php Piwik-Cache类(方法)实例源码

下面列出了php Piwik-Cache 类(方法)源码代码实例,从而了解它的用法。

作者:dorelljame    项目:piwi   
public function setUp()
     $this->api = API::getInstance();

作者:bossrabbi    项目:piwi   
  * @return \Piwik\Cache\Lazy
 private static function getCache()
     if (is_null(self::$cache)) {
         self::$cache = PiwikCache::getLazyCache();
     return self::$cache;

作者:bossrabbi    项目:piwi   
  * @return array names of plugins that have been loaded
 public function loadTrackerPlugins()
     $cacheId = 'PluginsTracker';
     $cache = Cache::getEagerCache();
     if ($cache->contains($cacheId)) {
         $pluginsTracker = $cache->fetch($cacheId);
     } else {
         $pluginsTracker = array();
         foreach ($this->loadedPlugins as $pluginName => $plugin) {
             if ($this->isTrackerPlugin($plugin)) {
                 $pluginsTracker[] = $pluginName;
         if (!empty($pluginsTracker)) {
             $cache->save($cacheId, $pluginsTracker);
     if (empty($pluginsTracker)) {
         return array();
     $pluginsTracker = array_diff($pluginsTracker, $this->getTrackerPluginsNotToLoad());
     // we could simply unload all plugins first before loading plugins but this way it is much faster
     // since we won't have to create each plugin again and we won't have to parse each plugin metadata file
     // again etc
     return $pluginsTracker;

作者:dorelljame    项目:piwi   
public function test_onSiteDeleted_shouldClearSiteCache()
     $cache = Cache::getLazyCache();
     $cache->save($this->siteId, 'testcontent');

作者:FluentDevelopmen    项目:piwi   
  * Called on Core install, update, plugin enable/disable
  * Will clear all cache that could be affected by the change in configuration being made
 public static function deleteAllCacheOnUpdate($pluginName = false)

作者:cem    项目:piwi   
public function test_isUsedInAtLeastOneSite_shouldCache()
     $key = '1.month.' . $this->date;
     $cache = Cache::getTransientCache();
     $this->userId->isUsedInAtLeastOneSite($idSites = array(1), 'day', $this->date);

作者:CaptainShar    项目:SSAD_Projec   
private function isUsedInSiteCached($idSite, $period, $date)
     $cache = Cache::getTransientCache();
     $key = sprintf('%d.%s.%s', $idSite, $period, $date);
     if (!$cache->contains($key)) {
         $result = $this->isUsedInSite($idSite, $period, $date);
         $cache->save($key, $result);
     return $cache->fetch($key);

作者:JoeHor    项目:piwi   
  * Returns list of search engines by URL
  * @return array  Array of ( URL => array( searchEngineName, keywordParameter, path, charset ) )
 public function getDefinitions()
     $cache = Cache::getEagerCache();
     $cacheId = 'Social-' . self::OPTION_STORAGE_NAME;
     if ($cache->contains($cacheId)) {
         $list = $cache->fetch($cacheId);
     } else {
         $list = $this->loadDefinitions();
         $cache->save($cacheId, $list);
     return $list;

作者:Govanif    项目:piwi   
private function getSpammerListFromCache()
     $cache = Cache::getEagerCache();
     $cacheId = 'ReferrerSpamFilter-' . self::OPTION_STORAGE_NAME;
     if ($cache->contains($cacheId)) {
         $list = $cache->fetch($cacheId);
     } else {
         $list = $this->loadSpammerList();
         $cache->save($cacheId, $list);
     return $list;

作者:mgou-ne    项目:piwi   
public function test_getEagerCache_shouldPersistOnceEventWasTriggered()
     $storageId = 'eagercache-test-ui';
     $cache = Cache::getEagerCache();
     $cache->save('test', 'mycontent');
     // make sure something was changed, otherwise it won't save anything
     /** @var Cache\Backend $backend */
     $backend = StaticContainer::get('Piwik\\Cache\\Backend');
     // should trigger save

作者:bossrabbi    项目:piwi   
  * Returns all language codes the transifex project is available for
  * @return array
  * @throws AuthenticationFailedException
  * @throws Exception
 public function getAvailableLanguageCodes()
     $cache = Cache::getTransientCache();
     $cacheId = 'transifex_languagescodes_' . $this->projectSlug;
     $languageCodes = $cache->fetch($cacheId);
     if (empty($languageCodes)) {
         $apiData = $this->getApiResults('project/' . $this->projectSlug . '/languages');
         foreach ($apiData as $languageData) {
             $languageCodes[] = $languageData->language_code;
         $cache->save($cacheId, $languageCodes);
     return $languageCodes;

作者:piwi    项目:piwi   
  * Returns a list of all available reports. Even not enabled reports will be returned. They will be already sorted
  * depending on the order and category of the report.
  * @return \Piwik\Plugin\Report[]
  * @api
 public function getAllReports()
     $reports = $this->getAllReportClasses();
     $cacheId = CacheId::languageAware('Reports' . md5(implode('', $reports)));
     $cache = PiwikCache::getTransientCache();
     if (!$cache->contains($cacheId)) {
         $instances = array();
          * Triggered to add new reports that cannot be picked up automatically by the platform.
          * This is useful if the plugin allows a user to create reports / dimensions dynamically. For example
          * CustomDimensions or CustomVariables. There are a variable number of dimensions in this case and it
          * wouldn't be really possible to create a report file for one of these dimensions as it is not known
          * how many Custom Dimensions will exist.
          * **Example**
          *     public function addReport(&$reports)
          *     {
          *         $reports[] = new MyCustomReport();
          *     }
          * @param Report[] $reports An array of reports
         Piwik::postEvent('Report.addReports', array(&$instances));
         foreach ($reports as $report) {
             $instances[] = new $report();
          * Triggered to filter / restrict reports.
          * **Example**
          *     public function filterReports(&$reports)
          *     {
          *         foreach ($reports as $index => $report) {
          *              if ($report->getCategory() === 'Actions') {}
          *                  unset($reports[$index]); // remove all reports having this action
          *              }
          *         }
          *     }
          * @param Report[] $reports An array of reports
         Piwik::postEvent('Report.filterReports', array(&$instances));
         usort($instances, array($this, 'sort'));
         $cache->save($cacheId, $instances);
     return $cache->fetch($cacheId);

作者:hichni    项目:piwi   
  * Setup the database and create the base tables for all tests
 public function setUp()
     static::$fixture->extraDefinitions = array_merge(static::provideContainerConfigBeforeClass(), $this->provideContainerConfig());
     Fixture::loadAllPlugins(new TestingEnvironmentVariables(), get_class($this), self::$fixture->extraPluginsToLoad);
     if (!empty(self::$tableData)) {

作者:andrzejewsk    项目:plugin-CustomAlert   
public function setUp()
     // make sure templates will be found
     if (class_exists('\\Piwik\\Cache\\PluginAwareStaticCache')) {
         // TODO remove this one
     } else {
     $this->controller = new CustomController();

作者:FluentDevelopmen    项目:piwi   
public function test_flushAll_shouldActuallyFlushAllCaches()
     $cache1 = Cache::getTransientCache();
     $cache2 = Cache::getLazyCache();
     $cache3 = Cache::getEagerCache();
     $cache1->save('test1', 'content');
     $cache2->save('test2', 'content');
     $cache3->save('test3', 'content');

作者:cem    项目:piwi   
private function getSpammerListFromCache()
     $cache = Cache::getEagerCache();
     $cacheId = 'ReferrerSpamFilter-' . self::OPTION_STORAGE_NAME;
     if ($cache->contains($cacheId)) {
         $list = $cache->fetch($cacheId);
     } else {
         $list = $this->loadSpammerList();
         $cache->save($cacheId, $list);
     if (!is_array($list)) {
         Common::printDebug('Warning: could not read list of spammers from cache.');
         return array();
     return $list;

作者:FluentDevelopmen    项目:piwi   
  * Returns all registered visualization classes. Uses the 'Visualization.getAvailable'
  * event to retrieve visualizations.
  * @return array Array mapping visualization IDs with their associated visualization classes.
  * @throws \Exception If a visualization class does not exist or if a duplicate visualization ID
  *                   is found.
  * @return array
 public static function getAvailableViewDataTables()
     $cache = Cache::getTransientCache();
     $cacheId = 'ViewDataTable.getAvailableViewDataTables';
     $dataTables = $cache->fetch($cacheId);
     if (!empty($dataTables)) {
         return $dataTables;
     $klassToExtend = '\\Piwik\\Plugin\\ViewDataTable';
     /** @var string[] $visualizations */
     $visualizations = PluginManager::getInstance()->findMultipleComponents('Visualizations', $klassToExtend);
      * Triggered when gathering all available DataTable visualizations.
      * Plugins that want to expose new DataTable visualizations should subscribe to
      * this event and add visualization class names to the incoming array.
      * **Example**
      *     public function addViewDataTable(&$visualizations)
      *     {
      *         $visualizations[] = 'Piwik\\Plugins\\MyPlugin\\MyVisualization';
      *     }
      * @param array &$visualizations The array of all available visualizations.
      * @ignore
      * @deprecated since 2.5.0 Place visualization in a "Visualizations" directory instead.
     Piwik::postEvent('ViewDataTable.addViewDataTable', array(&$visualizations));
     $result = array();
     foreach ($visualizations as $viz) {
         if (!class_exists($viz)) {
             throw new \Exception("Invalid visualization class '{$viz}' found in Visualization.getAvailableVisualizations.");
         if (!is_subclass_of($viz, $klassToExtend)) {
             throw new \Exception("ViewDataTable class '{$viz}' does not extend Plugin/ViewDataTable");
         $vizId = $viz::getViewDataTableId();
         if (isset($result[$vizId])) {
             throw new \Exception("ViewDataTable ID '{$vizId}' is already in use!");
         $result[$vizId] = $viz;
     $cache->save($cacheId, $result);
     return $result;

作者:piwi    项目:piwi   
  * Returns all registered visualization classes. Uses the 'Visualization.getAvailable'
  * event to retrieve visualizations.
  * @return array Array mapping visualization IDs with their associated visualization classes.
  * @throws \Exception If a visualization class does not exist or if a duplicate visualization ID
  *                   is found.
  * @return array
 public static function getAvailableViewDataTables()
     $cache = Cache::getTransientCache();
     $cacheId = 'ViewDataTable.getAvailableViewDataTables';
     $dataTables = $cache->fetch($cacheId);
     if (!empty($dataTables)) {
         return $dataTables;
     $klassToExtend = '\\Piwik\\Plugin\\ViewDataTable';
     /** @var string[] $visualizations */
     $visualizations = PluginManager::getInstance()->findMultipleComponents('Visualizations', $klassToExtend);
     $result = array();
     foreach ($visualizations as $viz) {
         if (!class_exists($viz)) {
             throw new \Exception("Invalid visualization class '{$viz}' found in Visualization.getAvailableVisualizations.");
         if (!is_subclass_of($viz, $klassToExtend)) {
             throw new \Exception("ViewDataTable class '{$viz}' does not extend Plugin/ViewDataTable");
         $vizId = $viz::getViewDataTableId();
         if (isset($result[$vizId])) {
             throw new \Exception("ViewDataTable ID '{$vizId}' is already in use!");
         $result[$vizId] = $viz;
      * Triggered to filter available DataTable visualizations.
      * Plugins that want to disable certain visualizations should subscribe to
      * this event and remove visualizations from the incoming array.
      * **Example**
      *     public function filterViewDataTable(&$visualizations)
      *     {
      *         unset($visualizations[HtmlTable::ID]);
      *     }
      * @param array &$visualizations An array of all available visualizations indexed by visualization ID.
      * @since Piwik 3.0.0
     Piwik::postEvent('ViewDataTable.filterViewDataTable', array(&$result));
     $cache->save($cacheId, $result);
     return $result;

作者:dorelljame    项目:piwi   
public function test_getIdSitesToArchiveWhenNoVisits_CanBeUsedToTriggerArchiving_EvenIfSiteHasNoVisits()
     // add our mock archiver instance
     // TODO: should use a dummy plugin that is activated for this test explicitly, but that can be tricky, especially in the future
     PluginsArchiver::$archivers['VisitsSummary'] = 'Piwik\\Tests\\Integration\\ArchiveWithNoVisitsTest_MockArchiver';
     // initiate archiving w/o adding the event and make sure no methods are called
     VisitsSummaryAPI::getInstance()->get($idSite = 1, 'week', '2012-01-01');
     // mark our only site as should archive when no visits
     $eventDispatcher = $this->getEventDispatcher();
     $eventDispatcher->addObserver('Archiving.getIdSitesToArchiveWhenNoVisits', function (&$idSites) {
         $idSites[] = 1;
     // initiate archiving and make sure both aggregate methods are called correctly
     VisitsSummaryAPI::getInstance()->get($idSite = 1, 'week', '2012-01-10');
     $expectedMethodCalls = array('aggregateDayReport', 'aggregateDayReport', 'aggregateDayReport', 'aggregateDayReport', 'aggregateDayReport', 'aggregateDayReport', 'aggregateDayReport', 'aggregateMultipleReports');
     $this->assertEquals($expectedMethodCalls, ArchiveWithNoVisitsTest_MockArchiver::$methodsCalled);

作者:FluentDevelopmen    项目:piwi   
private function buildCache()
     return Cache::getLazyCache();




