php Piwik-DataAccess-ArchiveTableCreator类(方法)实例源码

下面列出了php Piwik-DataAccess-ArchiveTableCreator 类(方法)源码代码实例,从而了解它的用法。

作者:FluentDevelopmen    项目:piwi   
protected static function beforeTableDataCached()
     $date = Date::factory('2010-03-01');
     $archiveTableCreator = new ArchiveTableCreator();

作者:dorelljame    项目:piwi   
public static function setUpBeforeClass()

作者:FluentDevelopmen    项目:piwi   
public function setUp()
     $this->archiveTableDao = self::$fixture->piwikEnvironment->getContainer()->get('Piwik\\DataAccess\\ArchiveTableDao');

作者:FluentDevelopmen    项目:piwi   
public function setUp()
     $archivingTables = ArchiveTableCreator::getTablesArchivesInstalled();
     if (empty($archivingTables)) {
         $this->archivingLaunched = true;
         APIVisitsSummary::getInstance()->get(self::$fixture->idSite, self::$fixture->period, self::$fixture->date);

作者:FluentDevelopmen    项目:piwi   
public function tearDown()
     // clean up your test here if needed
     $tables = ArchiveTableCreator::getTablesArchivesInstalled();
     if (!empty($tables)) {

作者:FluentDevelopmen    项目:piwi   
public function test_UpdateCommand_ReturnsCorrectExitCode_WhenErrorOccurs()
     // create a blob table, then drop it manually so update 2.10.0-b10 will fail
     $tableName = ArchiveTableCreator::getBlobTable(Date::factory('2015-01-01'));
     Db::exec("DROP TABLE {$tableName}");
     $result = $this->applicationTester->run(array('command' => 'core:update', '--yes' => true));
     $this->assertEquals(1, $result, $this->getCommandDisplayOutputErrorMessage());
     $this->assertContains("Piwik could not be updated! See above for more information.", $this->applicationTester->getDisplay());

作者:CaptainShar    项目:SSAD_Projec   
public static function getSql()
     $sqls = array();
     $archiveTables = ArchiveTableCreator::getTablesArchivesInstalled();
     $archiveBlobTables = array_filter($archiveTables, function ($name) {
         return ArchiveTableCreator::getTypeFromTableName($name) == ArchiveTableCreator::BLOB_TABLE;
     foreach ($archiveBlobTables as $table) {
         $sqls["UPDATE " . $table . " SET name = 'DevicePlugins_plugin' WHERE name = 'UserSettings_plugin'"] = false;
     return $sqls;

作者:piwi    项目:piwi   
public function getMigrations(Updater $updater)
     $migrations = array();
     $archiveTables = ArchiveTableCreator::getTablesArchivesInstalled();
     $archiveBlobTables = array_filter($archiveTables, function ($name) {
         return ArchiveTableCreator::getTypeFromTableName($name) == ArchiveTableCreator::BLOB_TABLE;
     foreach ($archiveBlobTables as $table) {
         $migrations[] = $this->migration->db->sql("UPDATE {$table} SET name = 'DevicePlugins_plugin' WHERE name = 'UserSettings_plugin'");
     return $migrations;

作者:CaptainShar    项目:SSAD_Projec   
  * Returns all available archive blob tables
  * @return array
 public static function getAllArchiveBlobTables()
     if (empty(self::$archiveBlobTables)) {
         $archiveTables = ArchiveTableCreator::getTablesArchivesInstalled();
         self::$archiveBlobTables = array_filter($archiveTables, function ($name) {
             return ArchiveTableCreator::getTypeFromTableName($name) == ArchiveTableCreator::BLOB_TABLE;
         // sort tables so we have them in order of their date
     return (array) self::$archiveBlobTables;

作者:FluentDevelopmen    项目:piwi   
public function getMigrationQueries(Updater $updater)
     $sqls = array();
     $archiveTables = ArchiveTableCreator::getTablesArchivesInstalled();
     $archiveBlobTables = array_filter($archiveTables, function ($name) {
         return ArchiveTableCreator::getTypeFromTableName($name) == ArchiveTableCreator::BLOB_TABLE;
     foreach ($archiveBlobTables as $table) {
         $sqls["UPDATE " . $table . " SET name = 'UserLanguage_language' WHERE name = 'UserSettings_language'"] = false;
     return $sqls;

作者:a4tunad    项目:piwi   
protected static function deleteArchiveIds(Date $date, $idArchivesToDelete)
     $batches = array_chunk($idArchivesToDelete, 1000);
     foreach ($batches as $idsToDelete) {
         $query = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE idarchive IN (" . implode(',', $idsToDelete) . ")";
         Db::query(sprintf($query, ArchiveTableCreator::getNumericTable($date)));
         try {
             Db::query(sprintf($query, ArchiveTableCreator::getBlobTable($date)));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // Individual blob tables could be missing

作者:piwi    项目:piwi   
private function addArchivingIdMigrationQueries($sql)
     $tables = ArchiveTableCreator::getTablesArchivesInstalled();
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
         $type = ArchiveTableCreator::getTypeFromTableName($table);
         if ($type === ArchiveTableCreator::NUMERIC_TABLE) {
             $maxId = Db::fetchOne('SELECT MAX(idarchive) FROM ' . $table);
             if (!empty($maxId)) {
                 $maxId = (int) $maxId + 500;
             } else {
                 $maxId = 1;
             $sql[] = $this->migration->db->insert($this->sequenceTable, array('name' => $table, 'value' => $maxId));
     return $sql;

作者:CaptainShar    项目:SSAD_Projec   
private static function addArchivingIdMigrationQueries($sql)
     $tables = ArchiveTableCreator::getTablesArchivesInstalled();
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
         $type = ArchiveTableCreator::getTypeFromTableName($table);
         if ($type === ArchiveTableCreator::NUMERIC_TABLE) {
             $maxId = Db::fetchOne('SELECT MAX(idarchive) FROM ' . $table);
             if (!empty($maxId)) {
                 $maxId = (int) $maxId + 500;
             } else {
                 $maxId = 1;
             $query = self::getQueryToCreateSequence($table, $maxId);
             // refs  #6696, ignores  Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 'piwik_archive_numeric_2010_01' for key 'PRIMARY'
             $sql[$query] = '1062';
     return $sql;

作者:Abin    项目:piwi   
  * Drops all archive tables.
 public static function deleteArchiveTables()
     foreach (ArchiveTableCreator::getTablesArchivesInstalled() as $table) {
         Log::debug("Dropping table {$table}");
         Db::query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$table}`");
     ArchiveTableCreator::refreshTableList($forceReload = true);

作者:brienomatt    项目:elmsl   
  * When tracking data in the past (using Tracking API), this function
  * can be used to invalidate reports for the idSites and dates where new data
  * was added.
  * DEV: If you call this API, the UI should display the data correctly, but will process
  *      in real time, which could be very slow after large data imports.
  *      After calling this function via REST, you can manually force all data
  *      to be reprocessed by visiting the script as the Super User:
  * REQUIREMENTS: On large piwik setups, you will need in PHP configuration: max_execution_time = 0
  *    We recommend to use an hourly schedule of the script.
  *    More information:
  * @param string $idSites Comma separated list of idSite that have had data imported for the specified dates
  * @param string $dates Comma separated list of dates to invalidate for all these websites
  * @throws Exception
  * @return array
 public function invalidateArchivedReports($idSites, $dates)
     $idSites = Site::getIdSitesFromIdSitesString($idSites);
     if (empty($idSites)) {
         throw new Exception("Specify a value for &idSites= as a comma separated list of website IDs, for which your token_auth has 'admin' permission");
     // Ensure the specified dates are valid
     $toInvalidate = $invalidDates = array();
     $dates = explode(',', trim($dates));
     $dates = array_unique($dates);
     foreach ($dates as $theDate) {
         $theDate = trim($theDate);
         try {
             $date = Date::factory($theDate);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $invalidDates[] = $theDate;
         if ($date->toString() == $theDate) {
             $toInvalidate[] = $date;
         } else {
             $invalidDates[] = $theDate;
     // If using the feature "Delete logs older than N days"...
     $purgeDataSettings = PrivacyManager::getPurgeDataSettings();
     $logsAreDeletedBeforeThisDate = $purgeDataSettings['delete_logs_schedule_lowest_interval'];
     $logsDeleteEnabled = $purgeDataSettings['delete_logs_enable'];
     $minimumDateWithLogs = false;
     if ($logsDeleteEnabled && $logsAreDeletedBeforeThisDate) {
         $minimumDateWithLogs = Date::factory('today')->subDay($logsAreDeletedBeforeThisDate);
     // Given the list of dates, process which tables they should be deleted from
     $minDate = false;
     $warningDates = $processedDates = array();
     /* @var $date Date */
     foreach ($toInvalidate as $date) {
         // we should only delete reports for dates that are more recent than N days
         if ($minimumDateWithLogs && $date->isEarlier($minimumDateWithLogs)) {
             $warningDates[] = $date->toString();
         } else {
             $processedDates[] = $date->toString();
         $month = $date->toString('Y_m');
         // For a given date, we must invalidate in the monthly archive table
         $datesByMonth[$month][] = $date->toString();
         // But also the year stored in January
         $year = $date->toString('Y_01');
         $datesByMonth[$year][] = $date->toString();
         // but also weeks overlapping several months stored in the month where the week is starting
         /* @var $week Week */
         $week = Period\Factory::build('week', $date);
         $weekAsString = $week->getDateStart()->toString('Y_m');
         $datesByMonth[$weekAsString][] = $date->toString();
         // Keep track of the minimum date for each website
         if ($minDate === false || $date->isEarlier($minDate)) {
             $minDate = $date;
     if (empty($minDate)) {
         throw new Exception("Check the 'dates' parameter is a valid date.");
     // In each table, invalidate day/week/month/year containing this date
     $archiveTables = ArchiveTableCreator::getTablesArchivesInstalled();
     foreach ($archiveTables as $table) {
         // Extract Y_m from table name
         $suffix = ArchiveTableCreator::getDateFromTableName($table);
         if (!isset($datesByMonth[$suffix])) {
         // Dates which are to be deleted from this table
         $datesToDeleteInTable = $datesByMonth[$suffix];
         // Build one statement to delete all dates from the given table
         $sql = $bind = array();
         $datesToDeleteInTable = array_unique($datesToDeleteInTable);
         foreach ($datesToDeleteInTable as $dateToDelete) {
             $sql[] = '(date1 <= ? AND ? <= date2)';
             $bind[] = $dateToDelete;
             $bind[] = $dateToDelete;
         $sql = implode(" OR ", $sql);

作者:jos    项目:CGE-File-Sharin   
  * Queries and returns archive data using a set of archive IDs.
  * @param array $archiveIds The IDs of the archives to get data from.
  * @param array $recordNames The names of the data to retrieve (ie, nb_visits, nb_actions, etc.)
  * @param string $archiveDataType The archive data type (either, 'blob' or 'numeric').
  * @param bool $loadAllSubtables Whether to pre-load all subtables
  * @throws Exception
  * @return array
 public static function getArchiveData($archiveIds, $recordNames, $archiveDataType, $loadAllSubtables)
     // create the SQL to select archive data
     $inNames = Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($recordNames);
     if ($loadAllSubtables) {
         $name = reset($recordNames);
         // select blobs w/ name like "$name_[0-9]+" w/o using RLIKE
         $nameEnd = strlen($name) + 2;
         $whereNameIs = "(name = ?\n                            OR (name LIKE ?\n                                 AND SUBSTRING(name, {$nameEnd}, 1) >= '0'\n                                 AND SUBSTRING(name, {$nameEnd}, 1) <= '9') )";
         $bind = array($name, $name . '%');
     } else {
         $whereNameIs = "name IN ({$inNames})";
         $bind = array_values($recordNames);
     $getValuesSql = "SELECT value, name, idsite, date1, date2, ts_archived\n                                FROM %s\n                                WHERE idarchive IN (%s)\n                                  AND " . $whereNameIs;
     // get data from every table we're querying
     $rows = array();
     foreach ($archiveIds as $period => $ids) {
         if (empty($ids)) {
             throw new Exception("Unexpected: id archive not found for period '{$period}' '");
         // $period = "2009-01-04,2009-01-04",
         $date = Date::factory(substr($period, 0, 10));
         if ($archiveDataType == 'numeric') {
             $table = ArchiveTableCreator::getNumericTable($date);
         } else {
             $table = ArchiveTableCreator::getBlobTable($date);
         $sql = sprintf($getValuesSql, $table, implode(',', $ids));
         $dataRows = Db::fetchAll($sql, $bind);
         foreach ($dataRows as $row) {
             $rows[] = $row;
     return $rows;

作者:dorelljame    项目:piwi   
  * @param int $lastN
  * @return string[]
 private function getLastNTableMonths($lastN)
     $now = Date::factory('now');
     $result = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $lastN; ++$i) {
         $date = $now->subMonth($i + 1);
         $result[] = ArchiveTableCreator::getTableMonthFromDate($date);
     return $result;

作者:brienomatt    项目:elmsl   
private function hasEnoughTablesToReuseDb($tablesInstalled)
     if (empty($tablesInstalled) || !is_array($tablesInstalled)) {
         return false;
     $archiveTables = ArchiveTableCreator::getTablesArchivesInstalled();
     $baseTablesInstalled = count($tablesInstalled) - count($archiveTables);
     $minimumCountPiwikTables = 12;
     return $baseTablesInstalled >= $minimumCountPiwikTables;

作者:igorclar    项目:piwi   
public function performTearDown()
     // Note: avoid run SQL in the *tearDown() metohds because it randomly fails on Travis CI
     // with error Error while sending QUERY packet. PID=XX
     if ($this->dropDatabaseInTearDown) {
     \Piwik\Plugins\ScheduledReports\API::$cache = array();
     $_GET = $_REQUEST = array();
     // make sure Plugins exists in a config object for next tests that use Plugin\Manager
     // since Plugin\Manager uses getFromGlobalConfig which doesn't init the config object

作者:JoeHor    项目:piwi   
public function createArchiveTable($tableName, $tableNamePrefix)
     $db = Db::get();
     $sql = DbHelper::getTableCreateSql($tableNamePrefix);
     // replace table name template by real name
     $tableNamePrefix = Common::prefixTable($tableNamePrefix);
     $sql = str_replace($tableNamePrefix, $tableName, $sql);
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // accept mysql error 1050: table already exists, throw otherwise
         if (!$db->isErrNo($e, '1050')) {
             throw $e;
     try {
         if (ArchiveTableCreator::NUMERIC_TABLE === ArchiveTableCreator::getTypeFromTableName($tableName)) {
             $sequence = new Sequence($tableName);
     } catch (Exception $e) {




