username'], $values['current_password'])) {
return array(true, array());
} else {
return array(false, array('current_password' => array(t('Wrong password'))));
return array(false, $v->getErrors());
* Validate allow everybody
* @access public
* @param array $values Form values
* @return array $valid, $errors [0] = Success or not, [1] = List of errors
public function validateProjectModification(array $values)
$v = new Validator($values, array(new Validators\Required('id', t('The project id is required')), new Validators\Integer('id', t('This value must be an integer')), new Validators\Integer('is_everybody_allowed', t('This value must be an integer'))));
return array($v->execute(), $v->getErrors());
* Validate creation
* @access public
* @param array $values Form values
* @return array $valid, $errors [0] = Success or not, [1] = List of errors
public function validateCreation(array $values)
$v = new Validator($values, array(new Validators\Required('user_id', t('Field required')), new Validators\Required('start', t('Field required')), new Validators\Required('end', t('Field required'))));
return array($v->execute(), $v->getErrors());
* Validate credentials syntax
* @access public
* @param array $values Form values
* @return array $valid, $errors [0] = Success or not, [1] = List of errors
public function validateFormCredentials(array $values)
$v = new Validator($values, array(new Validators\Required('username', t('The username is required')), new Validators\MaxLength('username', t('The maximum length is %d characters', 50), 50), new Validators\Required('password', t('The password is required'))));
return array($v->execute(), $v->getErrors());
* Validate comment modification
* @access public
* @param array $values Required parameters to save an action
* @return array $valid, $errors [0] = Success or not, [1] = List of errors
public function validateModification(array $values)
$v = new Validator($values, array(new Validators\Required('id', t('This value is required')), new Validators\Integer('id', t('This value must be an integer')), new Validators\Required('comment', t('Comment is required'))));
return array($v->execute(), $v->getErrors());
function validate(array $values)
$v = new Validator($values, array(new Validators\Required('name', t('The database name is required')), new Validators\AlphaNumeric('name', t('The name must have only alpha-numeric characters')), new Validators\Required('username', t('The user name is required')), new Validators\MaxLength('username', t('The maximum length is 50 characters'), 50), new Validators\Required('password', t('The password is required')), new Validators\MinLength('password', t('The minimum length is 6 characters'), 6), new Validators\Required('confirmation', t('The confirmation is required')), new Validators\Equals('password', 'confirmation', t('Passwords don\'t match'))));
return array($v->execute(), $v->getErrors());
* @author Gaaaab
use App\Http\Model\Contact;
use Tamtamchik\SimpleFlash\Flash;
$app->get('/contact', function () use($app) {
$app->post('/contact', function () use($app) {
// Mail
$mail = new \Mailgun\Mailgun(MAILGUN_KEY);
// Validation
$rules = ['name' => ['required', 'alpha', 'min_length(3)', 'max_length(60)'], 'email' => ['email', 'required'], 'content' => ['required']];
$input = ['name' => $app->request->post('name'), 'email' => $app->request->post('email'), 'content' => $app->request->post('content')];
$validation_result = \SimpleValidator\Validator::validate($_POST, $rules);
if ($validation_result->isSuccess()) {
$contact = new Contact();
$contact->name = $app->request->post('name');
$contact->email = $app->request->post('email');
$contact->content = $app->request->post('content');
// Saving it to database? not necessary but WTH not =3
$mail->sendMessage(MAILGUN_DOMAIN, array('from' => MAIL_FROM, 'to' => MAIL_TO, 'subject' => 'SHARE SOMETHING SUPPORT: CONTACT RESPONSE', 'text' => 'Contact request from: ' . $app->request->post('name') . '\\n' . 'Email: ' . $app->request->post('email') . '\\n' . 'Content: ' . ' ' . $app->request->post('content')));
} else {
require_once __DIR__ . '/../errors.php';
* Validate assignee change
* @access public
* @param array $values Form values
* @return array $valid, $errors [0] = Success or not, [1] = List of errors
public function validateAssigneeModification(array $values)
$v = new Validator($values, array(new Validators\Required('id', t('The id is required')), new Validators\Integer('id', t('This value must be an integer')), new Validators\Required('project_id', t('The project is required')), new Validators\Integer('project_id', t('This value must be an integer')), new Validators\Required('owner_id', t('This value is required')), new Validators\Integer('owner_id', t('This value must be an integer'))));
return array($v->execute(), $v->getErrors());