php Piwik-ArchiveProcessor-Rules类(方法)实例源码

下面列出了php Piwik-ArchiveProcessor-Rules 类(方法)源码代码实例,从而了解它的用法。

作者:FluentDevelopmen    项目:piwi   
public function test_purgeOutdatedArchives_Purges_WhenBrowserArchivingEnabled_AndCronArchiveTriggerPresent()
     $_GET['trigger'] = 'archivephp';
     $wasPurged = $this->tasks->purgeOutdatedArchives();

作者:FluentDevelopmen    项目:piwi   
  * @group        Benchmarks
 public function testArchivingProcess()
     if ($this->archivingLaunched) {
         echo "NOTE: Had to archive data, memory results will not be accurate. Run again for better results.";
     Rules::$archivingDisabledByTests = true;
     APIMultiSites::getInstance()->getAll(self::$fixture->period, self::$fixture->date);

作者:piwi    项目:piwi   
  * @internal
 public function setArchiveSettings($enableBrowserTriggerArchiving, $todayArchiveTimeToLive)
     if (!Controller::isGeneralSettingsAdminEnabled()) {
         throw new Exception('General settings admin is ont enabled');
     Rules::setBrowserTriggerArchiving((bool) $enableBrowserTriggerArchiving);
     return true;

作者:a4tunad    项目:piwi   
  * @group        Benchmarks
 public function testArchivingProcess()
     if ($this->archivingLaunched) {
         echo "NOTE: Had to archive data, memory results will not be accurate. Run again for better results.";
     Rules::$archivingDisabledByTests = true;
     $period = Period\Factory::build(self::$fixture->period, Date::factory(self::$fixture->date));
     $dateRange = $period->getDateStart() . ',' . $period->getDateEnd();
     API::getInstance()->get(self::$fixture->idSite, 'day', $dateRange);

作者:KiwiJuice    项目:handball-dacha   
public function __construct(ArchiveProcessor\Parameters $params, $isArchiveTemporary)
     $this->idArchive = false;
     $this->idSite = $params->getSite()->getId();
     $this->segment = $params->getSegment();
     $this->period = $params->getPeriod();
     $this->doneFlag = Rules::getDoneStringFlagFor($this->segment, $this->period->getLabel(), $params->getRequestedPlugin());
     $this->isArchiveTemporary = $isArchiveTemporary;
     $this->dateStart = $this->period->getDateStart();

作者:carriercom    项目:piwi   
public static function setUpBeforeClass()
     // Temporarily disable the purge of old archives so that getNumeric('nb_visits')
     // in _addReportData does not trigger the data purge of data we've just imported
     Rules::$purgeDisabledByTests = true;
     Rules::$purgeDisabledByTests = false;
     self::$dbData = self::getDbTablesWithData();

作者:a4tunad    项目:piwi   
public static function setUpBeforeClass()
     // Temporarily disable the purge of old archives so that getNumeric('nb_visits')
     // in _addReportData does not trigger the data purge of data we've just imported
     self::$dbData = self::getDbTablesWithData();

作者:jos    项目:CGE-File-Sharin   
public static function purgeOutdatedArchives(Date $dateStart)
     $purgeArchivesOlderThan = Rules::shouldPurgeOutdatedArchives($dateStart);
     if (!$purgeArchivesOlderThan) {
     $idArchivesToDelete = self::getTemporaryArchiveIdsOlderThan($dateStart, $purgeArchivesOlderThan);
     if (!empty($idArchivesToDelete)) {
         self::deleteArchiveIds($dateStart, $idArchivesToDelete);
     Log::debug("Purging temporary archives: done [ purged archives older than %s in %s ] [Deleted IDs: %s]", $purgeArchivesOlderThan, $dateStart->toString("Y-m"), implode(',', $idArchivesToDelete));

作者:a4tunad    项目:piwi   
public function setUp()
     // drop all tables
     // download data dump if url supplied
     if (is_file($this->dumpUrl)) {
         $dumpPath = $this->dumpUrl;
     } else {
         $dumpPath = PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/tmp/logdump.sql.gz';
         $bufferSize = 1024 * 1024;
         $dump = fopen($this->dumpUrl, 'rb');
         $outfile = fopen($dumpPath, 'wb');
         $bytesRead = 0;
         while (!feof($dump)) {
             fwrite($outfile, fread($dump, $bufferSize), $bufferSize);
             $bytesRead += $bufferSize;
         if ($bytesRead <= 40 * 1024 * 1024) {
             // sanity check
             throw new Exception("Could not download sql dump!");
     // unzip the dump
     if (substr($dumpPath, -3) === ".gz") {
         $deflatedDumpPath = PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/tmp/logdump.sql';
         // TODO: should depend on name of URL
         exec("gunzip -c \"" . $dumpPath . "\" > \"{$deflatedDumpPath}\"", $output, $return);
         if ($return !== 0) {
             throw new Exception("gunzip failed: " . implode("\n", $output));
     } else {
         $deflatedDumpPath = $dumpPath;
     // load the data into the correct database
     $user = Config::getInstance()->database['username'];
     $password = Config::getInstance()->database['password'];
     Config::getInstance()->database['tables_prefix'] = $this->tablesPrefix;
     $cmd = "mysql -u \"{$user}\" \"--password={$password}\" {$this->dbName} < \"" . $deflatedDumpPath . "\" 2>&1";
     exec($cmd, $output, $return);
     if ($return !== 0) {
         throw new Exception("Failed to load sql dump: " . implode("\n", $output));
     // make sure archiving will be called
     // reload access
     $this->getTestEnvironment()->configOverride = array('database' => array('tables_prefix' => $this->tablesPrefix));

作者:diosmosi    项目:piwi   
public function setUp()
     // drop all tables
     // download data dump if url supplied
     if (is_file($this->dumpUrl)) {
         $dumpPath = $this->dumpUrl;
     } else {
         $dumpPath = PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/tmp/logdump.sql.gz';
         $bytesRead = $this->downloadDumpInPath($dumpPath);
         // sanity check
         if ($bytesRead <= 40 * 1024 * 1024) {
             $str = "Could not download sql dump! You can manually download %s into %s";
             throw new Exception(sprintf($str, $this->dumpUrl, $dumpPath));
     // unzip the dump
     if (substr($dumpPath, -3) === ".gz") {
         $deflatedDumpPath = PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/tmp/logdump.sql';
         // TODO: should depend on name of URL
         exec("gunzip -c \"" . $dumpPath . "\" > \"{$deflatedDumpPath}\"", $output, $return);
         if ($return !== 0) {
             throw new Exception("gunzip failed: " . implode("\n", $output));
     } else {
         $deflatedDumpPath = $dumpPath;
     // load the data into the correct database
     $user = Config::getInstance()->database['username'];
     $password = Config::getInstance()->database['password'];
     $host = Config::getInstance()->database['host'];
     Config::getInstance()->database['tables_prefix'] = $this->tablesPrefix;
     $cmd = "mysql -h \"{$host}\" -u \"{$user}\" \"--password={$password}\" {$this->dbName} < \"" . $deflatedDumpPath . "\" 2>&1";
     exec($cmd, $output, $return);
     if ($return !== 0) {
         throw new Exception("Failed to load sql dump: " . implode("\n", $output));
     // make sure archiving will be called
     // reload access
     $testVars = new TestingEnvironmentVariables();
     $testVars->configOverride = array('database' => array('tables_prefix' => $this->tablesPrefix));

作者:diosmosi    项目:piwi   
  * Constructor.
 public function __construct($idSite = false)
     $this->jsClass = "SegmentSelectorControl";
     $this->cssIdentifier = "segmentEditorPanel";
     $this->cssClass = "piwikTopControl borderedControl piwikSelector";
     $this->idSite = $idSite ?: Common::getRequestVar('idSite', false, 'int');
     $this->selectedSegment = Common::getRequestVar('segment', false, 'string');
     $formatter = StaticContainer::get('Piwik\\Plugins\\SegmentEditor\\SegmentFormatter');
     $this->segmentDescription = $formatter->getHumanReadable(Request::getRawSegmentFromRequest(), $this->idSite);
     $this->isAddingSegmentsForAllWebsitesEnabled = SegmentEditor::isAddingSegmentsForAllWebsitesEnabled();
     $segments = APIMetadata::getInstance()->getSegmentsMetadata($this->idSite);
     $visitTitle = Piwik::translate('General_Visit');
     $segmentsByCategory = array();
     foreach ($segments as $segment) {
         if ($segment['category'] == $visitTitle && ($segment['type'] == 'metric' && $segment['segment'] != 'visitIp')) {
             $metricsLabel = Piwik::translate('General_Metrics');
             $metricsLabel[0] = Common::mb_strtolower($metricsLabel[0]);
             $segment['category'] .= ' (' . $metricsLabel . ')';
         $segmentsByCategory[$segment['category']][] = $segment;
     $this->createRealTimeSegmentsIsEnabled = Config::getInstance()->General['enable_create_realtime_segments'];
     $this->segmentsByCategory = $segmentsByCategory;
     $this->nameOfCurrentSegment = '';
     $this->isSegmentNotAppliedBecauseBrowserArchivingIsDisabled = 0;
     $this->availableSegments = API::getInstance()->getAll($this->idSite);
     foreach ($this->availableSegments as &$savedSegment) {
         $savedSegment['name'] = Common::sanitizeInputValue($savedSegment['name']);
         if (!empty($this->selectedSegment) && $this->selectedSegment == $savedSegment['definition']) {
             $this->nameOfCurrentSegment = $savedSegment['name'];
             $this->isSegmentNotAppliedBecauseBrowserArchivingIsDisabled = $this->wouldApplySegment($savedSegment) ? 0 : 1;
     $this->authorizedToCreateSegments = SegmentEditorAPI::getInstance()->isUserCanAddNewSegment($this->idSite);
     $this->isUserAnonymous = Piwik::isUserIsAnonymous();
     $this->segmentTranslations = $this->getTranslations();
     $this->segmentProcessedOnRequest = Rules::isBrowserArchivingAvailableForSegments();
     $this->hideSegmentDefinitionChangeMessage = UsersManagerAPI::getInstance()->getUserPreference(Piwik::getCurrentUserLogin(), 'hideSegmentDefinitionChangeMessage');

作者:carriercom    项目:piwi   
  * Returns the done string flag for a plugin using this instance's segment & periods.
  * @param string $plugin
  * @return string
 private function getDoneStringForPlugin($plugin)
     return Rules::getDoneStringFlagFor($this->params->getIdSites(), $this->params->getSegment(), $this->getPeriodLabel(), $plugin, $this->params->isSkipAggregationOfSubTables());

作者:dorelljame    项目:piwi   
  * Returns a timestamp indicating outdated archives older than this timestamp (processed before) can be purged.
  * @return int|bool  Outdated archives older than this timestamp should be purged
 protected function getOldestTemporaryArchiveToKeepThreshold()
     $temporaryArchivingTimeout = Rules::getTodayArchiveTimeToLive();
     if (Rules::isBrowserTriggerEnabled()) {
         // If Browser Archiving is enabled, it is likely there are many more temporary archives
         // We delete more often which is safe, since reports are re-processed on demand
         return Date::factory($this->now - 2 * $temporaryArchivingTimeout)->getDateTime();
     // If cron core:archive command is building the reports, we should keep all temporary reports from today
     return $this->yesterday->getDateTime();

作者:TensorWrenchOS    项目:piwi   
  * Returns the SQL condition used to find successfully completed archives that
  * this instance is querying for.
  * @return string
 private static function getPossibleValues()
     $possibleValues = array(ArchiveWriter::DONE_OK, ArchiveWriter::DONE_OK_TEMPORARY);
     if (!Rules::isRequestAuthorizedToArchive()) {
         //If request is not authorized to archive then fetch also invalidated archives
         $possibleValues[] = ArchiveWriter::DONE_INVALIDATED;
     return $possibleValues;

作者:carriercom    项目:piwi   
static function update()
     $returningMetrics = array('nb_visits_returning', 'nb_actions_returning', 'max_actions_returning', 'sum_visit_length_returning', 'bounce_count_returning', 'nb_visits_converted_returning', 'nb_uniq_visitors_returning');
     $now = Date::factory('now')->getDatetime();
     $archiveNumericTables = Db::get()->fetchCol("SHOW TABLES LIKE '%archive_numeric%'");
     // for each numeric archive table, copy *_returning metrics to VisitsSummary metrics w/ the appropriate
     // returning visit segment
     foreach ($archiveNumericTables as $table) {
         // get archives w/ *._returning
         $sql = "SELECT idarchive, idsite, period, date1, date2\n                      FROM {$table}\n                     WHERE name IN ('" . implode("','", $returningMetrics) . "')\n                  GROUP BY idarchive";
         $idArchivesWithReturning = Db::fetchAll($sql);
         // get archives for visitssummary returning visitor segment
         $sql = "SELECT idarchive, idsite, period, date1, date2\n                      FROM {$table}\n                     WHERE name = ?\n                  GROUP BY idarchive";
         $visitSummaryReturningSegmentDone = Rules::getDoneFlagArchiveContainsOnePlugin(new Segment(VisitFrequencyApi::RETURNING_VISITOR_SEGMENT, $idSites = array()), 'VisitsSummary');
         $idArchivesWithVisitReturningSegment = Db::fetchAll($sql, array($visitSummaryReturningSegmentDone));
         // collect info for new visitssummary archives have to be created to match archives w/ *._returning
         // metrics
         $missingIdArchives = array();
         $idArchiveMappings = array();
         foreach ($idArchivesWithReturning as $row) {
             $withMetricsIdArchive = $row['idarchive'];
             foreach ($idArchivesWithVisitReturningSegment as $segmentRow) {
                 if ($row['idsite'] == $segmentRow['idsite'] && $row['period'] == $segmentRow['period'] && $row['date1'] == $segmentRow['date1'] && $row['date2'] == $segmentRow['date2']) {
                     $idArchiveMappings[$withMetricsIdArchive] = $segmentRow['idarchive'];
             if (!isset($idArchiveMappings[$withMetricsIdArchive])) {
                 $missingIdArchives[$withMetricsIdArchive] = $row;
         // if there are missing idarchives, fill out new archive row values
         if (!empty($missingIdArchives)) {
             $newIdArchiveStart = Db::fetchOne("SELECT MAX(idarchive) FROM {$table}") + 1;
             foreach ($missingIdArchives as $withMetricsIdArchive => &$rowToInsert) {
                 $idArchiveMappings[$withMetricsIdArchive] = $newIdArchiveStart;
                 $rowToInsert['idarchive'] = $newIdArchiveStart;
                 $rowToInsert['ts_archived'] = $now;
                 $rowToInsert['name'] = $visitSummaryReturningSegmentDone;
                 $rowToInsert['value'] = ArchiveWriter::DONE_OK;
             // add missing archives
             try {
                 $params = array();
                 foreach ($missingIdArchives as $missingIdArchive) {
                     $params[] = array_values($missingIdArchive);
                 BatchInsert::tableInsertBatch($table, array_keys(reset($missingIdArchives)), $params, $throwException = false);
             } catch (\Exception $ex) {
                 Updater::handleQueryError($ex, "<batch insert>", false, __FILE__);
         // update idarchive & name columns in rows with *._returning metrics
         $updateSqlPrefix = "UPDATE {$table}\n                                   SET idarchive = CASE idarchive ";
         $updateSqlSuffix = " END, name = CASE name ";
         foreach ($returningMetrics as $metric) {
             $newMetricName = substr($metric, 0, strlen($metric) - strlen(VisitFrequencyApi::COLUMN_SUFFIX));
             $updateSqlSuffix .= "WHEN '{$metric}' THEN '" . $newMetricName . "' ";
         $updateSqlSuffix .= " END WHERE idarchive IN (%s)\n                                        AND name IN ('" . implode("','", $returningMetrics) . "')";
         // update only 1000 rows at a time so we don't send too large an SQL query to MySQL
         foreach (array_chunk($missingIdArchives, 1000, $preserveKeys = true) as $chunk) {
             $idArchives = array();
             $updateSql = $updateSqlPrefix;
             foreach ($chunk as $withMetricsIdArchive => $row) {
                 $updateSql .= "WHEN {$withMetricsIdArchive} THEN {$row['idarchive']} ";
                 $idArchives[] = $withMetricsIdArchive;
             $updateSql .= sprintf($updateSqlSuffix, implode(',', $idArchives));
             Updater::executeMigrationQuery($updateSql, false, __FILE__);

作者:mgou-ne    项目:piwi   
  * Runs API tests.
 protected function runApiTests($api, $params)
     $testConfig = new ApiTestConfig($params);
     $testName = 'test_' . static::getOutputPrefix();
     $this->missingExpectedFiles = array();
     $this->comparisonFailures = array();
     if ($testConfig->disableArchiving) {
         Rules::$archivingDisabledByTests = true;
         Config::getInstance()->General['browser_archiving_disabled_enforce'] = 1;
     } else {
         Rules::$archivingDisabledByTests = false;
         Config::getInstance()->General['browser_archiving_disabled_enforce'] = 0;
     if ($testConfig->language) {
     $testRequests = $this->getTestRequestsCollection($api, $testConfig, $api);
     foreach ($testRequests->getRequestUrls() as $apiId => $requestUrl) {
         $this->_testApiUrl($testName . $testConfig->testSuffix, $apiId, $requestUrl, $testConfig->compareAgainst, $params);
     // change the language back to en
     if ($this->lastLanguage != 'en') {
     if (!empty($this->missingExpectedFiles)) {
         $expectedDir = dirname(reset($this->missingExpectedFiles));
         $this->fail(" ERROR: Could not find expected API output '" . implode("', '", $this->missingExpectedFiles) . "'. For new tests, to pass the test, you can copy files from the processed/ directory into" . " {$expectedDir}  after checking that the output is valid. %s ");
     // Display as one error all sub-failures
     if (!empty($this->comparisonFailures)) {
         throw reset($this->comparisonFailures);
     return count($this->comparisonFailures) == 0;

作者:carriercom    项目:piwi   
private function handleGeneralSettingsAdmin($view)
     // Whether to display or not the general settings (cron, beta, smtp)
     $view->isGeneralSettingsAdminEnabled = self::isGeneralSettingsAdminEnabled();
     if ($view->isGeneralSettingsAdminEnabled) {
     $enableBrowserTriggerArchiving = Rules::isBrowserTriggerEnabled();
     $todayArchiveTimeToLive = Rules::getTodayArchiveTimeToLive();
     $showWarningCron = false;
     if (!$enableBrowserTriggerArchiving && $todayArchiveTimeToLive < 3600) {
         $showWarningCron = true;
     $view->showWarningCron = $showWarningCron;
     $view->todayArchiveTimeToLive = $todayArchiveTimeToLive;
     $view->enableBrowserTriggerArchiving = $enableBrowserTriggerArchiving;
     $view->enableBetaReleaseCheck = Config::getInstance()->Debug['allow_upgrades_to_beta'];
     $view->mail = Config::getInstance()->mail;
     $pluginUpdateCommunication = new UpdateCommunication();
     $view->canUpdateCommunication = $pluginUpdateCommunication->canBeEnabled();
     $view->enableSendPluginUpdateCommunication = $pluginUpdateCommunication->isEnabled();

作者:TensorWrenchOS    项目:piwi   
private function oneClick_Copy()
      * Make sure the execute bit is set for this shell script
     if (!Rules::isBrowserTriggerEnabled()) {
         @chmod($this->pathRootExtractedPiwik . '/misc/cron/', 0755);
     $model = new Model();
      * Copy all files to PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH.
      * These files are accessed through the dispatcher.
     Filesystem::copyRecursive($this->pathRootExtractedPiwik, PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH);
     $model->removeGoneFiles($this->pathRootExtractedPiwik, PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH);
      * These files are visible in the web root and are generally
      * served directly by the web server.  May be shared.
          * Copy PHP files that expect to be in the document root
         $specialCases = array('/index.php', '/piwik.php', '/js/index.php');
         foreach ($specialCases as $file) {
             Filesystem::copy($this->pathRootExtractedPiwik . $file, PIWIK_DOCUMENT_ROOT . $file);
          * Copy the non-PHP files (e.g., images, css, javascript)
         Filesystem::copyRecursive($this->pathRootExtractedPiwik, PIWIK_DOCUMENT_ROOT, true);
         $model->removeGoneFiles($this->pathRootExtractedPiwik, PIWIK_DOCUMENT_ROOT);
      * Config files may be user (account) specific
         Filesystem::copyRecursive($this->pathRootExtractedPiwik . '/config', PIWIK_USER_PATH . '/config');
     Filesystem::unlinkRecursive($this->pathRootExtractedPiwik, true);

作者:Abin    项目:piwi   
  * Runs API tests.
 protected function runApiTests($api, $params)
     $testConfig = new ApiTestConfig($params);
     // make sure that the reports we process here are not directly deleted in ArchiveProcessor/PluginsArchiver
     // (because we process reports in the past, they would sometimes be invalid, and would have been deleted)
     $testName = 'test_' . static::getOutputPrefix();
     $this->missingExpectedFiles = array();
     $this->comparisonFailures = array();
     if ($testConfig->disableArchiving) {
         Rules::$archivingDisabledByTests = true;
         Config::getInstance()->General['browser_archiving_disabled_enforce'] = 1;
     } else {
         Rules::$archivingDisabledByTests = false;
         Config::getInstance()->General['browser_archiving_disabled_enforce'] = 0;
     if ($testConfig->language) {
     $testRequests = new TestRequestCollection($api, $testConfig, $api);
     foreach ($testRequests->getRequestUrls() as $apiId => $requestUrl) {
         $this->_testApiUrl($testName . $testConfig->testSuffix, $apiId, $requestUrl, $testConfig->compareAgainst, $testConfig->xmlFieldsToRemove, $params);
     // Restore normal purge behavior
     // change the language back to en
     if ($this->lastLanguage != 'en') {
     if (!empty($this->missingExpectedFiles)) {
         $expectedDir = dirname(reset($this->missingExpectedFiles));
         $this->fail(" ERROR: Could not find expected API output '" . implode("', '", $this->missingExpectedFiles) . "'. For new tests, to pass the test, you can copy files from the processed/ directory into" . " {$expectedDir}  after checking that the output is valid. %s ");
     // Display as one error all sub-failures
     if (!empty($this->comparisonFailures)) {
         throw reset($this->comparisonFailures);
     return count($this->comparisonFailures) == 0;

作者:JoeHor    项目:piwi   
  * Runs API tests.
 protected function runApiTests($api, $params)
     $testConfig = new ApiTestConfig($params);
     $testName = 'test_' . static::getOutputPrefix();
     $this->missingExpectedFiles = array();
     $this->comparisonFailures = array();
     if ($testConfig->disableArchiving) {
         Rules::$archivingDisabledByTests = true;
         Config::getInstance()->General['browser_archiving_disabled_enforce'] = 1;
     } else {
         Rules::$archivingDisabledByTests = false;
         Config::getInstance()->General['browser_archiving_disabled_enforce'] = 0;
     if ($testConfig->language) {
     $testRequests = $this->getTestRequestsCollection($api, $testConfig, $api);
     foreach ($testRequests->getRequestUrls() as $apiId => $requestUrl) {
         $this->_testApiUrl($testName . $testConfig->testSuffix, $apiId, $requestUrl, $testConfig->compareAgainst, $params);
     // change the language back to en
     if ($this->lastLanguage != 'en') {
     return count($this->comparisonFailures) == 0;




